A Natural Disaster Script

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by: Sadie Mahmoud & Apocalipsis Rosario

MARK, early forties Social scientist; sociologist & psychologist
PEDRO, late thirties Life scientist; geologist
MARY, mid twenties Informational scientist; librarian
DAVID, early fifties Humanist

Online video chat, taking place 5 days after the tsunami and earthquake in Japan. Each
character interfaces with a screen, on which he/she is able to see and interact with the other

DAVID: I'm glad everyone was able to log on. Although it seems like an unusual way to meet,
under the circumstances we need to get this task force up and running as soon as possible. I
believe we may be the first task force to meet via online video chat to discuss the tsunami
and earthquake in Japan. I sent around informational packets to get everyone up to speed on
the situation. Ive invited you to lead different sectors of this task force because you are the
leading experts in your respective fields. Im sure everyone is now familiar with each other
through email. To recap briefly, our task is to make a list of three recommendations for the
allocation of our resources. To begin, lets all state our main goal or area of concern.

PEDRO: Our first priority must be to immediately begin inspecting the sewage systems as
well as all major forms of transportation, such as roads, airports, and railways. The 9.0-
magnitude earthquake has damaged at least 50 sewage treatment plants and a major dam.
17 bridges have been washed away, and dozens of roads are closed due to landslides, debris
and flooding. The north-eastern coast has seen some of the worst of the damage; an
estimated 18 miles of coastal road have been washed away.

DAVID: Due to these transportation issues, displaced people waited for four days before the
Red Cross was able to deliver aid to Sendai, one of the worst-affected areas. However, given
our limited resources, I ask again that we create a list of priorities.

MARY: David, although I agree with Pedro that we should be analyzing how to rebuild dams
and major modes of transportation, we need to get human aid and services there now. With
a total population of 128 million, we already have an estimated death toll of 18,000 and over
17,300 people reported missing as of 10 a.m. today. These numbers are still rising.

MARK: We should also closely study how the country is coping. As you said, people were
waiting four days for basic supplies, and what truly amazes me is that the displaced people
are remaining calm and orderly. Most importantly, we'll need to set up programs to help
people locate loved ones where counselors can help them cope with the aftereffects of the

MARY: The Daiwa House Industry Company and others are working to rebuild the areas
which suffered the most damage, along with Save the Children, the Red Cross, and UNICEF.
Those organizations are already on the ground providing medical care and other services. I
think our main priority should be to begin preserving and cataloging news and information.
This would consist of protecting any physical texts and digitizing them.

PEDRO: You want to prioritize cataloging information when the infrastructure has yet to be
rebuilt? That's ridiculous! We need to focus on infrastructure, rebuilding communities at
higher elevations so that were more prepared in the future. This is the second earthquake
since the disaster in 1995 we need to learn from the past!

MARY: Exactly. But, we can't understand what happened or how to cope with situations such
as these if we dont secure our informational databases. If we had preserved more
information from the earthquake in 95, we could have had the foresight to build new
structures on higher ground.

MARK: What use is infrastructure if the people and their communities are vulnerable? The
Japanese people have been able to remain calm in the face of a terrible disaster because of
their social structure, but if that falls apart it will delay reconstruction. People require
services to help them deal with the crisis so they can work together to rebuild
DAVID: Okay, we have several good ideas on the table for the allocation of our resources:
reconstructing the infrastructure in Sendai and preserving physical information by
converting it into digital media. Providing counseling alongside with community-based aid to
the people is also important. But I still think we're missing the bigger picture here.

MARK: Youre right. What we need to consider are basic human needs, such as food, shelter,
and medical assistance. These issues need to be addressed, so it goes without saying that

PEDRO: No one's debating the need for food, shelter, and medical care. However, we need
to recognize the fact that we can't get food and aid to people quickly enough if there are no
roads. Currently we're forced to use elevated areas as landing strips! Again, it took the Red
Cross four days to deliver a shipment of supplies to a single shelter. That is unacceptable
when you consider that there are nearly 3,000 people who are injured, and those are only
the ones who are accounted for! There are more than 17,000 people who are still missing.

MARY: Where did you get those figures?

PEDRO: The informational packet, I'm sure you got one.

MARY: I did, Pedro. My point is that you were able to receive those figures because of
informational outlets that have been on site polling, collecting data, and running numbers. If
that information were not available to us, we would be completely in the dark as to where
we should begin sending our support.

MARK: But surely if we are receiving this information, then there isn't a need for us to
expend more money to get someone to catalog it in Japan? We can do it remotely from here.

MARY: That's not anywhere near enough. Stop forgetting all of the physical texts in the
various centers for art, culture, science, education, and religion that are at risk for all kinds
of damage, including water.

[PEDRO, MARK, and MARY begin to speak at the same time.]

DAVID: Settle down everyone! This isn't getting us anywhere. Time is crucial and we have to
allocate our limited resources as fairly and objectively as possible. That goal will be
impossible if you squabble like children.

MARK: Look, we're not getting anywhere by talking over each other Do we all agree that
we should focus on food, shelter, and medical supplies?

[Everyone nods and murmurs assent.]

MARK: Well, in that case, that's our first recommendation. Now we just need to hammer out
two more propositions.

PEDRO: Infrastructure. Without roads, we cannot deliver supplies, and without a repaired
sewage system, the already-limited sources of drinking water will be contaminated and
people will become vulnerable to disease, requiring further medical supplies.

MARK: Very well. I can agree with that.

MARY: I can too, especially since we need these supplies to get to various data preservation

DAVID: Great, then

MARK: But I would suggest that we should also provide counseling services to those in

[In the distance, we hear the breaking news from a television in the background of one of
the character's video calls. A female voice begins, In breaking news, it has just been
reported that the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is experiencing serious damage in
the wake of the deadly earthquake and tsunami as three of the station's reactors meltdown.
U.S. nuclear experts are on site providing technical support and assistance. They are
reportedly working closely with Japanese officials to control any nuclear radiation emissions
from the plant. As the world waits to learn whether the nuclear power plant is safe, the
death toll continues to rise. The most recent report estimates that 18,400 people have

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