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‘OXFORD CAMBRIDGE AND ASA EXAMINATIONS. Advanced Subsidiary GCE. PHYSICS A 2822 Electrons ard Photons Thursday 17 JANUARY 2002 Afternoon 1 hour somnutes ‘ena rer Fieoriceaaltor Candidate Gandiaate Name Conia Nunbar__“Nunbae TIME 4 hour 20 minutes INSTRUCTIONS To CANDIDATES + Wtite your name in the space above. ‘+ Wie your Centre number and Candidate number in the boxes above, + Arewer all the quastions ‘+ Wate your answers in the spaces cn the quaction paper. FOR EXAMINER'S USE + Read each qucotion oavetuly and make sure you know what you aus fa have to co before stating your aster. ee (ee INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES ‘©The numer of marks is given in brackets [ ] at tho ond cf each qussticn oF part questo. ei. + You mil te awarded marks for the qualty of writen communication | where this is inticatac inthe quostion. You may use an electronic calcutatar. 74 + You are advices to chow al she clone in any calbulationa Flat 7) @ awe | + “This question paper Consists of 18 printed pages and 2 blank pages, Bee Pages un Mala ta Turn over Data speod of ightin fies spane, =3.0010% me porrneatily ef roo apace, hig x 107 Fine? parmitivty of ree space, 35 «107 Fmt elementary charae, 01.60% 10-C the Plarek constant heesaxtoJe ified atomic mass constant, us tae x 17g rest mass of election, m,=9.11 x10" Fg cet mass of poten 48710 kg molar gas consat Roost dK mel the Avogadro sonetant, Nq= 008 x 10% m0" iamatonal content, G= 687 x107'Nn ssccoieraton ef tee fal o-oatmst Formutae uniformly accelerated motion, roftactive incon, cepacitors in sete capacitors in paral capacitor cischaroe, prosoure of an ideal gas, radioactive cecey, citcal density of mater the Universe, relat acto, current, ructar radius, sound intonsity lev. ee uteda? W208 ant ie oat C= G46 ane Po* eG Tum over 4 Anguwer all questions, (a) Electric eurrent i tho flow of charged paticiae. Nato tho chargod! particle respencibio for elottic current in 0) ameta, ~L {il)_an electrolyte (conducting solution). ft] (©) Name the nwo quartives requried t calculate the electrical resistance of 2 canponent inan electic cuit, 1 is 2 paid aca a [e} digital watch uso a 4.3V cell. tdolvera a charge of 6506 at © constant rate dung its lietne of 1.6 107s. Calculate (the current delivered ay the cel At All) tho resistance of the electical circuit inthe watch, resistance =. 2 (2) 5 ra I) tho total number of electrons passing through the cel! dung Its Wetine of 18 x10"s. uinvor = a (ota 113 eee Turn ever ° 2 {@) OnFig. 2.1, shatch the HV cheractoristes of + mstallc conductor at constent temporctire + afilament lamp + asemiconductna diede 1 1 | OT . %G v °9 Fig, 2.1[a: Metaitc conductor Fig. 24Ub): Filament lamp of + | Fig, 21f6): Somicencucting doce i) () (inthis question, marks re avilable forthe quality of witten aemmurication) Explain in terms cf resistance, tho shape othe #¥ graphs in Fig. 21a) Fig 2.1 (0) Fa.21 0) wa (otal: 19) [Tum over Bs 3 (a) Fig. 81 shows the circuit symbol fer a particular component A Fig 31 Name tho component and state how is reietanco change as the temperature af the omponent io ineracaed! el ©) Fig. 3.2 chowe o potortia-dvider circuit. The batlery has negligible intemal sistance arid he volmeter has very high resistance. ern Fig.82 (Ata particutartomporature, the esistanes of component xis 4.2 M, Calculate he votirotar reading. voltmeter reading va ite 2 fe (i) State now your answer to (6) changes when the teriparature ofthe component Xis increased. Teta 6] {a} Define aloctrical ris. (b) Fig. 4.1 shows a ccnducting paint in a cytracal glass vest vessel {conducting paint | — crass-sextional basa Fig. “The volume ofthe paintis 1.2 « 10-* and the vessel has base of arse 80x (0 “i? (Show thatthe height Ao the pele column is 4 Oom ul i Turn ever 10 | ser 4). Caleulate the resistance cf the paint cclumn ot naght 4.060, The resistivity of tho pairt a 80> 1020m resistance eoeneRL| {@) State and explain iow your anwar to (HY changes when the same volume of pant ie poured ino a cyiictical guss vessel having a base of double the cross-sectional | a | Coat 7 | 15 fa) A student solders two resistors together as shown in Fa S.1 50 ape. 1a | Fig. 64 Gy vier be wo venir econo In 2 es o = est | combination | " : (0). Show 1 te total resisiance of she combiraton of rositors is 0.60. al (@) Fic, §:2 shows tne soldered rsistors ‘ram (a) connseted acrass the terminals of ool, 1sv osu” | soldered resietrs seo) Fig. 5.2 The od hes intend fsiiance 980 and emt 1.54. | (Dane ems in wrns of energy transformed! and electric charge, a | (i) Suggest why 2 callhas intemal resistance "1 Gli) Calzuiate the total resistence Mot the ovutin Fig. 52 | a oe sens [Tura over ‘2 few (0¥) Hence calculate the curent Fn the circu s aR (©) 1. White an equation for the power dissipated by a cument-sarrying resistor 2, For the clrcut in Fig. 5.2, caculeta the rato Powe: issinated by intemal esisiance power despated by total sx¢amal rosietance al tal 14] 8 (2) Expain wny a compass needle placed very dose to a wire may dellect when the ‘currant inthe wire is switched on, (6) Fig. 6.1 showe a eroce seotion of « current serving conductor ___eutont-carning conductor (urront cut ot plane 0! page) Fig.64 (On Fig, 6.1, draw the magnetic fot pattrn ‘31 (o} Tho magnets tux density Ba! a paint ie detinod in exme ofthe equetion a leortity the syrnbols inthis equation. F seas Tum over eas () Fig 62 shoms a cumrentcarying metal cod that can rol freely on two pavalel metal rail, The rod # alright angles to tho magnatic fl Ines. metal rails Fig. 62 (Determine she direction of the force experianced by the ‘od. Explain how you eterned ths diction, al (W) The current in the motel rod is 2.0. and t has a tenath 3.0m between the two rela rails, Calculate fe forea experianced by the metal od given the magnetic fun cory ie 18 10-"T, force = ant = al [Toat 12) 8 7 {@) Stato two features common fo all types of radiation Inthe electiomegnetic specu, {(b) A radoacive material emits photons, each having an eneray of 10 MeV. (Explain wnat is meantby & photon. 1m Show tat the energy of each photon is 1.6210". Ee] (ii) Colculate the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation emitted oy the radioactive matsral Irequeney = oo a = Turn over a8 antes (iv) Caculato the wavelength 4 ot the radiation, a mpl (9) Stato the princinal une of electomagntic ralation emit! ty the material i iri i" otal 12] 8 Fy. 61 shows an Btlatod zine plate expored to weak uta Vole (U0) Hight. it electons Fig.81 ‘Tha Uv ight ealses elecrens to ba emited from the surfacs ofthe plate 0). Name tis phenomenon 0 (8) italy the plote is neutral in charge. State and explain the effec cn the charge of he plat as the zinc plate 1s expesed to the Ui. wo W {e} State and explain the effect on the rate f emission of electrons when the intensity of tho wx. Ioht s incrensed s istic stoic [dj Ira databook, tho werk funstion energy of zinc ie quoted as 4.24 eV, Explain whet meant by work function energy (16 calculations ate necessary) u Tota: 6] {in this question, marts are avaliable forthe qually of witten communication.) According la wave-partce dually, an aloctron can atherochaye asa wave cr as.a pitts Dosatibe the behaviour which supports thie dual nature of alecren Wave behaviour... es si Turn ever 18 Faicle behaviour . [Total 8 (awe: 4]

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