Bentham's Utilitariansim

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Bentham used the word utility as a synonym for the word good/value.
Everything that bring happiness is good. The desire of every individual is to be
happy and pleasant. He likes happiness.

Man by nature is against sorrows and miseries. Everyone wants to be happy.

Bentham says utility is property in any object, whereby it tends to produce
benefit, advantage, pleasure, good/happiness of the maximum number.

Pleasure Pain theory:

Human beings are creatures of feeling and sensibility. Reason is only a

handmade (tool) of feeling. All experiences are either pleasurable or painful.
The action which increases the good is pleasure and which does not give
happiness is bad. Nature has placed mankind under the governance of
sovereign masters.

It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do as well to determine what
we shall do. The principle of utility recognizes this subjection and assumes it for
the foundation of that system. According to Bentham everything was to be
valued, adjusted, and measured only in terms of pleasure and happiness.

Bentham says the principle of utility consists in taking as our starting point in
every process of reasoning the calculus of comparative estimates of pains and
pleasure and not allowing any other idea to intervene.

Sources of pain and pleasure:

1. Pain and pleasure which occur due to physical or natural sanction. We

experience them in the ordinary course of nature, not purposely modified
by any human inter position.

2. Pain and pleasure also occurs due to moral sanctions. For e.g. there are
pleasure and pain which we experience/expect at the hands of fellow
human beings prompted by a feeling of hatred or goodwill.

3. Political sanctions pleasure and pain are received from the magistrate
or legislator.

4. Religious sanctions suppose a mans house is destroyed by fire by

accident, it is the punishment of nature. If it is at the direction of some
power it is political sanction. If it is done by his neighbour due to his ill
will it is moral sanction. If it is an act for offending divinity it is a
punishment of religious sanction.
Factors governing pleasure and pain:
Bentham also provided a theory known as Hedonistic Calculus. He claims that
by using it one can measure the please of utility. If we want to know which
thing gives the maximum happiness we must be able to measure the utility.
What applies to individual morals, applies with equal force to State craft.

The action of the State is good which increases the pleasure of the largest
number. Everything has to be judged from this point of view. The principle of
utility is held to be the rationale guide both to private morals and public policy.
The end of any legislation should be for the happiness of man.

According to Bentham a legislator has to keep in mind four ends namely

security, substance, abundance and quality. Bentham also attaches three
conditions to his principle of utility.

a. It must be clear and precise.

b. It must be single and sufficient amount of motivation.
c. It must be applicable by means of moral calculus.

Characteristics of the Doctrine of Utility:

1. It is hedonistic (pleasure) and pragmatic. It is not egoistic.(pain)

2. It is based on quantity to happiness and not on the quality.
3. It is concerned with the result, but not the motive.
4. It tells us whose pleasure or happiness is to be sought.
5. It tells us how to regulate our conduct. It is universal.
6. It is objective, verifiable and clear.


1. It is materialistic. It does not attach any importance to moral actions.

2. He is concerned only with the happiness of the individual.
3. It is impossible to measure happiness.
4. It is confusing.
5. The concept of pleasure differs from man to man.
6. It makes people selfish and self-centered.
7. It impracticable because it is impossible to achieve the happiness of
maximum number.
8. He has ignored that there could be a conflict of self-interest and common

Significance of Benthams Political Obligation of Utility:

Benthams straightforward statements challenged the then existing social and
political institutions. His philosophy gave a severe blow to the social contract
theory and said State was only an instrument for advancement of the people.
He preached democracy and democratic institutions which were bold in those

His theory shook the foundations of many age old institutions. His theory
helped to face day to day problems and hold good even today. It made the
legislators to think before approving any law. He offered practical solutions to
reform the English society. He applied the principle of utility to the question of

He said property was an institution which brought happiness to the owner. For
greatest happiness of the greatest number property be equally distributed
among the people. He only wanted to remove the disparity by imposing
limitations on the issue of property.


Bentham unlike other ideal thinkers emphasized the view that State is for man
and not man for the State. This is the correct view of relations between the
individual(man) and the State. The interests of the individual are primary, for
whose protection the State ushers (comes) into existence.

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