Verbal Feedback Report

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Verbal feedback from FE Commission Stocktake Visit

10-11 May 2017

Present: Gagan Mohindra (GM), Marilyn Hawkins (MH), Beri Hare (BH),
Bob Smith (BS), Saboohi Famili (SF) (Notes)
Feedback session started at 13:00
MH explained that this short verbal feedback will not be concentrating on the
positives that were observed during the visit and will purely concentrate on the
recommendations that are to be put in the report. She acknowledged that there
has been significant progress observed by all three advisers and explained that
herself and BH focused on Governance, BH also focused on Quality Improvement
and BS reviewed the finances. MH explained that at this meeting they will each
take turns and will suggest 2 or 3 recommendations they feel will make it to the
final report. MH explained that the report will not be published publicly. She
added that also because of purda and each contemplation and decision about
the report and the letter that will follow will be looked at individually.
Consideration will also be given to the national processes and she explained that
some publications and such matters are known to have been paused.
MH explained although the report will not be publicly published, it will be used as
a mechanism to by the government agencies and the FE commission as a
stepping point along the way to assess the Colleges progress. MH explained that
the next visit will probably be in early September as the team feels that by that
point there will be more concrete evidence about leaner outcomes to inform
evaluation on progress and impact.
MH added that the FE Commissioner will be interested in what the Ofsted RMV
report has to say and although both agency and the College have received
informal indication of the judgement, we are all aware that such report is subject
to moderation and such mechanism may alter the evaluation. She explained that
recommendations made by the FE Commissioner are not intertwined with Ofsted,
however will take into account their findings, as such this may mean that the FE
Commissioner Stocktake visit report may not be sent to the college until Ofsted
RMV report is published.
MH then proceeded to offer her recommendations and explained that the
language of the recommendation and report might change, she also added that
when the report is prepared there will be a review of the tone and language by
civil servants to ensure there is a commonality of phrase nationally. She said it is
expected the report to be a short one around 8-9 pages.
Recommendations by Marilyn Hawkins - Focus on governance
1- It is recommended that the College continue to review its clerking services
to ensure that the roles and responsibilities of the clerk, chair and principal
are sufficiently clear and distinct
2- The board should give sufficient regard to the performance management
of the senior staff
It was explained that clerking services remains a concern and due to pressures of
work some boundaries are blurred. It was acknowledged that the College has
moved forward and that improvement in the clerking arrangements are
It was explained that in December/January there was a huge doubt about the
capability of the senior team, some of which are still part of the senior
management structure. Although such posts are not senior post holders the
board will benefit from seeking assurance that all senior staff are performing
well. MH explained that from what she has seen, it is clear that staff are being
managed well and perform well. However, this oversight from the governors will
be important to be considered on a regular basis.
Recommendations by Bery Hare - Focus on governance and quality of TLA
3- Governors should reflect on college KPIs and ensure they are realistic and
achievable and online training on the new College action planning system,
covalent, should continue to ensure there is an understanding of the
data and progress.
4- The College should continue to improve the quality of TLA, ensuring
action plans for staff improvement result in desired improvement and that
they are sufficiently detailed
5- The College should continue to closely monitor student attendance and
punctuality specifically with regards to English and Maths.
6- The College should ensure that mechanisms to assess effectiveness of
CPD is further developed
MH added that it is evident that the governors have much improved access to
the data and that there is notable change in the use and effectiveness of the
processes and information. She added that there is clear evidence that a lot of
good work has been done and this is encouraging.
Recommendations from Bob Smith - Focus on Finance
7- College should review its internal audit arrangements and the audit plan
for next year to ensure all relevant college risks are covered
8- The college should review and produce a recovery plan that takes into
account quality matters as well as financial stability. It should also be tied
in with the SPA process and cover elements around:
a. The board to set a financial strategy with clear expectations for
setting the budget and recovery assumptions
b. Due regard to be given to the Colleges bank covenant
c. Due regard to be given to the outgoing cash
d. Due regard to be given to the timeline of recovery with a view to
shorten the period of returning to breakeven and surplus
BS explained that he has seen the improvements made to the risk register and
may change his recommendation when he receives further evidence he
requested from May Dare with regards to the reviewed Internal Audit Plan.
GM thanked the team and asked if they could give their professional views on
how the college is doing.
MH said that she would like BH to respond to this because herself and BS are
very involved with the work of the College and it is more appropriate for this view
to be given by someone who has not been involved in the College and is new to
the review of the organisation.
BH explained that it is very clear that certainly since Phil Hall has been in post as
the Deputy Principal Learning and Standards and to some extent Sara McCann
more recently, the pace of improvement has dramatically increased. There is a
clear vision and understanding of priorities and a good knowledge on how the
college is doing. BH continued to clarify that during this visit the scope has not
allowed further investigation to evaluate the impact of such improvements on
the ground and the layer below the senior and college leadership team.
She added that it is clear that minutes of college management meeting, team
meetings and learning areas are closely monitored. Phil Hall demonstrates a
good knowledge about individual students and it is very apparent that the pace
is quickened. BH felt that the targets are too ambitious and that considering the
retention rate these may not be achieved and explained why she has
recommended for the board to review the KPIs to ensure there are realistic
expectations. From what was seen, there are clear signs that the College will
make improvement and outcomes for learners will be better. She added that it is
hoped that in two years time we all will be looking at a much improved outcome
for learners.
MH added that from her point of view it is a strength that firstly the board
colleagues recognise they were not as good as they needed to be in the past and
they are behaving better and are more focused. Secondly, despite the rapid pace
of improvement, staff and students maintain a very positive feeling.
GM asked if we can do anything else and colleagues responded that they have all
the information they need. GM said that the promised papers of the Board
meeting will be sent to Marilyn via post. MH said that she is apprehensive for this
to be the case and she will consider if she needs these to be sent when she
reviews the series of emails the clerk had sent her in early hours of today.
SF thanked colleagues for their time and explained that in view of their Ofsted
RMV she has sought advice from experts in the sector and has been told that the
change of evaluation from Reasonable to Significant improvement to a
judgement of insufficient is highly irregular. She explained that the expected
process of having a conference call to go through the requested evidence was
not followed and that the College is referred to follow the process of complaint
and moderation after the report is sent back for factual accuracy check. SF
explained that consistency remains a key issue for the College and that the
college does not dispute the judgement on TLA, however there are clear
improvements since the original Ofsted visit in November and subsequent RMV
monitoring visit in January 2017. These show that the college has taken action
that already is having a beneficial impact on learners, and improvements are
sustainable and are based on our thorough quality assurance procedures. In light
of the RMV verbal report, the College will focus its Support and Challenge visit
planned for 20 June 2017 to ensure all actions result in positive and beneficial
impact on learners.
GM thanked the FE Commissioner team.
Meeting ended at 13:20.

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