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Mentor Interview

Mentor Interview #1- Senior Capstone LHS 2017

Student Name: Guadalupe Gonzalez Villanueva

Senior Capstone Topic: Combat Medic

Mentor Name: Natasha Rosales

* Phone Number : (404) 921-9229

Career Field: Military Specialist U.S. Marines

Mentor interview #2- Senior Capstone LHS 2017

Student Name: Guadalupe Gonzalez Villanueva

Senior Capstone Topic: Combat Medic

Mentor Name: Juan Rosales

* Phone Number: (404) 754-2175

Career Field: Military Specialist U.S. Marines

Mentor Interview #3- Senior Capstone LHS 2017

Student Name: Guadalupe Gonzalez Villanueva

Senior Capstone Topic: Combat Medic

Mentor Name: Paul Mitchell

* Phone Number: (616) 243-7650

Career Field: Former Drill Instructor U.S. Army

What qualities are important in this career?

Technically and tactically sound
Have passion for people
Be able to work under pressure

What is the basic training for a combat medic?

Must complete basic training

Advanced training in Houston, Texas
Train beyond a civilian medic or EMT
Study basic anatomy
Practice trauma care
Can take 16 to 68 weeks

Do you think a combat medic is in the pathway of becoming a civilian

trauma nurse, a physician assistant, or a EMT?

Yes, extra study is needed.

Yes, combat medics can advance to train as physicians assistant through

a physicians assistant program.

Yes, will need a bachelor degree in science.
Yes, it is a foot through nursing

What is difficult about this career?

Being able to work under pressure, being the one in charge of many. You

have to be on your toes know what is going on, but you do it to be able to get

those who are injured out of the field with transportation either by plain or

dedicated vehicle.
I feel like the most difficult part of this speciality is the pressure and the

time, time is what matters because someone can get deadly shot and you have

to be able to reach them as soon as that man is down.

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