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+Lumen Christi

Thiensville Campus: Mequon Campus:

116 Orchard Street 11300 N St James La

Thiensville, WI 53092 Mequon, WI 53092
Phone: 262.242.7960
Phone: 262.242.7965
Fax: 262.242.7976
Fax: 262.242.7976 E-Mail:
Web: Web:

Lumen Christi
Technology Plan

2009 - 2012
Lumen Christi Technology Plan


Lumen Christi Catholic School recognizes technology continues to play an

important role in our Society. It is ever changing the nature of the Educational
Process. This transforming effect is well stated in a planning document from a
School of the Future in Philadelphia:

The Role of Technology

“The profile of a "traditional student" is constantly evolving. Once defined by "school age" (5
to 24 years), this student attended school full time. Upon graduation, he or she encountered
hurdles to further education in the form of jobs, families, and other adult commitments. In the
past decade, computers and the Internet have opened a new world of opportunities for
students of all ages, making it "possible for more individuals than ever to access knowledge
and to learn in new and different ways."1

The Internet has expanded access to information, removing both teacher and student
dependencies on a limited amount of information sources. Education is no longer bound by the
limits of the teacher, textbook, or the books in the school library. Instead, it is limited only by
the student's interest and ingenuity. New learning models enable the teacher to serve as a
learning facilitator, mentor, and guide for subjects that do not always require students to
spend time in a classroom. Moreover, the Internet offers students in low-income and remote
locations far more information than any single traditional library. In short, technology has
greatly expanded the boundaries of the "traditional" student.

It takes more than access to technology to create a digitally connected world. It also takes
digital "literacy"—the knowledge and skills necessary to use technology.
Understanding how technology works and adapting that knowledge to new devices helps
students succeed in both the workplace and society. In the School of the Future, technology
will play an important yet supportive role. It will assist in inquiry, support content
distribution, and increase efficiency. Technology will not be an end but a means to an end,
driven by a rigorous curriculum and justified by its capability of enhancing instruction.”3

The Power of the Internet for Learning, Report of the Web-Based Education Commission to the President and the Congress of the U.S., Foreword,
Sen. Bob Kerrey, Chair; Rep. Johnny Isakson, Vice Chair, Dec. 2000
Report of the Web-Based Education Commission to the President and the Congress of the U.S., December 2000, p. 26
"School of the Future: Understand the vision." Microsoft Education. 28 July 2005. Microsoft. 17 Apr 2007 2
(excerpts taken from Kent School District, Washington State, Technology Plan, 2008)
Lumen Christi Technology Plan

Table of Contents






PILOT (Prepare to Integrate Learning Opportunities using Technology) Benchmark 16

Impact of Technology on Education 22

Operating Technology Budget 22

Long-Range Planning 25

Inventory 27

Lumen Christi Technology Plan

Mission Statement
Lumen Christi Catholic School, as an integral part of our parish, Educates our children as
unique individuals through a strong academic program, infusing the Gospel values, which
compel us to love and serve In our Catholic tradition.

Belief Statements
We believe that:
• All children can learn
• A quality academic program is essential
• Parents have the primary responsibility for their children’s education and faith
• Respect and honesty are both the right and responsibility of all persons
• Learning the creed, sacred scripture, and traditions of the Catholic Church are
essential to our children’s faith development.
• A partnership with the parent sis essential to prepare and assist our children to learn
and live the Catholic faith
• We show Christ’s love for all by serving one another

We believe in:
• Parental participation
• The uniqueness of all individuals
• The respect for property and the environment

Lumen Christi Technology Plan

School History

Lumen Christi Catholic School is a K3 – 8

elementary school located in the Mequon –Thiensville,
WI. It has a total school population of 428 students, split
between two campuses. Grades K3 – 3rd is housed at
the Thiensville site and 4th -8th grade is located at the
Mequon campus. There are 38 staff members.
The school was organized in 1960 and, at that
time, the original structure included two separate parishes, each with its own school.
The parish/school in Thiensville was called St. Cecilia’s and the parish/school in Mequon
was called St. James. The two-parish/two-school arrangement continued until 1988.
Then, faced with budget issues, declining enrollment and parish-population trends, the
two schools decided to merge. The school was then called, Sts. Cecilia and James
Catholic School.
As a merged school we functioned well, with our governance overseen by two
parishes, which included two priests and two separate parish councils. Each parish
controlled certain aspects of the school.
Then, in 2005, a retiring priest and other circumstances required a merger of the
two parishes. The merger required a new name. After much debate and discussion,
Lumen Christi, was given to our parish and school.
Today, we are a vibrant school with a stable enrollment
and quality staff members. We also have numerous
exciting initiatives before us.
Our current population of 428 students is 93%

Lumen Christi Technology Plan

Vision for Technology

As described in the overall mission of the Lumen Christi Catholic School, we strive
to educate our children as unique individuals through a strong academic program.
Within this context, we believe that technology is a tool for learning that expands our
instructional repertoire and is the vehicle that maximizes the capacity of all teachers
and learners. It is the vision of Lumen Christi Catholic School that students be engaged
in a stimulating academic environment and a challenging curriculum that is student-
centered and focused on inquiry-based learning.

Specifically, we envision that technology is available and effectively supported for all
students and staff:

* To provide global access to information

* To meet the curricular needs of all learners
* To provide access to the general curriculum
* To refine critical thinking skills and foster creativity
* To provide a medium for expression and communication
* To collect, assess, and share performance information
* To improve the effectiveness of administrative tasks
* To provide skills and proficiencies necessary for the workforce

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