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Student: Ben Grossfuss INTERNSHIP SITE: LC

Faculty Supervisor: Hedrick Site Supervisor: Jon Waters

Semester: Spring 2017 Number of Credits: 3

Dates Covered for report: Number of hours worked (week): 20 Hours

What were the interns primary responsibilities?

For the last couple of weeks, I have done a lot of work with LHSN as well as Jon Waters. I helped
out with filming and keeping score during the last couple of home baseball series, as well as
helped run Senior Night for the Mens lacrosse team. I also helped Waters set up and run Percy
Abell Day honoring the head baseball coach as he retires from the sport. This past weekend I
worked for a few hours helping to set up Turner Gym for this Mondays LC Sports Awards show.

The last few Internship hours I will be working are going to be tonight running the LC Sports
awards show. I will be there with Waters to help out with anything need to be done in order for
the event to go as smoothly as possible.

What Planning and/or Preparation activities went into the responsibilities?

Coordinating back and forth with Waters through text and email, as well as meeting in his office

What difficulties or problems did the intern need to overcome? What strategies/decisions were

The only difficulties I have faced this period were making sure I had people to help me set up the

What did the intern learn during this period?

What it takes in order to run an awards show for our entire athletic department.
Were any tasks or responsibilities repetitive from previous reporting periods?

Site supervising

Add further comments on separate page if needed.

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