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(OXFORD CAMBRIDGE AND RSA EXANINATIONS. ‘Advanced Sutssidiary GCE PHYSICS A 2822 Electrons and Photens Fray 6 JUNE 2003 Ateemaer show ado ME thou INSTRUCTIONS To CANDIDATES + Write your name in the space abo = Write your Cantee umber and Candidate number nthe boxes above. © Answer all the questions. + Write your anewers inthe seaeos on the question paper: ised each qusstion carefully and make sure you know what you hava to do before stating your anawer INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES = The number of marke = given in brackets [Jat the end of each {question or pat question. © You will be aware marks (or the quailty cf witten communication nore this ip ineatod in he question = Yournay use an electronic calculator, © Youale acvised 1 show all he stops in any calculations FOR EXANENER'S USE Ou, Ma Marke a]. a] ae el] oe roraL| «0 Fie question paper consis of printed pages and ¥ blank page An easton chamynerane seb [Tum over Data speod of ightin fies spane, =3.0010% me porrneatily ef roo apace, hig x 107 Fine? parmitivty of ree space, 35 «107 Fmt elementary charae, 01.60% 10-C the Plarek constant heesaxtoJe ified atomic mass constant, us tae x 17g rest mass of election, m,=9.11 x10" Fg cet mass of poten 48710 kg molar gas consat Roost dK mel the Avogadro sonetant, Nq= 008 x 10% m0" iamatonal content, G= 687 x107'Nn ssccoieraton ef tee fal o-oatmst Formutae uniformly accelerated motion, roftactive incon, cepacitors in sete capacitors in paral capacitor cischaroe, prosoure of an ideal gas, radioactive cecey, citcal density of mater the Universe, relat acto, current, ructar radius, sound intonsity lev. ee uteda? W208 ant ie oat C= G46 ane Po* eG Tum over 4 ex Answer allthe questions, 1. (@) Stete two man leatures of electromagnetic waves ‘21 (©) A mebilo tolephore company tansmts miciowave aignals fo ar ompiting satelite at a Fequency of 10% 108 Hz. Calculate the wavslangin ct ne microwaves x . ni (©) Svante ne venir o te unnese. cace as cos by ver ser wnat | ectromagnetc waves, mainly inthe form of pays. Stale a typical value fer he wavelength of rye. mets im | (otal 6) ™ fe 2A simple cell may be construciad hy inserting inlo a trash lomen two olocircdes made from ailforont motals. Tha juice of he lernon acs as an electrolye (conducting ligul), Posive ard! iegalie ions witia the lotion move lovaras ne metal électodes, ig. 2.1 shows such ‘alemon-cal thas an emo! 132V and car provide enoug) electrical enoray to acivate s Aigital choc for mary days doe electiode Fig.24 (2) On Fig 21, inccate with an arrow the direction in which negative charge moves within the lamon. i (©) The lemoroall's capable of providing a steady currert at 12mA to gh) days 169 «10% 5) Calculate (i) te charge passing through the close during eight dey harne = (i) she power dolverastby tho lemon cal pwver = unit 8) (row 7) nse Tum over 6 3 (a) Calculate the (olal resistance botween tha points X end ¥ for the circuit shown in Fg.3 1002 [Jeo []200 Fig 34 resistance ~ op) 7 ee {(b) Inthe question, one merk is avalable forthe qualty of writen communication A simple etectrical shermemeter circuit used to mont the terpersture ofa water bath is shown in Fig 42 |e Fig.92 ‘The ammeter and she battery both have neqiqibe iniemal (esistancas. The vatimerer connected across the nagatve temperature coetficien (NTC) rermistor has an infinite resistence. Dscuss haw each meter responds to a nerease in he temperature ofthe water (a) uaity of Witten Communication (1) [Total 8) 4 o 4 Fig. 4.1 shows @ car baller of & m., 12V and internal resistance 0.014. connected to the Starter mator of a car Whon the cat engine is haing started, the car battary provides a ‘utrant of 16DA tothe earler motor copper one 1608 bopper startor motor cable Fig. 4.1 (@) Show thatthe pd. aoroes the internal rsictanea ie about 2.2. (©) Deserrine the terminal pe soroes the battery, nd = vi 3 & (0) The cables connecting ne batery to the starter motor have total length 88m ard |“ siamatar 2.0m () Show mat re coss-sectonal aren of the cable is 6.0. 10°8 m2 a “The cables era rade from copper of resstvty 1.7 « 10 2m. Calouate the tral resistence ofthe cables, ‘esietance = 23) (Gi) Saale ard eaplain Pow your answer to (ey) would change itre cable had nail He length bu sales the clametor a Total 8) aaa Turn over » frase | is question, one mari avatatte for te quality of wrtten communication = Draw a cieut diagram to stow how a lightdependent resistor @ voltmeter, a variable Faeior ane a call may be used @ petontal divider ciraué to montor ehangea in tho ight Intensity nthe laboratory Explain the opetavon of yout cult and suggest a reason for using a variate resister, " I cy Ovalty of Vietten Communication (1) {Total 9} Tum over ” loan (a) Fig. 61. shows the magnetic field paler for a curentearrying conductor plaved tualwaen she poles ora parmanart magnel ‘euront carrying eonducor Fig. 6.4 (State the arestian of tne current n the Conductor, i (i) On Fig 61, mark with a cross (X) a point between the poles ofthe magnet where she magnate feldia woekeat, im (©) Like the Earth, tne piano! Jupiter nas ts owe rragnotic ot A sara spapecraftorbling Junie records a try loce of 3.0» 10° N experienced ona 2.7m long eondustor. The conductor caring currant of 20DmA and ie at right angles 1b the magrete fet Deieimine tho magntusle ot the magnetic x cersty & at tne postion ot the spacecrat 6: unit ro} Tata: §) 0 {a} In atomic and nuceear physics, the electronclt (eV) 1s @ sorwerient unit of energy Dofine one eectrorvalt and state is value in aules, ry {(b) Insertthe missing words in He following paseage describing some impertan’ aapocte ot tie photeleeticetlect, In the photoolcrs ofct. a shale ghoton interacts wit singe eeron at the surlase of the Metal In this ‘neteston {5 conserved, Albert Ensieh surmmarsed ths ieeanivi tet ha tow lc puting oblon = 8 Bi ig? wheres the enesay of the 6 is te work | fonction energy dif rnlaiand Pigg asin nok (3) fadialn of waveleoghh 32x 107M, elbevens of negligible kinetic energy are Feleas20 trom ne mera (i) Calenite he work unetion enovgy ef te metal in cuss andin elactonvetts (eV), ‘work fureton energy = r work function energy = ev (il) Describe the eect on the electrons when the incidert radiation is of tongor ssevelength eta 11 “ 8 In 1904, Prince Louis de Brogle suggested that all moving partickss demanstrate wave: tike behaviour. @) State thede Brogte equation ane datine all he symbols 2 {(D) Neutrons may bo usd to study the alorric structure af matter Difacton efcts are noticeable when the de Eregle wavelength of eneurone is comparable te the Spacing botwoon the ctome Tie spacing is ypiealy 2.8 = 10-7 m. () Suggest why using neurons may be preferable to using electrons wien investigating metter m ) Calculete the speedy of a neuiren having a de Brogie wavelendth of 28.10"! The mass o| a nautean ie 1.7 «0% kg, ve ms (a) [erat €]

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