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Acceptable Use Policy

For using the Internet, Computers

and School Computer Networks.

This policy is intended to provide staff, students and all employees of Lumen Christi Catholic
School with parameters for acceptable use of school owned or leased computers, hardware,
software telecommunications equipment, phone or network lines that are owned or leased by
the School. Telecommunications, for the purpose of this policy, is the art and science of
electronic communications at a distance (by cable, telephone, television, etc). One form of
telecommunications is the Internet, a global “network of networks.” Telecommunications,
including the Internet, offers a wide range of resources to support research and education for
both students and staff.

Staff, students and all employees of Lumen Christi Catholic School who have access to
school technology must use it in accordance with established school guidelines. The use of
software or equipment, including Internet usage for any reason, shall be only for legitimate
educational purposes including school work, assignments, research, lesson preparation or
completion, peer communications, career or college and technical school searches or job
searches, and or other information gathering or sharing as it relates to education or the
person’s job responsibilities. Uses for personal financial gain, entertainment, recreational or
purely personal uses are not authorized. Students or staff using these resources for
purposes not clearly articulated in this policy or guidelines, are required to request and
receive permission from a teacher or job supervisor. All uses shall conform to copyright
laws. The ethical, legal and practical problems caused by inappropriate use of these
resources shall be taught to all students in the school’s curriculum.

In order to ensure proper use of the Internet for educational purposes, staff shall exercise
appropriate and consistent supervision of all students using Internet resources in the
schools. Such supervision shall include:
 Specific bookmark lists and age-appropriate search engines for children at
the elementary and middle school level, and
 Both bookmarked lists and pre-planned student research requests
appropriate to assignments, as well as random and periodic checks of
recently viewed web sites by using history lists.
Lumen Christi uses sophisticated filtering hardware/software and makes every reasonable
effort to block or filter inappropriate or harmful material that is inconsistent with the
educational goals of the school. All users are required to report inappropriate materials or
materials that are harmful to minors to the principal or administrators.

Use of technology systems is a privilege which may be revoked without cause. Users of the
technology systems must file an Acceptable Use Agreement form to be granted those user
privileges. The principal or designee shall develop administrative guidelines and directives
as necessary to assist in the interpretation of this policy and guidelines.

Cross Reference: (1) Acceptable Use Agreement form for (A) employees, and, (B) students
(2) Technology Acceptable Use Guidelines
Adopted: April 2008
Technology Acceptable Use Guidelines
For using the Internet, Computers
and School Computer Networks

A. School Responsibilities
1. The principal or designee will serve as the coordinator to oversee the school
electronic communication system.
2. The principal working with a designated technology coordinator will approve
school-wide activities, ensure teachers and students receive proper training in the use of
school-related technology and the requirements of this policy establish a procedure to
ensure adequate supervision of students using the school system, maintain user
agreements, and be responsible for interpreting the School Acceptable Use Policy
including the Agreement and Guidelines for staff and students.

B. Services Provided by the School

1. E-mail. E-mail will allow employees and students (when appropriate and
necessary) to communicate with people throughout the world. Users will
also be able to subscribe to mail lists in group discussions related to
educational subjects.

2. World Wide Web. The Web provides access to a wide range of

information in the form of text, graphics, photographs, video and sound
from throughout the world. The Web is a valuable research tool for
students and employees.
a. All School employees and students will have access to the World
Wide Web (WWW) through the School’s networked computers.

3. News Groups. News groups are discussion groups that are similar to
mail lists. The School shall provide access to selected news groups upon
teacher request that relate to subjects that are appropriate to the
educational purpose of the system.

4. School Subscription Accounts. Online subscription accounts to

educational and classroom management services for students and staff
will be purchased and administered.

C. School Web Site

1. School Web Site. The School will establish a Web site and will develop
Web pages that will present information about the School. The principal
will designate who will be responsible for maintaining the School Web
2. Class Web pages. The School will investigate the use of the Internet for
individual teachers or classes or grade levels to establish Web pages that
present information about the school or class activities. Teachers may
choose to participate and will be responsible for maintaining their class
site. A process will be established for the posting of material, including
privacy protection using a secure password-protected site, and guidelines
as to what can be included in such a site.
3. Student Web page. When appropriate and with the approval of the
principal, students may establish secure, password-protected personal
Web pages via the school’s Web, or, the Internet, should approval be
granted by the principal or designate. Material presented in the student’s
Web site must be related to the student’s education and career
preparation activities. Student Web pages should include the following
notice: “This is a student Web page. Opinions expressed on this page
shall not be attributed to Lumen Christi Catholic School.”
4. Extracurricular Organization Web pages. With the approval of the
principal extracurricular or governing organizations by establish Web
pages linked to the school’s Web page. A committee appointed by the
principal will establish a process and criteria for the establishment and
posting of material. Material presented on the organization Web page
must relate specifically to organization activities and will include only such

D. Parental Notification and Responsibility

1. Lumen Christi Catholic School will notify the parents about the school
network and the policies governing its use. Parents must request
alternative activities for their child(ren) that do not require Internet access.
2. Parents and the School have the right at any time to investigate the
contents of their child(ren)’s email or document files. Parents have the
right to request the termination of their child(ren)’s individual account at

E. Specific Use Guidelines:

1. Students must have a signed Acceptable Use and Network Responsibility Form on file
with the School to login to the network and to use the Internet.
2. The School’s technology is to be used for educational purposes only.
3. On-line time must be used wisely to allow equitable access for all users.
4. The use of vulgar, suggestive, or otherwise inappropriate language will not be
5. It is a violation to share a password with anyone else.
6. Engaging in activities that are pornographic or drug related will result in automatic
termination of your network/Internet privileges. Suspension or expulsion may result
from inappropriate use.
7. The transmission of unwanted or inappropriate E-mail is considered harassment and
will be dealt with as such.
8. Forwarding mass “chain-letter” type emails or emails containing multiple pictures
places a burden on the network and is considered harassment and unnecessary.
9. The use of the School’s technology must not violate existing policies of Lumen Christi
Catholic School.
10. Chat lines, bulletin boards, forums, etc. may not be accessed by students without
prior consent of a teacher or persons monitoring the Internet use.
11. Offensive or inappropriate emails or communication outside of school between
students may be investigated if the schools operations are affected.

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