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Four Things to Know About Hookup Culture

By: Yesenia Reynoso

Out of the 24 classmates in your class, 18 of them have probably hooked up while in


72 percent of students reported having at least one hookup by senior year, in a study

conducted by sociologist Paula England.

College brings together many people from different walks of life. SUNY Plattsburgh, for

example, had a total enrollment of 5,520 students in fall 2016. Thats 5,520 unique individuals,

each with their own experiences, beliefs and perspectives about hookups and hookup culture.

Despite the fact that college students are participating in hookup culture, many may not

know much about it. Below are the four things to know about hookup culture.

Hookups Do Not Mean the Same Thing to Everyone

Hookups are brief uncommitted sexual encounters between individuals who are not

romantic partners or dating each other, according to the American Psychological Association.

This definition can allow for differing interpretations.

I dont think I like that definition very much, because the word sexual is different for

everyone. Someone might consider kissing or touching to be sexual, but may not consider it

hooking up, said Reggianie Francois, a senior at SUNY Plattsburgh.

Its Ok to Participate in It or Not

The increase in hookups among college students may lead to the belief that all college

students participate in it. However, Englands study found that 25 percent of senior students had

never had a hookup.

I think that the stigma around hookups is that all college students participate in them, but

that isnt true. The essence of hookup culture is choice; you can go ahead and do it if you want,

or you can choose not to, said Sadie Cruz, a senior at SUNY Plattsburgh.

Others should not judge someones character because of their hookup choices added


It NEEDS to be Consensual

Though the definition of hookups by the APA says that hookups are brief uncommitted

sexual encounters, the same rules that apply to dates and long-term relationships, apply to

hookups as well, the biggest one being consent.

A lot of the hookups that Ive heard about often happen after someone has been at the

bar or at a party having fun and maybe drinking a little, said Marco DiGirolomo, Title IX intern

and SUNY Plattsburgh senior.

This is important to acknowledge because often, when people are intoxicated, they cant

make clear decisions.

According to SUNY Plattsburgh's Title IX office, Consent is a knowing, voluntary and

mutual decision among all participants to engage in sexual activity.

Regardless of whether youre under the influence or not, and regardless of whether

youre just hooking up with someone or not, the definition of consent does not change, and

consent is still mandatory.

Safety is a PRIORITY
If you choose to participate in hookup culture, its always important to have safety in


You have to be aware of who you are interacting with when youre thinking of hooking

up with someone, said Dinai Robertson, violence prevention and education outreach

coordinator here at SUNY Plattsburgh.

If you notice that the person is getting aggressive or that theyre not taking no for an

answer, remove yourself from the situation. If you find that you cannot do this, call someone

who can come get you out. If that does not work then call the police, said Robertson.

According to the Association of American Universities, 11.2 percent of all college

students experience rape or sexual assault through physical force, violence or incapacitation.

Your safety is always the top concern. The work I do here on the campus is to try and

educate people about what healthy experiences, sexual or not, between people should look like,

added Robertson.

Studies have found that hookup culture continues to grow on college campuses and

whether youre a part of it or not, its important to be knowledgeable about the culture.

Knowledge is power, and if you are well informed on the pros and cons of hookup culture, then

you are better equipped to make the best decision for yourself.

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