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Latitude= ( N , S ) in Degree

Longitude = ( E , W) in Degree

Latitude of Qibla: = 2125.2 (N)

Longitude of Qibla: = 3949.2 (E)

1. Classical longitude = l = (Central East)

2. p=

3. q=

tan = p q

where is Direction of Qibla

1. The Direction of Qibla will be South of West and South of East if is +ve

2. The Direction of Qibla will be North of West and North of East if is -ve

Condition for longitude:-

Given In East (E) if < then l = (CE)

if 0 < < then l = (CW)

Given In West (W) if 0 < < 180- then l = + (CW)

If 180- < < 180 then l = ( + ) (CE)

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