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Simn Bolivar
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Simon was born on July 24, 1783 in Caracas, New Granda. He was a Venezuelen military

leader, who was born into wealth; he was sent to spain fo his education. As a child they took

their money from vicn, gold, and copper mines they owned in Venezuela. Simon soon moved to

spain in 1749 after the death of his parents. After his parents death he contenuied his education

in spain, and got married to Maria Teres Rodriguez. He was instrumental in the revolustions

against the spanish empire; He was also a South Amercian solider. When simon visted home in

1803 hsi wife died from yellow fever. When napoleon named Joseph Bonaparte king of spain

and its colonies, which included Venezuela, simon joined the resistance movement. That group

had got their independence in 1810, and somin travled on a mission. Simon soon returned to

Venezuela and began a campaign to wrest control of that country from the spanish. He was later

hailed as El Libertador. Then soon after that simon wrote the famous Letter from Jamaica. He

was president of England. When he got support from Haiti, he Simon moved back home and

decided to become involed in many military battles. He has succedded most of South America in

a federstion free from spanish control. Once his mission was done, Simon returns from London

at the end of the same year. Simon enters military services, and rising to the rank of colonel he

takes a hand in the raid of Valencia under the orders of Miranda in 1811. Once his mission was

done, Bolivar returns from london at the end of the same year. Simon was a very determined and

brave person who wouldnt stop fighting until his goal was achived. Countries Venezuela,

Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Bolivia all owe their independance largely to Simon. He

began to conceive one of the most avdacious military campaighns in the histroy. He had been
operating on the eastern part of the plains of casanare. Then on June 25 they began the ascent

into the mountians. Those who made it

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To the other side were half- starved and had dropped their weapons along the way, but found a

population eager to resupply them, including simon. Simon died in Santa Marta, Columbia, after

a battle. Simon had dies at the age of only 47. His legacy can be seen in multitude of statves and

plaza squares bearing his likeness through South and North Amercia. According to the new

research the 19th century political leader, probably died of arsenic posining rather tha

tuberculosis and may have even been murdered, but this is only according to the new research.

This was all caused by drinking arsenic which have may even been entered through his body by

even drinking water. Due to the new researh they say it couldve been from the medcine they

gave simon for headaches. This researh was looked at by Venezzuela goverment.
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