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Sharing the Story on the Road

Coat of Arms from the flag of the

Dominican Republic

Catedral de Santa Maria La
Menor in Santo Domingo,
Dominican Republic is the oldest
cathedral in the new world. It
dates back to 1540. We have
visited the cathedral a number of
times in the historic colonial zone Third Sunday of Easter at St. Johns Lutheran Church in Plymouth, Wisconsin.
in our city. Also, part of the exterior Pastor Fritsche (center) with Pastors John Schultz (left) and Nathan Meador (right).
of the cathedral is the backdrop of
our new prayer card. Check it out Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! term teams to the Dominican, so it was a
at the bottom of page 2. Alleluia! Greetings from the road. The privilege to see a number of familiar
Fritsche family is currently on home faces. In addition to presenting, I was
service (or furlough) back in the United invited to preach on Luke 24, the story
States. Sorry you havent heard from us of the two men on the road to Emmaus.
in a while. Life and work were a
whirlwind in the weeks leading up to In that sermon I emphasized that Jesus
our April 6 departure for our home gave the two disciples a resurrection
service tour to reconnect with a number shout of Easter joy as He opened their
minds to understand Him as the heart
of our supporting congregations. Since
April 6, we have visited congregations and center of Scripture and as He broke
and groups in Arkansas, Texas, bread with them. Its true for us as well.
Missouri, Illinois and Wisconsin, and Our heads hang low in the sadness of
were only about halfway through our our sin, our hopes so often crushed as
we walk along the road. Our Jesus, who
schedule. The whirlwind continues!
died, but is alive, comes to us in the
Catedral de Santa Maria La Menor The weekend of April 29-30, we had the Scriptures and the Breaking of the
privilege of visiting the saints of St. Bread, the Holy Sacrament, with a
John in Plymouth, Wisconsin. Senior resurrection shout that He is alive. He
Pastor Nathan Meador and I have fills us with His life and hope. It is that
numerous connections, including both same resurrection shout that, by Gods
having served as pastors at Zion in grace, we preach in the Dominican.
Staunton, Illinois. St. Johns has Thanks again for your amazing support
To be added to or removed from this invested in the DR mission for a number in taking that resurrection shout to the
mailing list, send an email message of years, supporting our family as ends of the earth! Christ is risen! He is
to with the
word ADD or REMOVE in missionaries, but also sending short- risen indeed! Alleluia!
the subject line.

888-THE LCMS | 1

Work continues on the new mercy center and
seminary in the Dominican Republic
On Monday, May 8, our In addition to their academics and
Dominican seminary faculty met classroom learning, students will serve
alongside missionary pastors and our
for the first time with incoming Dominican pastors in our mission
students and the presidents of congregations. Professors will be
their respective church bodies actively engaged in pastoring our
from around Latin America. church plants with students alongside
them. Students will learn to work in a
I am honored to be serving as Director team setting with deaconesses and other
of Centro de Misericordia Seminario missionaries.
Concordia el Reformador, our new The mercy center and seminary is
Dominican mercy center and seminary. located on the same campus as our
One of the challenges of being on the Lutheran church and school in Palmar
road for home service is conducting Arriba, near Santiago. Also on the
meetings from a distance, especially campus is Hogares Luteranos el Buen
one such as you see pictured here. Pastor, our group home for the
Despite the challenges of coordinating developmentally disabled. Students will
a meeting where 20+ people are have ready access to these important
participating electronically from around 21st Century Meetings in the Mission Field
opportunities for mercy work in school
Latin America, we had a very and institutional settings. Disaster
productive 2 hours introducing one and ministry, with a particular emphasis
response training for students and
another, the curriculum and details in church planting.
leaders will also be offered.
about visas, housing and the rest of our As I have served the last 2+ years in the
facilities. Please keep the seminary, its faculty,
Dominican Republic as a church
staff and students in your prayers. Also,
These students are from several planter, serving alongside the one
please prayerfully consider a gift to
countries in Latin America and the Dominican national Lutheran pastor
support this project, specifically to
Caribbean, including the Dominican that we have, I recognize and rejoice in
assist with scholarships for these men
Republic, Bolivia, Chile, Guatemala, what a blessing it is to have
in their pastoral formation. Gifts can be
Mexico, Venezuela and Peru. Lord Dominicans serving Dominican
received online through the following
willing, they will arrive and begin congregations and planting new
classes in August of this year. They will congregations in their country. Of
receive solid instruction in theology course, as St. Paul says, God is the One
who gives the growth. (1 Cor. 3:7) To God be the glory!!!


May 10 - St. John, Washburn, IL June 11 - Our Savior, Houston, TX

May 11 - Redeemer, Peoria, IL June 11 - Hope, Winnie, TX

May 14 - St. Paul, Hamel, IL June 13 - Return to the Dominican

May 17-18 - English District, Detroit, MI To all of our wonderful supporters

whom we are not able to visit due to
May 21 - Our Savior, Milford, IL geographical and time constraints, we
sincerely value your partnership. Thank
May 28 - Zion, Columbus, OH you for your continued prayers and
support. We are happy to arrange visits
June 4 - Lord of Life, Plano, TX and presentations by Skype in the
months to come. Please let us know
June 5 - Our Shepherd, Haslet, TX and we will get something scheduled.

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Family Life on the Road
We are really blessed to be enjoying a
month on the seminary campus in St.
Louis as our home base as we travel
around the midwest. The boys have
relished the extra space and parks on
campus. They have even made some
new friends.
Along with the fun comes doctor
appointments as well. We have had the
PLEASE PRAY FOR: chance to take Andrei to a pediatric
endocrinologist and are anxious to see
Continued preparations to what develops as he has undergone
begin classes at the Our family is blessed to reconnect
seminary on August 21st. several tests and will do even more in
with many of our supporters as we June. Andrei is a bundle of energy, but
Missionaries James & take the tiring yet exhilarating has only put on a couple of pounds in
Christel Neuendorf and Tyler three years time. The entire family got
& Yanela McMiller as they journey of home service.
to visit the dentist as well. The boys and
transition from our field to
Concordia Theological Joel dealt with this much better than
For the Fritsche boys summer vacation Clarion did!
Seminary in Ft. Wayne. has come a little early this year! They
Andrei as we do further are having a great time reconnecting So, we have made it just beyond the half
testing related to growth with family and friends, playing video way point in our home service. We will
hormone deficiency and games and eating American fast food. be heading back to Texas in a couple of
determine a course of weeks to finish up with a few church
treatment. (see pic above) visits and enjoy a bit more time with
TRAVELING family. It has been a lot more tiring than
Home service is a wonderful we expected and we miss our
GIVE THANKS FOR: opportunity to see old friends as well as Dominican home, teammates and
The birth of Azariah Krey to meet new ones. It has been such a joy friends. We look forward to returning to
Rev. Ted & Rebecca Krey. to visit with family and friends that we our church in Las Americas in June.
havent seen in awhile. It has also been
The Lords protection Thank you for your continued prayers
throughout all of our travels so nice to make new friends and visit
during home service. congregations that havent had a visit and support. Stay tuned for what comes
from us yet. next in the life of the Fritsche family!


The amazing support that He
has provided for us through We are blessed to be serving our Lord in the
all of you! Dominican Republic. The Lord is blessing the
preaching of His Word and the administration
of His sacraments. We are grateful for your
partnership in this work. God bless you all!
In Christ,
Rev. Joel & Clarion Fritsche
Viktor, Sergei and Andrei

To support the LCMS through the work Make checks payable to The Lutheran
There are many opportunities of Joel & Clarion Fritsche, you may ChurchMissouri Synod. Mark checks
to serve as short-term or send a tax-deductible gift to: Support of Rev. Joel Fritsche. Gifts
GEO missionaries. Check can also be given securely online
out the current list and The Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod through the LCMS website, on my
download an application at online giving page at Click on
P.O. Box 66861
Service Opportunities. St. Louis, MO 63166-6861 or

Mission Central
40718 Highway E16
Mapleton, IA 51034 888-THE LCMS | 3

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