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Senior Project Proposal Form

LHS Project Proposal

Senior Capstone 2017

Career Pathway Area of Interest:

Human Services

Narrowed Topic:

Police Detective

Essential Question

How can a police detective make a positive impact on the community?

Project/Showcase Description:

I will talk about what their role is and what they look for in the community. I
will talk about how they keep criminals off the streets and what they do when
there is a suspect.
1. What personal interest do you have in this topic? Why have you chosen this topic for
your Senior Project/Showcase?
I always was interested to be a police detective. Ever since I was a kid I was amazed by
how their cars have computers and flashing lights. They were always the good guys and
kept crimes off the streets in cartoons. Police detectives go through a lot of work to
make the community safe and it grew more onto me.

2. What research questions will you seek to answer? What kinds of sources might you
look for?
The research question I will seek to answer is what type of education is required and
how can it change your life

3. Who is a person (specifically, or in general) with experience or expertise in this field

you might interview? What understanding do you hope to gain from this person?
Officer Keen - Police officer at Lee High School
I hope to understand what she went through during her education and what she goes
through on a daily as a police officer and how has it changed her life.

4. What situations, events, or places could you observe or experience to gain insight
into your topic?
Police station

5. What challenges might you encounter with your research or project? What
assistance or tools will you need to overcome them?
Not being able to understand the material. I can overcome them by asking my mentors
and others.

6. What other questions or concerns do you have about your Senior Capstone Project
at this time?
No questions or concerns

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