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oc et OXFORD CAMBRIDGE AND RSA EXAMINATIONS ‘Advanced Subsidiary GCE PHYSICS A 2822 Electrons and Photons Frcay 31 MAY 2002 canaiea Ganddate Name conve Number Number TINE 1 hour INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES + White your nama ia sho epace abov. + Wite your Centre number and Candidate number in the boxes above + Angwer all the quossions. + Wite your aneware in tha spacas on the question panor + Read each question cavetlly and make sure yOu Know what you. have to ce neloce stating your ane. FOR EXAMINER'S USE au | tae. [tone INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES = +The murber of rake is given in brackets [ ] atthe end of exch -_} ‘question or part queston. 2/5 + You wil be awarcoc racks forthe quality of weten communication | 34g whore ths 6 indieatad in the question. I + Yeu may use an clostronieoalculator a? + Yeu ate advised to show all the steps in ay caleulatons, Be rte | awe | 2 roma | 0 "This question paper consiets of 16 printed pages so Chay tao 8 Tum over Data speod of ightin fies spane, =3.0010% me porrneatily ef roo apace, hig x 107 Fine? parmitivty of ree space, 35 «107 Fmt elementary charae, 01.60% 10-C the Plarek constant heesaxtoJe ified atomic mass constant, us tae x 17g rest mass of election, m,=9.11 x10" Fg cet mass of poten 48710 kg molar gas consat Roost dK mel the Avogadro sonetant, Nq= 008 x 10% m0" iamatonal content, G= 687 x107'Nn ssccoieraton ef tee fal o-oatmst Formutae uniformly accelerated motion, roftactive incon, cepacitors in sete capacitors in paral capacitor cischaroe, prosoure of an ideal gas, radioactive cecey, citcal density of mater the Universe, relat acto, current, ructar radius, sound intonsity lev. ee uteda? W208 ant ie oat C= G46 ane Po* eG Tum over 4 cuninre Answer all questions (a). Fig 4.1 show the sleotremagnetic spectrum, viaibie = Isl B | microwave | rediowaves 1 + increasing wavelength A Xeays Fig. 1 Inthe spaces of Fig. 1.2, enify the pincipal radiations A and B and suggest a typical value for ther wavelength 4. prhcipal edition aim : Fig.12 a) (b) State two features common ip al ypes of radiation in tie eeetromagnete spectrum, (Total: 6) 2 (a) () Setowhat is meant by elastic current mH p) A mobile phone & connected to a chaiger for 800s, The chetgor delivers 2 emaiart cerrent 350A during this interval. Calculate the total charge Supple to the rile plore. charge = (0) Fig. 2.1 shows a resietor connecied i a ds. supply. a — Fig. 21 - ‘On Fig, 2:1, indioate the araction ofthe wiscron flew in tho oreu. ao} (owl: 5) (Tur over 3 8 () The leciinal resistance of a conducting wire depends on @ number of ‘actors, Complete the sentarce below. ‘The rasisiance of a wires dest proporinal ts. 1 apd inworsoly proportional to its It also deperes on the type of used for he wire ard on its ) (B) Fig 31 shows the dimensions of a pencil ead. ~\} diameter pena xa fe ae 10mm Fig. 31 ‘The lead is rrade of a material of esiotivty 80 x 10°80, (i) Caleuiate the resistance of te pencil lead resistance = ow ‘A.shident connests the ends of the pencil lead to a dc. supply. The potential GHtoreace ocrone tho onda ig 12V Calculate the currentin the pene lead courent = oA BY rota 19) 7 R 4. Fig. 41 shows an electrical cicut fot a small dryer usedito Blow warm air ao mmator and fan et sen (ame ax . a cooly. ae care Fig.4 | may be asoumed that oaib X and Y havo constant resistances of 200 and £00. respectively. The 12V supply has negligibie internal resistance. (0). Caleuians tho total resistence of the cult wth both switches closed resistance now BDL (b) Calouaye tho power dissipated by the coll Xwith only switch A closed, OWE = see unit - 1 ota 71 anes [Tum over 5 @ e Ii) Place a tick (Y) in the box for ar ternative uni forthe weit sot n {li) The statement Detow is that for Kichhtf's second law. ‘The algebmc sum ofthe 8 m.fs around 2 op ina circuits equal to tne sigetvec 200 ofthe dle atound to Toop. Fg. 5.1 shows an ectical cet | av Fig. 84 Use tris aw to deterring the pa Y, Mec vial (®) Fig. 52 shews a potential divider ciruit Fig. 5.2 ‘Tho voltmeter has a very largo resictanoe and the battery Mey be assumed to have: negigible internal vesstance. For a particular tensity of fioht, the resistance of the LDH is 2.4 441, Tne variable ‘ooletr i set on te maximum resistance ol 4.70. (i) Galculate he reaaing on he votrnet volkmater reacing = val lit) State now the answer to (iC changes when the ight mtensity 1s decreesed. ‘fi [otat:7] asane (Turn over cit same 6 (0) Fig 6: shows a cal connacod to toinale on a plas box Whon the entch S {load a magnet fldplten shown ls detected around the box Plastic boe Fig.6.1 Slate whats insce the box fet produces this fed pattern, " (©) Fig 6.2 snows 2 mire placed at aight angles to a ragnotis eld. The wire rasts on to metal supports wire field into plane of paper rrotal suppot Fig. 62 “The longi of the wire bewveen tho supports is 4.Scm, and this langth has weight 6.0.x 10°2N. The current in the wre is slowly increased from zero untl the wire starts to iftof tho mot eupport 1" ‘Calculate the current Jin the wire. The magnetic fux density is 0.26 the Earth's magneto fet a t Awl {¢), Stqgest why the overhead cables forthe National Grid cannot be Fesly supported ty (Tova: 6) sewn Turn over “ | eraraars (2) State the de Broglle equation. Deine any syrnbais uced. i i oe eo (@) Outline the vidonco fortbeliving that electrons behave lke weves. | ie a| {e) High speed elections may be ced to probe ince atomic nucle oer ll 18 (i) Exprain now your answer o (ex) weuld change for 4. arneutvon of tha sama memantum 2. an election of half he momentum, Turn over 4 eal In tis queston, 2 marks wit ne avalable lor tho quably of writen communication ‘Accorting to wawe-paricis dualtyelectiomagnelic radaton ear either behave as a wave ‘oF es a photon (which exhibte parte liko bohaviour| DDeseriba the behaviour which supports this dual nature of elentiomagnelic diatom. | Wave behaviour: Pariclethe behaviour: Teta 6} Quality of Writer Cormurication 2]

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