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Kishan Patel

How many years have you attended Bal Vihar?

I have been in Bal Vihar for the past 8 years, starting out in the Krishna class.

What did you get out of this experience?

Through Bal Vihar, I have learned about my religion in ways I never would have imagined
before attending. Hinduism is a religion with such spiritual and meaningful significance, and it is
truly essential to be aware of the concepts and values at center of this wonderful religion. I have
learned to appreciate my life and my family in a much more auspicious manner.

What impact have the classes had on you?

These classes have been extremely influential on my ability to learn, participate in school,
interact with my family, etc. Through my teachers, I have been taught numerous prayers for
worshipping gods and important spiritual aspects. I have learned meditation, an extremely
important way of calming ones mind and finding peace within oneself. Without the classes, I
would be at a loss for how to approach some difficult situations I have encountered in recent

Favorite Teacher or Learning Experience?

My favorite teacher at Bal Vihar would have to be Chirag Uncle. As a member of the Junior
Yuvak class, he took on a new approach to teaching. We learned aspects of life that we should
focus on, rather than specific veneration of deities or direct importance upon prayers. This class
has provided one of the most practical wealths of knowledge I have ever encountered before.
His interactive way of teaching and outgoing, fun personality made this experience all the better.
If there were any one class I would retake at Bal Vihar, it would have to be this class.

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