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Official UCLSS 2017/18 Freshers FB page:

Official UCLSS FB page:



First off, I would like to congratulate each and every one of you for getting into one of the
best universities in the world! UCL is an amazing university to study at and you will definitely
enjoy your time here.

Studying overseas is a remarkable journey and along that journey there are many things that
you will learn and experience along the way. However, before you embark on the fun stuff,
there are a few administrative issues that you will have to clear out of your way.

To help you out, we, the University College London Singapore Society, UCLSS, have put
together some useful information to assist you in your pre-departure preparations. Preparing
for studying overseas is an arduous process, so do start on it early.

We will also be organising a pre-departure talk and a pre-departure orientation camp for all
incoming Freshers to obtain more information on pre-departure preparations and to make
new friends before heading over to London.

I look forward to meeting all of you at our pre-departure events. We have many exciting
events lined up for you to make new friends and have a ball of fun before you enter UCL so
do look out for our events on our Freshers' Facebook page!

Lim Jing Hong


UCL Singapore Society

This publication is being made available for the sole purpose of providing information for all
prospective candidates/incoming freshers studying at University College London (UCL) for the
term beginning September 2017. It shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold,
hired out, or otherwise circulated without the prior written consent of the UCL Singapore
Society in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a
similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchase. Under
no circumstances, shall any member of the UCLSS be held liable for any incorrect information
represented in this publication.

This publication would not have been possible without the support received from our
predecessors. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all parties involved in the
creation of this publication.


1. 2017/2018 UCLSS Executive Committee Contact List

2. Visa Application
3. ATAS Clearance
4. Exit Permits/ Registering with MFA
5. Accommodation
6. Financial Matters
7. Communication Matters
8. Medical
9. Upcoming Events


President Jing Hong Lim
Course Economics, Year 2
Mobile UK: +447397317118

Vice President Wei-Liang Chan
Course Law, Year 2
Mobile UK: +447508647976 | SG:+6592322450

Secretary Alvin Chan Zheng Xun
Course Geography, Year 2
Mobile UK: + +44 7508647976

Treasurer Bharat S Punjabi
Course Law, Year 2
Mobile UK: ++44 7719563124

Events Director Melissa Teh Kai Lin
Course Law, Year 2
Mobile UK: ++44 7397134781

Sponsorship Director Genevieve See
Course Law, Year 2
Mobile UK: + +44 7746798662

Creative Director Esmond Loh Fan Rong
Course Arts, Year 2
Mobile UK: ++44 7599917182

IT Director Ngan Zhao Hong Jaryl
Course Mathematics, Year 2
Mobile UK: +44 7397134806

Sports Director Kubo Yuri
Course Arts and Sciences, Year 2
Mobile SG: +65 9114 7081 UK: +44 7460705938


Below is a step-by-step guide for the online visa application (PART A) and visa appointment
/collection (PART B)


Step 1)

Fill up the online form at Submit and

print out the application form.

Please note that the earliest you can apply for a visa is 3 months before your date of travel to
the UK and you can arrive in the UK up to 1 month before your course starts (for courses
lasting more than 6 months).

a) Apply under the Tier 4 (General) Adult Students Category.

For scholars, you may apply under the Tier 4 (Sponsored) Category, taking special care not to
apply for Tier 4 (scholarship) category. Alternatively, if you had originally applied under the
general category, you can make the correction to the sponsored category manually at the
counter. If you have been advised otherwise by your scholarship officer, please follow their

b) Passport Renewal

Non-biometric passports are accepted. It is highly advisable to ensure that your passport
expires only after you have completed your degree. Otherwise, you can renew it when it
expires, but you'll have to carry two passports around because your visa would still be in the
old one.

If you choose to renew your passport, please note that the passport you are using to apply
for the visa should be the same passport as that stated on the CAS. If not, you MUST update
UCL and inform UCAS to request a re-issue of the CAS.

c) Payment for Visa Application

After making the payment, you will be sent an email informing you what to do next and what
to bring to the VISA centre. As of 16th March 2015, the application fee for a Tier 4
(General/Sponsored) VISA is SGD676.

Step 2)

Fill in the online application.

Many universities have created their own guide to the online application. You may refer to
the guide from Imperial College London*Not everything will be relevant to UCL)

Step 3)

Make an appointment with VFS (the VISA application centre contracted by UKBA) at

Step 4)
Go for the appointment at VFS visa application center

The Visa Application Center,
20 Cecil Street, #11-02 to 05
Equity Plaza (near Raffles Place MRT station)
Singapore 049705
Tel: +(65) 66929873


Step 5)

Prepare and bring the necessary documents for the visa appointment
(*As UCL is a trusted sponsor many of the following documents may or may not be
checked. Nevertheless, you are advised to err on the side of caution and prepare all of

1. Online VISA application form

2. The email that your school sent you containing your CAS number (please print a copy).
Dont be too concerned if your CAS does not have your surname, English name and
Chinese name in the right order. Just make sure that all parts of your name are

reflected and only your surname is CAPITALIZED. *Very Important*
3. VISA appointment letter (print out after booking)
4. 2 passport size colour photo with your name written on the reverse side
There is a photo booth at the appointment place but it is more expensive than
other places. A recommendation would be to go to Lavenders Immigration
Checkpoint Authority.
Ensure that in the photo you are NOT smiling and your eyebrows are NOT obscured
by your fringe
Do not paste on the form yourself, they'll do it for you
Photograph Requirements: 45 mm by 35 mm, colour) on a white background
The UK Border Agency photo guide is available at http://www.ukba.homeof- Applications
have been rejected due to unsuitable photographs.
5. Current and previous passport(s)
6. Financial evidence

Self/family funded: Copy of bank statement

If you are self or family funded, you will need to request a personally signed letter
from your bank manager with the bank letterhead, bank account number, your full
name (per your passport), date of letter, and available funds clearly stated. This is
important because if any of the following are left out your letter and your
application will be rejected and you will need to reapply all over again.

Pursuant to the UK immigration rules, new students studying in the UK for the first
time are required to show the full maintenance sum of 9180.

Bearing this in mind, the minimum sum to be shown in your bank statement can
be calculated as follows:

Minimum sum = Tuition fees for AY 2017/2018 + Maintenance (9180)

The minimum sum must a) be shown to have been maintained in the account for
at least 28 consecutive days, b) with the 28th day being no more than 1 month
before your visa application date.

For example: a) A bank statement for the 28 day period 1/08/14 to 29/08/14 must
reflect a balance above or equivalent to the minimum sum throughout this period.
b) The same bank statement is only valid as financial evidence for a visa application
submitted between 29/08/14 (the 28th day) to 29/09/14.

If you are presenting your passbook as financial evidence, please remember to
update it before getting a certified-true-copy for submission. Similarly, a passbook
updated as of 1st August will need to be submitted by 31st August.


If the funds are in your legal guardians name, you must submit the following:

Your legal guardianship documents
A signed letter from your guardian agreeing to fund your studies and
confirming your relationship

If the funds are in your parents name, you must submit the following:

Your birth certificate confirming your relationship with your parents
A signed letter from your parent agreeing to fund your studies and
confirming your relationship

On a scholarship: Scholarship letter

If you are sponsored by a scholarship body, your HR department will prepare a
letter for submission. They should know what to do.

7. Education transcripts (likely that they won't check)

Step 6)
Going down to the VFS visa application centre

1) Take the lift up to the 11th floor of Equity Plaza
2) The security guard will ask you for your appointment letter and you will have to switch off
your handphone. You'll then be ushered to the waiting room. (Waiting time will be longer
during lunch hours)
3) Once it's your turn, a staff member will look through your forms and help fill in/correct any

He/she will also ask you whether you want the following optional services:
Courier service for your passport to be sent straight to your house for $15
(otherwise, you can come pick it up yourself at the office)
SMS service for $3 to inform you of when you are able to collect your passport and

4) After that, you will be have to wait for another staff member to collect your biometric data
(photograph and fingerprints)

Step 7)

What happens next?

During the application process, your passport will be sent to Manila where the visa will be

issued. Do note that this means you wouldnt be able to travel out of Singapore during this
period. This process usually takes 5 15 days. A priority visa service is also available for $218,
where your visa will be processed within 3-5 working days. UKBA will send you an email a few
days after your application once your passport has been sent off, so watch out for that.

Unless you sign up for the SMS notification service or the courier service offered during your
visa appointment by the staff member at the counter, you would need to go to and use the Track your application" function from time to time
as VFS will not notify you when your visa is ready for collection.

To track your visa application, you have to key in the reference number on the receipt given
to you. Also, it is not merely the numbers but it includes the APET and all those slashes as

Collection is much less cumbersome than application. Just go anytime during the collection
hours (Monday to Friday 14:00 - 1600) will do. No prior appointment is required but
remember to bring your receipt!


About ATAS

The Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) was introduced in 2007, designed to
ensure that the people who are applying to study sensitive subjects in the UK do not have any
links to Weapons of Mass Destruction Programmes. (Yes, this is true! Check up the website if
you do not believe us!) If you require an ATAS Certificate, it is important for you to obtain it
as it will be part of your requirement in your visa application. Here are some useful tips in
helping to make your ATAS Application smooth and seamless.

Who needs to apply for an ATAS Certificate?

If the subject you are applying to begins with the following JACS Code:

F2 Materials Science
F3 Physics (including Nuclear Physics)
H3 Mechanical Engineering
H4 Aerospace Engineering
H8 Chemical, Process and Energy Engineering
J5 Materials Technology not otherwise specified

Your JACS code is the first two characters of your course code which you have encountered
during your UCAS application. For example, the course MEng in Chemical Engineering has a
UCAS code of H801, so the JACS code would be H8.

UCL will also include in the official offer letter whether you require an ATAS Certificate, so do
take note of that!

Items/details to have by your side when applying for an ATAS Certificate

Contact details
Passport details
Full details of all previous studies
Full details of all previous/current employment (if applicable)
Previous ATAS applications (if applicable)
Programme of study you are applying to follow in the UK (including JACS code and
research proposal)
Full names and contact details of 2 referees (First name and Family name). You must
have known both of your referees for at least 3 years. At least one must also be an
academic from your country of origin
How you will be funding your studies (self/family or scholarship)
If you are doing a taught Masters course (usually those 4 years course where you enter
as an undergraduate and graduate with a Masters) you will need details of the
optional module you anticipate taking

Applying for an ATAS Certificate

Step 1: Register for an account at
Step 2: Fill in the online application form
Step 3: Submit and print your application

Do take note that you fill in the correct information in your online application form, especially
the JACS code. If your ATAS does not match UCLs offer, you may be refused a visa.

The online application form is tied to the email address that you have provided, and the only
way to untie your email address to that form is to complete and submit that form. In the
event that you have filled in the form wrongly, you can start again with another email address.

Alternatively, you may complete and submit the form first, then register again with the same
email address (this time with the correct information). But you will have to email ATAS with
your ATAS ID number provided in your submitted form and inform them to withdraw your
incorrect application.

How long will one have to wait after submission?

It will take 20 working days (4 weeks, or sometimes more) for your application to be
processed. It is strongly encouraged to complete application early, but only after confirming
your place in UCL, so that you can apply for your UK visa in good time.

Useful websites:


Exit Permits

For those disrupting from National Service, make sure to apply for disruption early, and get
an exit permit if needed. For NSmen, you can get an exit permit online at
Apply early as there may be random checks in which you would have to submit evidence of
your overseas studies.

Call the 24-hour NS Call Centre at 1800 367 6767 and check with CMPB/MINDEF if you are

N.B. If you come back to Singapore on holiday break for more than 28 days, you will need to
renew your exit permit. The procedure will be the same as above.

Registering with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA)

Registering with the MFA will allow the Ministry and its embassies/consulates to contact you
and render assistance in case of an emergency overseas. This free, online service provided by
the MFA is completely optional, and can be obtained at:


General Information

First-years are presented with two broad choices: UCLs halls of residence, and the
intercollegiate halls (UCL, Kings, LSE etc.). UCL has a clever system in which you are not
allowed specify your desired hall of residence, but rather the characteristics of the hall that
you prefer. For example, you can indicate your preference for either a catered or non-catered
hall and the maximum price you are willing to pay for your accommodation.

Please do remember to apply before the deadline. Housing allocation usually comes quite
late, around July/August so do not panic if you have yet to receive the confirmation!

After accommodation has been successfully allocated, you should receive (via email) your
accommodation package which will include a form you have to fill in, payment details and for
intercollegiate halls, photographs to be submitted. You will have to pay a deposit which will
be refunded at the end of the lease. For intercollegiate halls, payment in full by the stated
date will give you 2% off your entire years rent.

Accommodation Guide for UCL Halls and Residences

Check out our accommodation guide on the UCLSS website for much more info.

*If you have problems viewing it, join our facebook group and download the PDF version
uploaded on the group.

More information, and pictures of The Gardens may be found at

More information and pictures of UCL Halls of Residences may be found at

Other options for renting in London/Student Accommodation

If you are independent-minded and would prefer living outside of student halls, external
housing in London is abundant and varied! There are many small flats in the vicinity of UCL,
in Camden, Holborn and Islington for rent. You may wish to live alone or with a roommate.

You can also try applying for the wait list or apply International Student Housing at or Unite Student Accommodation (slightly more expensive) at

More information on independent living can be found at

Some useful property rental websites include:

Rejections from Housing

If you have been rejected from your choice of accommodation, you can choose to be
waitlisted as there is a possibility a place might be freed up for you. Do email the residential
halls but in the meantime look for alternatives as suggested above.

Moving in earlier than stated time

Those who wish to move into their halls earlier than the contract stated date can email with the exact date in which you wish to move in. The hall will change
the contract date for you (you will be charged extra per night/week depending on hall). Also,
email your hall to check what time is available for you to check in, and also if the hall has
started catering food. For the previous years, only intercollegiate halls started catering
services whereas UCL halls did not provide food until the official move in date.

For students who are arriving with parents, to save on accommodation costs, you may wish
to sign your parents in as guests at your halls.


Cost of Living

On average, 900-1000 (including money for accommodation payment) a month should
allow you to spend and live comfortably in London.

Before arriving in London, remember to prepare your bank draft/money order/bank
statement. It is advisable to bring an adequate amount of pounds in cash to tide you over the
first few weeks while waiting for your bank account to be set up and for your bank draft to
clear. A conservative estimate for the first fortnight would be around 500. It is also useful to
bring along some Euros in cash if you plan on travelling around Europe!

Tuition Bills

The tuition bills for all courses in the year AY2015/2016 can be found here:

Please visit for more
information on payment methods for sponsored and self-financed students.

Note: Students are now offered the option of paying for their whole programme of study in
advance at the start of their first year of study with the fee level fixed at the rate of their first
year of study. Email prior to the start of the programme of study and payment
must be made in full before, or at, enrolment.

Setting up bank account before coming to London

*NOTE: more information about setting up bank account in London will be in PART TWO of
the freshers guide! This portion is about setting up a bank account in Singapore that can be
used in London.

If you would like to set up a bank account in Singapore, you have the following options: HSBC
Premier Account, HSBC Passport Account and Citibank Pound Account.

1. HSBC Premier Account

More details available at:

In brief, after setting up the account, you can set up a premier account anywhere else
in the world for free. Transfer of funds between accounts is free too. The exchange
rates are similar to those obtained via money exchange counters. However, a
substantial amount of money needs to be maintained in the account and failure to do
so will incur a heavy penalty.


2. HSBC Passport Account

Visit to find out more
about the bank account

This account can be set up before you leave for London as it does not require a
permanent UK address. However, it requires a monthly payment of 8/month for a
six month contract.

3. Citibank Pound Account

It is free to set up a Citibank pound account in Singapore but Citibank UK is a separate
entitiy from the one in Singapore and it is a huge hassle to set up a Citibank account
UK to link to the one you have set up in Singapore. Therefore it is highly unadvisable
to set up a Citibank account prior to coming.

Another option would be to set up a bank account in London and then do a telegraphic
transfer of funds. For scholarship holders, if your scholarship board has given you a bank draft
(in pounds) you may set up a bank account in London then deposit it into the bank. However,
do note that you can only set up your bank account after registration on the first week of

For more information, read more about it in PART TWO of the freshers guide.



Most students here use Giffgaff ( as it allows for free messaging and calls
to other Giffgaff users. A range of goodybag plans are available for purchase. For a 12
goodybag, you get 500 UK minutes, unlimited UK texts, 1 GB internet (4G) in addition to free
calls and messages to other Giffgaff users. For 15, you get 500 UK minutes, unlimited UK
texts, 3GB internet (4G) and free Giffgaff-Giffgaff messages and calls.

TIP: Activate Giffgaff before you leave the country

During your pre-departure talk/camp your seniors would give you free Giffgaff sim cards. It is
advisable to activate them a day before you leave so that you are able to use it once you get
there. You may set up a Giffgaff account on and purchase your package!
Your UK number will be listed on the website so that you can inform your parents about your
new number beforehand. You can also purchase airtime credits to make non Giffgaff-Giffgaff
and international calls and messages.

TIP 2: Change your network settings

Also, do note you have to change your network settings in order to use the data plan. Visit to check
the settings appropriate for your phone.

Alternative options

A wide variety of service providers are available, the main ones being Vodafone, Orange, O2,
T-Mobile, 3 and Virgin. Each has its own perks and its a good idea to do research first before
committing to a contract.

Pay-as-you-go deals are also available from most dealers, and you can top up your balance
via ATMs, vouchers from supermarkets and phone outlets. These can be especially useful at
the beginning of your stay, as like setting up a bank account, proof of address is needed to
sign a contract.

Current phone line
You can choose to either
Deactivate your phone number temporarily for a monthly fee this means you can
reactivate your SG number and continue using it back in Singapore.
Suspend your phone line

**With regard to Whatsapp, you can choose to change to your UK number (remember to ask
your friends to add you back into any groups you have on your existing number!) or retain
your Singapore number. Most seniors choose to keep their Singapore number. Locals here
do not really use Whatsapp!


Medical Check Up

Go for a medical check-up at SATA or any private clinic, telling them you are a student heading
to UK. Do remember to bring your passport along for verification. Obtain a medical report
and chest X-ray (must be in film). It is highly advisable to bring along your chest X-Ray with
you in your hand carry baggage as custom officers may request to look at it. Last year many
were concerned if this is necessary...we can only say you take your own risk if you choose not
to do so! In the event you are caught without the X-Ray with you, you run the risk of having
to do it at Heathrow Airport, which would hold you up for a couple more hours.


It is recommended that you check that your vaccinations against meningitis C and MMR
(measles, mumps, rubella) are up-to-date. These vaccinations are available at the Tan Tock
Sheng Travellers Clinic or most clinics (do call beforehand to check!). Ask the doctor for a
printed/signed copy of your vaccination records. Bring this copy of your vaccination records
along with you as they are required when you register with a doctor in the UK.

Alternatively, they are available free (upon registration with the National Health Service) at
UCLs clinic but be prepared to wait for very long hours!

Dental Services

It is advisable to get your dental checkup done before leaving for London as services here are
very expensive and are not covered under NHS.

Get your eyesight checked before coming to London as eye tests cost about 20 and making
a pair of spectacles could cost up to 50-60! Ensure you have sufficient supply of contact
lenses and solution as well as they are much more expensive in London.


To ease your transition from Singapore to London, UCLSS has put together a series of events
for you (including tie-ups with other institutions!)

More details will be released closer to the events so do join our Facebook group/check our
FB group:

UCLSS Pre-departure talk
o Venue: TBC
o Date: 22/07/2017
o Refreshments will be served
o Signup details will be released closer to the date
o During the event, we will be briefing you on the things that you need to
prepare during leaving for London, important details about settling down in
London, passing you free Giffgaff sim cards, and most importantly give you
time to talk to seniors who are taking the course with you!

UCLSS Pre-departure Camp
o Venue: TBC
o Date: 4/08/2017 6/08/2017
o Games and activities will be held to allow you to get to know your
batchmates and seniors better
o More information will be released closer to the actual date! DO NOT MISS!

Warwick Summer Games
o Held yearly in Singapore and organized by Warwick University, many UK
universities such as Imperial College London, Manchester University and
Kings and LSE will be participating
o Games include Captains Ball, Basketball, Monopoly Deal etc.
o A signup sheet will be released later for you guys to register your interest

UK Bound 2017
o Held yearly in Singapore by Imperial College London, this event brings
together students pursuing their studies in UK universities
o Mr and Miss UK will also be crowned during that night!
o Likely to be in September, venue to be confirmed

***LOOK OUT FOR PART TWO OF FRESHERS GUIDE which includes packing list, settling
down, things to eat, shop and do in London etc. !


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