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Thiensville Campus Mequon Campus:

116 Orchard Street 11300 N St James La

Thiensville, WI 53092 Thiensville, WI 53092
Phone: 262.242.7965 Phone: 262.242.7960
Fax: [Your Fax] Fax: [Your Fax]

Web: Web:

Lumen Christi Goals and Action Plan

GOAL 1: Understand and Incorporate 21st Century Skills and Learning Concepts into Teaching
SMART Goal: The total number of teachers who can define and interpret how to integrate 21st Century Skills and Learning into their
classrooms will increase by at least 20% by 2011 using simple pre and post survey methods.
Strategy: All Lumen Christi teachers will participate in professional development in the 2010/2011 school years in order to
understand 21st Century Skills and Learning. The goal will be to provide teachers with skills and strategies that will
allow them to use technology tools to teach 21st Century skills and the standards.
Rationale: In a report examining over 300 studies of technology use, authors concluded that teacher training was the most
significant factor influencing the effective use of educational technology to improve student achievement. (Sivin-
Kachala & Bialo, 2002)
Activities: Professional Timeline: Resources: Responsibility: Monitor Effectiveness:

Provide multiple Face to face Initiate during 2009/2010 school Partnership for 21st Director of Survey Staff
learning events, online year with resources available on Century Learning Technology and
opportunities and resources, Lumen Lumen Christi Wiki: website; Director of
resources for staff to Christi Wiki, screen ( Curriculum
instill understanding casts for instruction, http://www.21stcenturyskills.
of 21st Century Skills links to examples of
and how they can 21st Century
be used to improve Learning
student learning.
Lumen Christi Goals and Action Plan

GOAL 2: Use Technology Comprehensively to Develop Student Proficiency in 21st Century Skills

SMART Goal: Starting in the Fall of 2011, all Teachers will implement components of the K-8 21st Century Skills Scope
and Sequence at their grade level in order to improve student learning; the Lumen Christi Wiki will be
used as a primary resource guide, thus expanding the integration of 21st Century Skills to every grade
Strategy: Teachers will introduce the grade-level 21st Century Skills, Applications and Projects from the Lumen
Christi School District K-8 Scope and Sequence ( click on grade-level
curriculum) by integrating technology skills into their classroom instruction. A framework will be agreed
upon where (e.g.) 1 project will be required each semester
Rationale: Research suggests that when technology integrated into larger instructional frameworks, students will
not only learn how to use the equipment and software, but will also gain content knowledge (Silverstein
et al., 2000).*
Activities: Professional Timeline: Resources: Responsibility: Monitor
Development: Effectiveness:
(1) Refine with staff 21st Century Meetings all School Wiki, Director of Evaluate current
Skills Scope and Sequence on year Partnership for 21st Technology and use of technology
the school Wiki Century Learning, Director of and compare to
( and Project-Based Curriculum 2011.
and click on 21st Century Learning Look at student
Learning engagement and
(2) Provide staff with learning • Face-to-Face Make resources Project 21 Website Director of
opportunities regarding 21st Century available and Technology and
integrating 21st Century Skills and Skills Instruction develop Edutopia Director of
how to create a viable and / additional Curriculum
robust curriculum. Development materials during ISTE
with staff. 2009/2010
• Online screen school year for ALA
casts / staff
webinars to
instruct staff.
GOAL 2 (cont’d): Use Technology Comprehensively to Develop Student Proficiency in 21st Century Skills
Lumen Christi Goals and Action Plan
Activities: Professional Timeline: Resources: Responsibility: Monitor
Development: Effectiveness:

(3) Implement tiered Lumen During 2009 / 2010 Fall 2011 Director of Staff feedback
Christi 21st Century PILOT Provide staff and Technology and
(Prepare to Integrate Learning PLC with draft to Director of
Opportunities using Technology) review and have Curriculum
Benchmark guide for staff. input.
Appendix 1
(4) Initiate a PLC (Professional Set guidelines and Begin 2009/10 Director of
Learning Community) with staff responsibilities for and materials, books Technology and
to collaborate, gather resources, PLC by Rick DuFour. Curriculum
skills, and detail and refine scope
and sequence.
Lumen Christi Goals and Action Plan
GOAL 3: Use Technology Comprehensively to Support Innovative Teaching and Learning
SMART Goal: Starting in the 2010/2011 school year, all Teachers will implement the tiered Lumen Christi 21st Century
PILOT (Prepare to Integrate Learning Opportunities using Technology) Benchmark guide for staff K-8, thus
increasing the implementation and integration of technology in the classroom by at least 20% by 2011.
Strategy: All Lumen Christi staff will participate in professional development in the area of Technology Integration. The
goal will be to provide teachers with skills and strategies that will allow them to use technology tools to teach
21st Century Skills and State and Arch Standards.
Rationale: Having a benchmark guide for staff will simplify their vision of GOOD technology use. They can assess their
current Tier Level and then at their own pace add components to move to the next Tier.
Activities: Professional Timeline: Resources: Responsibility: Monitor Effectiveness:
(1) Initiate a Set guidelines and Begin 2009/10 Director of
technology PLC responsibilities for and materials, books Technology and
(Professional PLC by Rick DuFour. Curriculum
Community) to
plan, review,
guide, update
and have input
into technology
(2) PLC will define
parameters of
teaching and
(2) Review with staff Use professional 2009/2010 School Lumen Christi PILOT Director of Staff feedback
draft copy of PILOT development time year Benchmark Guide Technology and
document to review Curriculum
document and
have input, offer
(3) Develop Work with all staff to 2009/2010 School Director of Staff feedback
Administrator PILOT identify how year Technology and
Guide administration can Curriculum
use technology to
create efficiencies
in day-to-day
school operations.
Lumen Christi Goals and Action Plan
Also identify how
internet resources
can eliminate
paper use and
simplify planning
and organizing.
Lumen Christi Goals and Action Plan

GOAL 4: Use Technology Comprehensively to Create Robust Education Support Systems.

Strategy: Monitor and regularly review all systems and components of technology infrastructure to insure that
students and staff have continuous and uninterrupted computer access.
Rationale: Viable infrastructure and support systems are critical for efficient and reliable use of technology
Activities: Professional Timeline: Resources: Responsibility: Monitor Effectiveness:
(1) During the 2009’10 school year 21st Century Director of Committee reports
2009/2010 school Learning Technology, and outcomes
years initiate a information, Director of
technology Technology plan Curriculum and
committee and curriculum Network
consisting of Administrator
parents, staff and
(2) Budget for 2010 / Provide Purchase 2010 and MAP testing Directors of Compare Math and
2011 the MAP informational install for 2010 / 2011 resources Curriculum and Reading scores pre
(Measuring webinar for staff to school year. Technology and post MAP
Academic Progress) see advantages testing software
testing software for MAP testing offers in installation.
3rd – 8th grade areas of Math and
students. Reading.
MAP testing not only
provides student
date but can also
be used to guide
(3) Research and Provide Purchase 2010 and Curriculum Mapper
evaluate curriculum informational install for 2010 / 2011 (Heidi Hayes
mapping software. webinar for staff to school year. Jacobs)
(Curriculum Mapper see advantages Build Your Own
and Build Your Own curriculum mapping Curriculum)
Curriculum) to use software can have
to make curriculum in all content areas.
process more
(4) The Lumen Meetings Ongoing Director of
Christi Technology conducted by Technology,
Lumen Christi Goals and Action Plan
Committee will Director of Director of
identify priorities for Technology / Curriculum and
technology Director of Network
upgrades and Curriculum Administrator
institute long-range
(5) Work with Ongoing Knowledge of Director of Staff satisfaction
Network systems and Technology and with Tech Support
administrator to networking needs of Network
insure that the administration, staff administrator
network and students.
infrastructure is
viable to support
academic and
technology goals.
(6) Update and
review Technology
Budget and Long-
Range planning
(7) Implement a Staff will need to be Fall 2009 Director of
Web-based “Help trained on using Technology,
Desk” system for ticket submission Network
staff to issue trouble system Administrator
tickets and receive
tech support. This
software will provide
a better tech
support system so
that end-users
submit a ticket,
which is dated and
made available to
tech support.
Lumen Christi Goals and Action Plan

GOAL 5: Technology Literacy Goal for Students

SMART Goal: Develop a Technology Literacy assessment tool and method for 4th and 8th grade students during the 2009/10
school years in order to assess student skills and guide instruction so that 80% of students assessed would be
proficient by 2011.
Strategy: Provide training and resources for building media specialist and computer teacher in order to improve student
technology literacy.
Rationale: Prepare for the National 8th Grade Technology assessment to be made available in 2011.
Activities: Professional Timeline: Resources: Responsibility: Monitor Effectiveness:
(1) Research other All staff should be Begin during Technology Literacy Director of Compare to test
tools used by other made aware of this 2009/10 school Assessment tools Technology, Media scores of previous
states and districts. test via grade-level years. from other states / Specialist and high school
meetings so that districts. Computer Teacher competency tests
teachers know what
skills should be
applied to each
(2) Review National 2009/2010 School National Director of
Technology Year Technology Literacy Technology
Assessment tool to Tool
see what
parameters this test
will cover.
(3) Integrate Share scope and Begin 2009 /10 CyberSmart Scope Director of
CyberSmart Internet sequence with staff. school year. and Sequence and Technology, Media
Safety Curriculum Individual lesson Specialist and
into all grade levels. plans. Computer Teacher
Lumen Christi Goals and Action Plan

GOAL 6: Improve Home / School Communication

SMART Goal: By the end of the 2009/10 school year, research and Identify 2-3 viable content management systems
/ website developers that would meet school, parent, administration, staff and parish needs and be
within budget requirements.
Strategy: Begin to plan for a new school website to improve communication between school and families.
Rationale: Positive parent communication will enhance student success.
Activities: Professional Timeline: Resources: Responsibility: Monitor Effectiveness:
(1) Research and Inform staff of Initiated during School and district Director of Parish / School
review content School /Parish 2008/09 School websites in Technology with Communication
management Communication year. Continue Wisconsin and input from Committee
systems developers Committee work. research and National Administrations And
to present to School review of school / School Technology
/ Parish parish sites. Committee
(2) Survey Staff and 2009/10 School year Survey Monkey Director of
Parents to assess Technology
needs for school /
parish website.
(3) Create Competed Director of
document that Technology
compares CMS with

Thiensville Campus Mequon Campus:

116 Orchard Street 11300 N St James La

Thiensville, WI 53092 Thiensville, WI 53092
Phone: 262.242.7965 Phone: 262.242.7960
Fax: [Your Fax] Fax: [Your Fax]

Web: Web:

Lumen Christi Goals and Action Plan

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