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Student: Ben Grossfuss INTERNSHIP SITE: LC

Faculty Supervisor: Hedrick Site Supervisor: Jon Waters

Semester: Spring 2017 Number of Credits: 3

Dates Covered for report: Number of hours worked (week): 70 Hours

What were the interns primary responsibilities?

So far this semester my primary duty as an intern has been facilities and event management. I
have attended pretty much all athletic events this semester and worked as Waters and his
assistants right hand man. Anything they need from setting up, to taking down, to enforcing
rules on the sidelines, I have been there to help.

What Planning and/or Preparation activities went into the responsibilities?

Each week I speak to Waters about what needs to be done. I am also included in the master
schedule of the athletic department where I am free to sign up for any event I am available to

What difficulties or problems did the intern need to overcome? What strategies/decisions were

There have not really been any major difficulties so far this semester as the weather has not
been as bad as last year.

What did the intern learn during this period?

This past weekend I had the opportunity to help run the Dr. Toms Track Invitational. My duties
began at 7:30 in the morning directing the bus drivers to the correct parking lot, and moved to
driving around campus delivering food to workers, selling merchandise, and ending the day at
6:30 cleaning up.
Were any tasks or responsibilities repetitive from previous reporting periods?


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