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General Agility Block cates Dauntless Diving Catch Dirty Player Diving Tackle Rend Dodge Frenzy Jamp Up Kick Leap Kickoff Retirn Side Step Pass Block Sprint Pro Sure Feet Shadowing ‘Strip Ball ‘Sure Hands Tadde Extraordinary “Always Hungry Chainsaw Ball & Chain Decay Blood Lust Hypnotic Gaze Bombadier Loner Bone-Head ‘Monstrous Mouth Block ‘A player with thie doce no get ‘knocked down on a Both Down result ‘with the Mock dice Dauntless When blocking, olla D6 + STR Ifthe rescltis equal or Tower than the ‘opponents strength, the player mus block ‘sing ther normal strength. Ii higher, the player counts achaving equal strength to their opponent. Calculate this before ausit but after any other modifiers Dirty Player ‘Add 1 to any armour OR injury rol when fouling. Rend Opposing players may not follow-up ‘locks against this player, even they players Knocked Down, Frenry ‘When making a block, you must always follow up ifyou can. Ia Pushed or Delender Stumbles result is chosen, the player must immediately throw a second ‘lock athe same opponent along ae they are both sill standing and adjacent possible they mast lio fllow up this second block Ifperforming «Bitz Action they must paya square of movement and rut take the second Mock unless they Ihave no farther normal movement and cannot Go For I again, Kick the player i setup om the pitch before the hick off and not in the wide zone ot line of serimmage you may halve the ‘numberof square thatthe ball raters on alkickoff(counding down). ution Passing Sieg ipttang ieee Bree Clviclws Damp ot Gab Dilbing eee ap ely Bl nt Gln ; Ena ms Tender jaca 3 FeulAppeeice NawesofSiel ——_Migny Blow eae Pos ail Block Prebesle Tal Sie Thow Sand Fm Tents Strong Arm Twotieds hd Sl Teron tees MonsvousMowh Right St Tiety Notlnds Set Werpen Throw Team-hate Nate Rot Sub Timmer Realy stp sy Iweeping Dagger ra Tae Root Wi Asia Kickoff Return Sar Hands net on the ine of crimmage or ina You may ella fled atempto pickup tackle zone, a player may move up to thee squares after the ball as scattered ater « kick-off Theis done before rolling onthe Kick-off table. This may not be used fora touchback or be used o cro into the ‘opponents hall Pass Block ‘May move upto thre squares ifthe ‘opponent declares a pass, before any interception rules. Once declared the passing player as to make the pase. The ‘movement is considered fre (no MA is used) and must be dane legally using all ‘the normal rules and dll Pro ‘Once per turn, a Pro may reroll any dice roll hey have made other than Armor, Injury of Casualty rolls, even iftheyre Prone or Stunned if they first roll 4+ on ADs, Stadewing jeer aeenenaeeaenes peter eee ‘The opposing payer 206» MA ofthe Pre ete EEA ee at Ioinue the shadowing layers MA. Ihe ‘orl han 7 the ta vig pee tay move into the square vacate y the onporng ayer Th movement fie no Age role are made. This may be dene unlimited times prtsrn,ithere ace oul players lle to shadow nly one ape ee eiowegct aire aioe Strip Ball, ‘When blocking an opponent withthe ball ‘Pushed or Defender Stables result il ‘cause the opponent to drop the bal tothe square they are pushed into, even iftheyre the ball, Also grants immunity to the sil Strip Ball ‘Tackle Players may not use their Dodge skill if they are in your tackle zone. This counts for dodging a well as blocking, hina Catch ‘You may re-rolla filed catch or hand-off. Diving Catch You get an additional +1 to catch an accurate pas. You may also attempt 10 catch any pas, kick-off orcrowa throw in (aot a bouncing ball) that would land in an ‘empty square in your tackle zone, without leaving your square. Any fied catch will bounce fom the players square Iftwo or more players are elghle to se this sk this way then nether ar able to attempt the catch Diving Tackle e fan opposing player attempts to dodge ‘ ‘out of any of your tackle zones you may B autempt to use this skill The opposing oy player subtracts 2 from their dodge rl mm ‘Once the dagge rolls resolved but before the armour rll is made, the diving tackle player is placed proned in the square " vacated by the dodging player. Noarmour ‘or inury roll is made ths player. aM If multiple payers are eligible to use this skill only one may be used. 4 Dodge “A player may re-olla failed dodge roll axe once per tra, Additionally Defender Stumble result on the bod die only declared a Block Action, they may ake a “Move Action instead. Either vay, atthe end ofthe decated Acton, but before actually pasing, handing off or scoring. the Vampire must fed, Irthey are ‘or more Thall stunned), then choose one to bite and ‘make an Injury roll on the Thal treating any Casualty rolls Badly Hurt. The injury weil not cause a turnover unless the Thrall vwasholding the ball. ‘Once the Vampire has bitten 2 Thal the ‘Vampire may complet their Action, Failure to bite a Thal isa turnover and tequires them to feed on a spectator ~ ‘moive the Vampire tothe Reserves box if they ate sl on the pitch. KE they were hong the ball, it bounces from the square they occupied when they were removed and they wil not core touchdown if they wer in the opposing End Zone. Bombardier ‘A Bombardier who not Prone or Stunned ean throw a bomb sstead of ‘taking any other Action. This isnot a Past ction, to does not ute up the teas Pass ‘Acton forthe turn. The bora is thrown, ‘using the rules for throwing the ball (including weather effects and the ure of the Hail Mary pact), excep that the player ‘may not move or stand up before throwing ft they need time to light the fuse! Intercepted bomb passes are not turnovers. ‘Pambles or any bomb explosions that ead toa player on the active team being Knocked Down will use turnovers All sll that may be used hen a balls ‘thrown may also he used when a born is ‘throws, withthe exception of Pats Block ‘A bomb may be intercepted or caught ‘using the same rules for catching the ball, {in which case the player catching i mut throw i aguin immediatly. Thies special bonus Action that taker place ost of the normal sequence of play. Holding the ball docs not prevent a payer from «catching or intercepting (and then ‘hrowing) a bomb, ‘The bomb explodes when itlands in an «empty square or an opportunity to catch the bomb fa or is delined (Le, horas

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