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Activity 2 Self-Assessment

Name: Matt Davies-Morris

Date: 4/27/17 Anticipated Grade Second Semester: B

Please give evidence from your work in the appropriate box by each outcome that best represents
your level of achievement.

Learning Outcomes Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Demonstrates Partial Demonstrates Demonstrates Deep
Command of Knowledge Sufficient Command of Command of
and Skills Knowledge and Skills Knowledge and Skills

Reading Rhetorically Outcomes: Give evidence from your portfolio to support your response.

1. I am able to cite strong As Chris went to

and thorough textual Alaska [he] moved into
evidence to support the abandoned bus on
analysis of what a text the Stampede Trail
says and implies.

Not only did he move

into an abandoned bus,
the trail, isnt even
marked on most road
maps of Alaska(5).

2. I am able to analyze Alex? Gallien

and evaluate the responded, fishing for
effectiveness of the a last name. Just
structure an author uses Alex(4). Here, Chris
in his or her exposition or
is cutting himself from
any real personal
relationship with
Gallien by giving only
his first name, which
also happens to be a
fake name.

3.I can analyze an The main reason as to

authors assumptions why these children are
and appeals (e.g. ethos, committing these
logos, pathos) crimes can be seen in,
gray matter, which
brain researchers
believe supports all
our thinking and
emotions is purged

4. I can analyze the Alex looks quickly

writers use of rhetorical around for signs of
devices and strategies. trouble(34). Chris has
(repetition, figurative become so separated
language, sentence that he writes as if
structure, diction)
Alex, himself, is a
character from a story.

5. I understand the key 160,000 kids stay

rhetorical concepts such away from school each
as audience, purpose, day to avoid
context, and genre torment(Brown).
through analysis of texts.
These kids are losing
important time at
school by staying
home. These bullies
are affecting the
education of these

Learning Outcomes Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Demonstrates Partial Demonstrates Demonstrates Deep
Command of Knowledge Sufficient Command of Command of
and Skills Knowledge and Skills Knowledge and Skills

Writing Rhetorically Outcomes: Give evidence from your writing to support your claim.

6.I can write reading- Chris is so estranged

based arguments to that he has literally
support claims in an taken himself off the
analysis of substantive map. He made sure to
topics or texts, using
get as far off the grid as
valid reasoning and
relevant and sufficient possible by,
evidence. [abandoning] his car,
watch and map, and
burned the last of his

7. I incorporate the texts Recently, a poll of

of others effectively and teens ages 12-17
use documentation styles proved that they think
suitable to the task, violence increased at
genre, and discipline.
their schools (The

8. I can edit for clarity In my personal

and for standard written statement essay,
English grammar, usage, instead of writing By
and mechanics. the time the credits
began to roll, it was
changed to, When the
credits began to roll.
This was meant to trim
the fat and make the
essay easier to read.

9. I am able to produce Once the movie

clear and coherent started, the crackled
writing in which the leather chair of the
development, Toyota Sequoia
organization, and style
transformed to the
are appropriate to task,
purpose, and audience. smooth seat of a
Delorean as Marty
McFly traveled through

10.I have the ability to In my Bullying

observe, evaluate, and Research Paper, on
regulate my development my draft of the works
as a reader and writer of cited page, I wrote
expository texts,
down notes like,
including the
identification of areas Alphabetize Works
needing further growth. Cited, and other notes
to help me work to
make the page better
than it was initially.

Listening and Speaking Rhetorically Outcomes: Explain how you are able to achieve these skills.

I am able to initiate and During a Fishbowl

participate effectively in a discussion, my
range of collaborative classmates and I
discussion with peers. discussed a variety of
topics relating to
bullying and took notes
and what each one of
us said.

Learning Outcomes Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Demonstrates Partial Demonstrates Demonstrates Deep
Command of Knowledge Sufficient Command of Command of
and Skills Knowledge and Skills Knowledge and Skills

Habits of Mind Outcomes: Explain to what degree you have achieved the following

12. I act as a motivated, While sometimes I get

self-directed learner. busy in other classes
or activities, I always
make sure to that I
have done as much
work done as possible.
While working alone
on the Good Food/Bad
Food presentation, I
worked as hard as
possible and earned a
100% on the project.

13. I persist during Throughout the year, I

difficult academic tasks. have been heavily
active in this schools
theater department. I
have been a lead in
every show this year.
All the while, I have
been staying up at
night, typing up final
drafts, reading books,
and answering
questions for this class.

14. I see new ways of During the Racial

thinking and being; I see Profiling essay, I spent
other points of view. many hours looking
through articles to find
some that could help
others understand the
side of Americas
minorities that are a
part of an unjust

15. I am able to critique During the critique of

my own and others our Personal Statement
academic work. at the beginning of the
year. I looked through
my neighbors paper
and made sure that
they had the best paper
possible to turn in.

16. I can reflect on my I have looked back on

own learning and on the all these essays and
processes that shape now know that I need to
knowledge. work on conclusions,
sentence flow, and
grammar in my essay.
This would not be
possible for me to
understand if not for
looking back on this
years assignments and
seeing what I can
improve on.

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