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Political Instability and Economic Growth

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Alesina, Alberto, Sule Ozler, Nouriel Roubini, and Phillip Swagel.

Citation 1996. Political instability and economic growth. Journal of Economic
Growth 1(2): 189-211.

Published Version doi:10.1007/BF00138862

Accessed May 11, 2017 1:27:34 PM EDT

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Albert0 Alesina

Sule 0zler

Nouriel Roubini

Phillip Swagel

Working Paper No. 4173


1050 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
September 1992

We are grateful to John Londregan for generously sharing his data set and for
useful conversations, Kala Krishna for letting us use her PC, Jennifer Widner
for much needed help in understanding political events in Africa, Gary King
for providing some data, Robert Barro, Rudi Dornbusch, John Helliwell, Ed
Learner, Nancy Marion, Ronald Rogowski, Howard Rosenthal, and participants
in seminars at University of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Princeton, Utah, UCLA
and NBER for very useful comments and Gina Raimondo and Jane Willis for
excellent research assistance. For financial support we thank National Fellows
Program at Hoover Institution, Sloan, UCLA Academic Senate and Yale Social
Science Research Fund, and especially IRIS at University of Maryland. This
paper is part of NBERs research programs in Growth, International Finance
and Macroeconomics, and International Trade and Investment. Any opinions
expressed are those of the authors and not those of the National Bureau of
Economic Research.
NBER Working Paper #4173
September 1992




This paper investigates the relationship between political instability and

per capita GDP growth in a sample of 113 countries for the period 1950-1982.
We define political instability as the propensity of a government collapse, and
we estimate a model in which political instability and economic growth are
jointly determined. The main result of this paper is that in countries and time
periods with a high propensity of government collapse, growth is significantly
lower than otherwise. This effect remains strong when we restrict our
definition of government change to cases of substantial changes of the

Albert0 Alesina Nouriel Roubini

Department of Economics Department of Economics
Harvard University Yale University
Cambridge, MA 02138 P.O. Box 1972 - Yale Station
and NBER New Haven, CT 06520
and NBER
Sule Ozler
National Fellows Program Phillip Swagel
Hoover Institution Federal Reserve Board
Room 203L 20th Street and
Stanford University Constitution Ave, NW
Stanford, CA 94305 Washington, D.C. 2055 1
and NBER
1. Introduction
Economic growth and political stability are deeply
interconnected. On the one hand, the uncertainty associated with an
unstable political environment may reduce investment and the speed of
economic development. On the other hand, poor economic
performance may lead to government collapse and political unrest.
This paper studies the joint determination of the propensity of
government changes (our measure of political instability) and
economic growth in a sample of 113 countries for the period 1950-
The primary result of this paper is that in countries and time
periods with a high propensity of government collapses, growth is
significantly lower than otherwise. This effect is strong for both of the
two types of government changes considered: all government turnovers
including those that do not involve a significant change in ideological
direction or an irregular transfer of power or alternatively those
government turnovers that involve only these two types of changes.
Our other results are: 1) Contemporaneous low economic
growth is not found to increase the contemporaneous propensity of
government changes. 2) We do not find any evidence that economic
growth is significantly different when authoritarian regimes are
compared to democracies. 3) We find that political instability tends to
be persistent, in that the occurrence of frequent government collapses
increases the probability of additional collapses.
This is not the first paper which studies the relationship
between economic outcomes and political instability in a large sample

of countries.* Notably, Barro (1991) finds that measuresof political
unrest, such as number of assassinationsand the occurrence of violent
revolutions and military coups significantly affect the average growth
level in cross section regressions on a large sample of countries. In
addition, Kormendi and McGuire (1985) and Barro (1989) find that a
measure of the extent of political rights is positively correlated with
Other studies which have adopted a notion of political
instability similar to ours have found effects of instability on inflation
(Cukierman, Edwardsand Tabellini (1992)), and on external borrowing
(&ler and Tabellini (199 1)). In these papers, a measure of political
instability is addedas a regressor in cross section or panel regressions;
however, this methodology does not take into account the joint
endogeneitybetween the economy and the polity.
Londregan and Poole (1990, 1991a) have addressed this
problem of joint endogeneity by estimating a system of equations in
which the dependent variables are GNP growth and coups detat.2
Their results are different from ours, in particular in that they do not
find evidenceof reducedgrowth as a consecuenceof increasedpolitical
instability. Our study differs from theirs in several important respects.
First, in model specification. In our growth equation we control for
several economic determinants of growth, as identified by the recent
empirical literature on economic growth, as well as some indicators of
political unrest in the government changeequation. In addition, we do
not primarily focus on coups detat but on a broader definition of
government changes, which includes not only coups but also

constitutional transfers of power: political uncertainty is not confined
to the occurrence of military coups. We present some results based on
our specification focusing only on coup detat so as to suggest the
sources of differences in the results of these two sets of works.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the
basic questions which we explore in our empirical analysis. Section 3
presents the econometric methodology used both for the by now
familiar in the cross-sectional methodology and for the joint estimation
of the growth and government instability equations using panel data.
Section 4 describes our data set, highlights some basic statistics and
describes the specification used in the estimation of the cross-section
and panel models. In Section 5 we present our cross-section
regressions of growth. The main results of the panel estimation of our
simultaneous equation system are discussed in Section 6. Section 7
presents alternative specifications so as to investigate the robustness of
our results. The last section is a discussion of future avenues of

2. Does political instability affect economic growth?

The first step toward answering this question is a definition of
what it is meant by political instability. In this paper, political
instability is defined as the propensity of a change in the executive,
either by constitutional or unconstitutional means. Thus, we study
whether a high propensity of an executive collapse leads to a reduction
of growth.

One strong theoretical argument underlying this relationship is
based upon the effects of uncertainty on productive economic decisions,
such investment, production or labor supply? A high propensity of a
change of government is associated with uncertainty about the new
policies of a potential new government; risk-averse economic agents
may hesitate to take economic initiatives or may exit the economy,
by investing abroad. Conversely, foreign investors prefer a stable
political environment, with less policy uncertainty and less uncertainty
about property rights4
Alesina and Tabellini (1990), Tabellini and Alesina (1990),
Cukierman, Edwards and Tabellini (1992), 6zler and Tabellini (1991)
present several models in which a government is uncertain about its
survival, and as a result engages in suboptimal policies in order to
worsen the state of the world inherited by its successor. All these
models have in common the idea that political instability lead to
economic inefficiencies. 6 The most direct application of this idea for
economic growth is in Alesina and Tabellini (1989), which examines
the effect of political uncertainty on investment and capital flight. The
possibility of a government collapse leading to a new government prone
to tax capital and productive activities implies a substitution of
productive domestic investments in favor of consumption and capital
flight, and thereby leads to a reduction of domestic production.
A different argument leading to a similar relation between
political instability and growth is implied by Grossmans (1991)
analysis of revolutions. In countries where rulers are relatively weak,
i.e. more easily overthrown, the probability of revolutions is higher and

the citizens have higher incentives to engage in revolutionary activities
rather than productive market activities. On the contrary, a strong
ruler who makes a revolution unlikely to succeed discourages
revolutionary activities in favor of market activities.
A related line of research, in particular the work by Murphy,
Shleifer and Vishny (1991) and Terrones (1990), emphasizes the
negative effects of rent-seeking activities on economic growth. A weak
government constantly under threat of losing office may be particularly
sensitive to the need of pleasing lobbyists and pressure groups, thus
leading to a more direct effect of rent-seeking activities on policy
Two objections to these arguments are worth mentioning. The
first one is that a high propensity of a government change may be
viewed favorably by economic agents if the current government is
incompetent and/or corrupt and its possible successors are viewed as an
improvement. In a large sample such as ours, it is reasonable to
assume that the expected value of the competence of future
governments is not higher than the current government competence.
Second, if the propensity of government change is large, an
increase of it may actually reduce political uncertainty, since it becomes
more certain that the current government will collapse. However, if
the characteristics, or even the identity of the successor of the
incumbent government are not known with certainty, an increase of the
propensity of a political change may lead to an increase in policy
uncertainty. In fact, it implies an increase of the propensity of
substituting a well known (even though, possibly, inefficient)
government for a less known one.
A study of the effects of political instability on economic
growth needsto deal with the problem of joint endogeneity: even if it
is true that a high propensity of having frequent government changes
reduces growth, it may also be the casethat low growth increasesthe
probability of a government change. The effect of growth on
government changesis likely to be observable in both democraciesand
in dictatorships. In democracies, a vast empirical literature has
established that high growth in preelection years increases the
likelihood of reelection of the incumbent government: voters do not
reelect incumbentsif they perceive that the latter have mismanagedthe
economy. Specifically, voters appear to pay particular attention to
income growth immediately before elections. In non-democraciesthe
likelihood of coups detat may also decreasewith both the level of GDP
per capita and its rate of growth. Low growth may increase popular
dissatisfactionandcreateincentivesfor anti-governmentpolitical action.
These are, in fact, the results shown by Londregan and Poole (1990),
(199la) in their studies of the economic determinants of
unconstitutional transfers of power.
A related issue is whether democratic institutions are harmful
or conducive to growth. A rather popular argument is that democratic
institutions may be harmful to growth8 The basic idea underlying this
view is that policy makers in democratic government are subject to the
pressures of interests groups, and thus short-sightedly follow
opportunistic policies to enhancetheir chancesof reelection instead of

policies that enhance long term growth. However, these arguments
against democracy are not necessarily conclusive. First of all, dictators
may also need to be opportunistic if their survival in office is
threatened. Second, authoritarian regimes are not a homogenous lot:
they include technocratic dictators and kleptocratic ones. While
the apparent association of high economic growth with authoritarian
regimes is suggested by the experience of several authoritarian
technocratic regimes (such as those in Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia,
Turkey, Chile) it is as well evident that for each benevolent dictator
one can observe at least as many kleptocratic and/or inept
authoritarian regimes whose rule has led to systematic economic
mismanagement and eventual political and economic collapse of their
countries. One can therefore conclude that, both on theoretical and
empirical grounds, there is no obvious relationship between democracy
and growth.
In fact, the empirical cross-country evidence on the relation
between democracy and growth is quite mixed. Some early studies
argue that democratic regime tend to slow economic growth while
authoritarian regimes tend to stimulate it. However, others show
that there is no systematic relation between long term growth and the
democratic/ authoritarian nature of the political regime. Alesina and
Rodrik (1991) present a model which is consistent with this
inconclusive evidence. In their model, democracies should grow faster
than populists or kleptocratic dictatorships, but less fast than right
wing or technocratic dictatorships.
3. Methodology
This section describes the procedures employed for the
estimation. First, we give a brief discussion of single equation
estimation, where cross sectiongrowth regressionsare considered. The
primary purpose of employing this method is to facilitate a comparison
of our results with those of other cross section studies in the recent
literature such as those of Barro (1990, 1991). A major drawback of
a single equation approach for our study is that it does not take into
account the joint endogeneity of the growth and government change.
Hence, later in this section, we turn to a discussionof a simultaneous
equation methodology, which constitutes the primary focus of this

3.1. Single Equation Method

3.1 .a. Political Instability
Political instability, defined as the propensity of an imminent
government change, is not directly observable. Since government
change is a discrete phenomenon, we employ limited dependent
variable estimation methods. Propensity of government change is
characterized as a function of economic and political variables. We
estimate the probit specification described below using time-series
cross-sectionpooled data (for notational conveniencetime and country
indicators are omitted):


CL= a latent variable such that when c* > 0 we observe the
occurrence of a government change, and we do not observe
government changeotherwise.

x1 = variables (economic and political) that determine the

occurrence of government change.

q = normally distributed error term with mean zero.

This specification facilitates an estimation of probabilities of
government change that varies over time and across countries. We
then average these annual measures of probability for each country
over time so as to obtain a cross section measureof instability, which
we call INS, to use in the cross section growth regressionsdescribed

3.1 .b. Economic Growth

A cross section estimation of growth is described with the
following specification:
Y = AX, + B(INS) + E (2)
Y= average economic growth in each country for the sample
x, = economic variables that explain economic growth,
INS = measureof political instability, obtained from equation
(1) as the averageestimatedprobability of government change
over the sample for each country.

&= error term with mean zero.

This approach has two problems. First, as instability is a
generated regressor, the standard errors of the second stage equation
are generally inconsistent.l2 A more serious problem is that of
simultaneity. Since the propensity of government changeand economic
performance are endogenous,equations (1) and (2) are both likely to
be biased. We addressthis issue by using a simultaneousestimation of
the two equationsfor growth and political instability as described next,

3.2 A SimultaneousEquations Approach

Let us define the following structural equation system, where
the dependentvariables of government changeand growth are as before
(but now both with yearly frequency):
c* = ~CXC + rscx + YCY+ Ul


Y= TX, + pyx + vyc* + u2

Y = annual rate of growth,
X = exogenous variables that determine both government
changeand growth,
x, = exogenous variables (economic and political) that
determine the occurrence of government change only (i.e
instruments for instability),

xy = exogenous variables that determine economic growth

only (i.e. instruments for growth),

49 u2 = error terms are assumed to be bivariate normally

distributed with zero mean and variance covariance matrix that
allows for cross-equationcorrelations.
The coefficients 7C and rY take into account the
contemporaneousfeedbackbetweengrowth andchangesof government,

while the ar and 6 coefficients measure the effects of the exogenous
variables. One way of identifying the system requires that at least one
each of the & and X,, variables exist; that is, we need one exogenous
variable in the growth equation which is not in the equation for
government change, and vice-versa. An alternative way of identifying
the system of equations is to impose restrictions on the
contemporaneous feedback, i.e. yC=O or yy=O. In order to test the
model (a chi-square test), there must at least be one overidentifying
restriction, in addition to the restrictions needed to identify the model
fully. We discuss the economic and political variables used as our
identifying restrictions in Section 4.
This model, a simultaneous equation system involving a latent
variable, is described in Heckman (1978). While this system could in
principle be estimated by standard maximum likelihood methods, the
resulting likelihood function is extremely non-linear and thus difficult
to maximize using standard methods. Londregan and Poole (1990) use
the results of Newey (1987) to estimate this type of system through an
application of Amemiyas Generalized Least Squares Technique
(AGLS). Since we employ the same econometric methodology the
technical details are not replicated here (see the Appendix of Londregan
and Poole (1990)). Instead, we provide only a heuristic description of
the estimation procedure.
The estimation proceeds in two stages: estimation of reduced
forms of both equations, and then extraction of the structural
parameters from the reduced forms. The likelihood function of the
system factors out into the product of the likelihood function

corresponding to the growth equation and the likelihood function of the
p&it that corresponds to the government change equation. This
greatly simplifies estimation of the reduced form, since the equations
can be estimated sequentially. The growth equation is estimated as a
function of all the exogenousvariables in the system using OLS. The
residuals from this regression are then addedas a regressor, in addition
to all the exogenousvariables in the system, for the reduced form of
the probit estimation for government change. After adjusting to take
into account correlation acrossthe equations, the resulting coefficients
are the maximum likelihood estimatorsof the reducedform parameters.
The reducedforms take into account that there may be shocks common
to both growth and instability.
The structural form estimates take into account the
simultaneousfeedbackbetween growth and government change. Fully
efficient structural estimates are obtained by a GLS regression of the
stacked coefficients from the two reduced form equations against the
two contemporaneous(y) parametersand a selection matrix which
picks out the appropriate reduced form coefftcients. A bootstrapped
estimate of the variance-covariance matrix of the reduced form
coefficients (Efron (1982)) is used to form the weighting matrix for the
GLS regression. We use 1024 bootstrap replications (so that the
number of replications we have are identical to Londregan and Poole

4. Data and Specification
This section briefly describes our data and the specification of
our equations for political instability and for growth. Our panel data
set includes a time series and cross section panel for 113 countries.13
For about half of the countries the sample period is 1950-82, for most
of the others the sample is 196042. A list of countries and sample
period is in Table A. 1, in the Appendix.

4.1 The Specification of the Political Instability Equation

Our specification for the government change is similar to those
employed in the recent literature (Cukierman et al. (1992), ozler and
Tabellini (1991)). The independent variables can be classified in three
broad classes: 1) indicators of political unrest such as cabinet
adjustments; 2) structural institutional variables which account for
differences across countries such as the GDP per capita and being a
democracy or not; 3) economic performance in the recent past, in
particular the recent growth level. A complete list, along with
definitions and sources of each variable is provided in Table A-2.
A significant innovation in our data concerns the definition of
the dependent variable for government change. We employ two
different dependent variables. The first one (GCHANGE) is the one
used in previous studies and obtained from Jodice and Taylor (1983).
This variable codes as one any regular or irregular (i.e., coup) transfer
of executive power.14
In an attempt to eliminate from our dependent variable
government changes which do not involve a substantial turnover of

leadership, we have constructed a variable for major changes
(MJCHANGE). This includes: i) all irregular transfers of power;
ii) a subset of regular transfers which imply a change in the party,
or coalition of parties in office. This change in the definition
substantially reduces the number of changes in our dependent
variable. The sample characteristics of our data are displayed in Table
A second innovation in our data set is our own construction of
a variable for democratic institutions, DEMOC. This variable takes the
value of one for countries with free competitive general elections with
more than one party running; two for countries with some form of
elections but with severe limits in the competitiveness of such ballots;
three for countries in which their leaders are not elected.15

4.2 The Specification of the Growth Equation

The variables employed are described in Table A.2, separately
for the cross-section data used in the single equation estimation, and the
panel data used in the simultaneous equation estimation (differences
between the two primarily arise from data availability).
Our specification draws heavily upon the recent growth
literature. We include variables which proxy for the level of income
and the level of human capital, as well as regional dummy variables.
In the time series cross section specification we also control for the
world business cycle by adding the weighted average of the lagged
growth rate of the seven largest industrial economies and we control for
persistence in growth by using the lagged dependent variable.

In the joint estimation we use both economic and political
variables to identify the growth and government change equations. In
our base specification, the growth equation is identified by the
enrollment ratio in primary school (EDUC). The government change
equation is identified by the lagged dependent variable and by a dummy
variable that indicates the occurrence of an executive adjustment
(EXADJ), lagged one period. These three identifying assumptions
imply one overidentifying restriction which can be tested. The test has
a chi squared distribution with one degree of freedom; it essentially
tests the difference between the reduced and structural form. A small
value for the test statistic corresponds to a high p-value, which
indicates the significance level of not rejecting the model.

5. Results of the Single Equation Approach

This section presents cross-sectional results which extend
previous work by Barro (1989, 1991), Scully (1988), and Kormendi
and Mcguire (1985). The joint endogeneity issue is addressed in the
next section, where we estimate a simultaneous system; here, we first
derive a measure of political instability and use it in cross-section
growth regressions. As specified in (1) and (2) above, our procedure
for constructing a measure of the probability of government change is
to estimate a probit model of total government change on pooled time
series and cross-country data. We then use the fitted values from this
probit regression to derive the average predicted probability of a
government change over the sample period for each country. The
results of these probit regressions are presented in Table A.3 in the

Appendix. l6 The next step is to introduce our estimated measure of
political instability from the probit regression in standard cross-
sectional regressions of the determinants of economic growth.
Before presenting these results, we show in column (1) of Table
2 a replication of Barros regression for the average per capita growth
rate of the 98 countries in the sample in the 1960-1985 period (for a
list of countries see Table A-l). The results of this regression are
familiar. Initial per capita income (GDP60) has a significant negative
sign, confirming the hypothesis of conditional convergence; high
economic growth is associated with high initial level of human capital
(PRIM60 and SEC60); non-productive government spending (GOV)
and distortions in the pricing of capital goods (PPSODEV) lead to
lower economic growth; and the two regional dummies for Latin
America and Africa are significant with a negative sign. Finally, the
coefficient on REVCOUP is negative and significant, indicating that
violent government changes are associated with lower growth, while the
assassination variable (ASSASS) has the right sign but is not
statistically significant.
In column (2) of Table 2 we replace the REVCOUP and
ASSASS variables with our measure of political instability (INS); this
is the average predicted probability of a government change. The
coefficient estimate is negative and significant at the 1 percent
confidence level; after controlling for the other determinants of growth,
per capita growth is lower in countries characterized by a higher degree
of political instability. Column (3) shows that our measure of political
instability remains significant even when the REVCOUP variable is

included. Similar results (nut displayed in the Table) are obtained
when the ASSASS variable is also included.
Column (4) of Table 2 shows that a dummy for democratic
regimes, DEMOCAV, is insignificant. Column (5) reports our results
using a measure of political instability (MJINS) in which we consider
only major changes of government. Thus, the dependent variable in
the probit regression (in table A.4) used to obtain MJINS is
MICHANGE. This measure of instability is also significant.
Furthermore, the coefficient is more than double in absolute value than
that of the variable INS in column (2). As expected, major government
changes have a more serious effect on growth.
Column (6) of Table 2 introduces a variable (PROT63) that is
aimed at controlling for the orientation of the trade regime and the level
of trade distortions (for the definition of this variable and further
discussion of the impact of such variables on growth see Roubini and
Sala-i-Martin (1991)). Our measure of political instability continues to
be significant. PROT63 is defined in a way which implies that a
negative coefftcient on this variable indicates that more inward-oriented
countries grow less. Additional regressions, not displayed, show that
INS remains significant even when different measures of trade
distortions are used.
In summary, this section has shown that the degree of political
instability, as proxied by the probability of government change
negatively affects per capita GDP growth. However, these single-
equation regressions do not properly take into consideration the

problem of joint endogeneity between growth and political instability.
This issue is examined in the next section.

6. Redts of the Simultaneous Equations Approach

Table 3 displays the results of the reduced form estimation both
for the 1950-82 and 1960-82 samples. While the large sample includes
more information, pre-1960 data are not available for most African
countries and several Middle-Eastern and Latin American countries (see
Table A. 1). We report both estimates in order to emphasize that our
results are robust to the sample choice.
Two issues are important to point out. First, the correlation
between the two equations is estimated significantly, rejecting the null
hypothesis that the shocks to growth and propensity of government
change are uncorrelated. This implies that neither growth nor
government change can be taken as predetermined, and hence
estimation techniques that fail to account for the joint endogeneity will
yield biased estimates. Second, the variables that instrument for
government change (lagged EXADJ and lagged GCHANGE) are
significant in the government change equation but not in the growth
equation. Similarly EDUC is significant in the growth equation but not
in the government change equation. These findings suggest that the
variables considered are reasonable in instrumenting for growth and
government change.
The corresponding structural form estimates are presented in
Table 4. Inspection of these results suggests the following findings
concerning the contemporaneous feedback effects: 1) The impact of

political instability on growth, captured by the coefftcient on
GCHANGE in the growth equations, is negative. This result is
statistically significant at high levels of confidence in the large sample,
and statistically significant at lower levels of confidence in the small
sample. 2) Current low growth does not appear to increase the
propensity of a government change as can be seen in the parameter
associated with the GROWTH variable in columns 2, and 4.
Let us now turn to the other determinants of growth. The
coefficients on the economic variables in the growth equation have the
expected sign and are significant. Our proxy for lagged world growth
(WGROWTHl) is significant and captures the effect of a world
business cycle. The level of education (EDUC) has a positive
influence on growth. Finally, the region specific dummy variables
which are typically found significant (and negative) in growth
regressions, Latin America (LATIN) and Africa (AFRICA), are found
negative here as well.
The results for the government change equation are also quite
sensible. The occurrence of executive adjustments (EXADJ) increases
the likelihood of a government change. Furthermore, government
changes tend to be persistent: a government change in the recent
past increases the likelihood of another change. This result is
consistent with the coup trap found by Londregan and Poole (1990):
a history of frequent coups increase the likelihood of additional coups.
Government change is less likely in Africa. Finally, low growth in the
recent past does not seem to increase the probability of a government

change. The coefficient on GROWTH(-1) in the government change
equation is negative but insignificant.
The chi-squared test of our overidentifying restriction shows
that in the large sample the model is not rejected at the Sl level of
significance and in the small sample the model is not rejected at the .92
level of significance.
Table 5 displays the same two specifications, but now the
dependent variable is MJCHANGE, i.e., major government changes,
instead of GCHANGE. The chi-squared tests of our overidentifying
restriction do not reject our model at a high levels of significance as
indicated the p-values of .88 and .53 for the large and small samples
respectively. The coefficient of the propensity of I(major government
changes on growth remains significant. The coefficient on the effect
of growth on the propensity to observe major government changes is
negative, but not statistically significant (though the t value reaches -
1.38 in the the large sample).
In contrast to the results in Table 4, the coefficient on the Latin
America dummy variable in the government change equation is positive
and significant. This is not a surprising result once it is noted in Table
1 that while the frequency of GCHANGE for Latin America is actually
lower than in the industrial and Asian countries, the frequency of
MICHANGE in Latin America is the highest in the world, almost
double that in Asia and a third larger than in the industrial countries.
These figures highlight how Latin America is a region with frequent
major political changes and, as emphasized above, with low growth.
This result supports the idea that what is particularly harmful to growth

is polarization in the society and in the political arena leading to
frequent substantial turnovers of political direction.
It is also worth emphasizing how it is likely to be the case that
various events concerning political unrest such as government changes,
attempted coups and executive adjustment are likely to be underreported
in African countries. Note that Table 1 highlights how Africa has
fewer government changes and executive adjustments than any other
region in the world. Our result concerning the effect of political
instability on growth would probably be strengthened by a correction
of this underreporting bias. In fact, Africa is a region with low growth
and an underestimated measure of political instability.

7. Sensitivity Analysis and Discussion

Our basic result that political instability is harmful to growth is
robust to changes in the model specification discussed below.
No significant changes in the results are found when we add
additional lags of EXADJUST and when we introduce the variable
ATTEMPT, which measures unsuccessful attempts to change the
government, including aborted coups, into the government change
equations. We also considered an industrialized country dummy
INDUST for the growth equation.
Specifications that incorporate the level of GDP (either GDP60
or GDPl, i.e., lagged level of GDP) are considered. The effect of
political instability on growth remains statistically significant in all

these specifications. However, the chi-square statistics are much larger
than the ones found earlier, leading to a rejection of the model.
The effect of democratic institutions is investigated by adding
the variable DEMOC in the growth equation. This specification of the
model is rejected based on chi-squared tests, and the variable DEMOC
is not found statistically significant.
As an alternative means of identifying the model the
contemporaneous effects of growth on government changes is set equal
to zero (note from Tables 3 and 4 that this parameter is not found
statistically significant). The model is not rejected, but gives a much
lower level of significance in comparison to specifications that do not
impose this restriction. A consequence of this restriction is that
coefficient on lagged GDP growth in the government change and major
change equations becomes significant, indicating that low lagged growth
increases the propensity to government changes.
Finally, Table 6 presents our base specification for the case in
which the dependent variable for government changes is coup detat,
as in Londregan and Poole (1990). We provide this result as a way of
suggesting where the differences between the two sets of works might
be arising form.
Unlike that study, we continue to find a negative and a
statistically significant effect of the propensity of government change
(now a coup detat) on growth. By focusing only on coup detat we in
effect reduce the primary difference between these two sets of works
to model specification (our general data base and econometric
methodology and now the government change variable are almost

identical). Our specifications differ from theirs primarily in that we
use world growth, education, executive adjustments providing a richer
set of predetermined variables. Based on a chi-squared test we do not
reject the model at .3-S significance levels. (This compares favorably
with Londregan and Poole, which does not reject at the .l significance
level .)
An interesting finding that emerges in Table 6 is that the
contemporaneous growth has a significant impact on propensity of a
coup detat. This result may indicate that when growth is low, one tends
to observe substantial changes of political control rather than more
reappointments of incumbents. This of course needs further
investigation, as not all coup detats are substantial if it only involves a
turnover of generals that is not associated with major political or
economic uncertainty in the country.

8. Concluding Remarks
Political instability reduces growth. This finding is very
robust: it has been obtained in a model in which several other
economic determinants and regional factors affecting growth and
political stability are accounted for. Democracies do not appear to
show a different growth performance than non-democracies. Also, the
occurrence of a government change increases the likelihood of
subsequent changes, suggesting that political instability tends to be
Rather than reviewing in detail all our results, we conclude by
highlighting several possible extensions of this paper. First, it is

worthwhile to continue in our effort to distinguish cases of major
government changes from routine turnovers of leadership with no
significant changes in the ideological orientation of governments. Our
efforts have been, thus far, reasonably successful in the sense that the
results using our new variable improve, on some grounds, relative to
those obtained with the Jodice and Taylor (1983) variable. Further
research on this point is called for. For instance, one would like to
address the following issue: in certain cases (Turkey in the late
seventies is a good example), frequent coalition reshufflings are
indicators of an underlying political unrests (which, in fact, culminated
in a military coup in 1980). By disregarding such reshufflings, one
underestimates the amount of political uncertainty. In other cases (Italy
in the post Second War period is a good example), minor coalition
reshufflings do not imply any significant amount of real political
uncertainty and instability.
Second, one may try to classify the ideological direction of
government changes and test for the effects of different governments
ideology on economic growth. Such a classification on a left and
right scale is reasonably easy for a subset of countries (for instance,
OECD democracies), but much more problematic for other countries
where religious, tribal or regional conflicts dominate the polity. An
even more difficult but useful approach would be to attempt to measure
the degree of ideological polarization of various parties and groups in
different countries.
A third extension would be to include measures of income
distribution. Alesina and Rodrik (1991) and Persson and Tabellini

(1991) have found a negative relationship between income inequality
and growth, particularly in democracies. Political unrest may also be
influenced by inequality while economic development is bound to affect
income distribution. Thus, the three variables, growth, political
instability and income distribution are jointly endogenous. The
difficulty in pursuing this extension is mostly due to the availability of
reliable time series data on income distribution.
A fourth direction of research would be to pursue further the
analysis of democracy and growth. As emphasized above, dictatorships
are far from homogeneous. It would be quite interesting to engage in
a disaggregate analysis of which politico-institutional characteristic of
dictatorships make them more or less growth-enhancing. Some recent
results by Poole and Londregan (1991b) suggest that this may in fact
be a promising avenue of research. In a reduced form growth equation
they find that the presence of unconstitutional leaders reduces
growth. Their coding of unconstitutional leaders is probably close
to capturing a subset of truly kleptocratic dictators.
A fifth direction of research is to study a non linear pattern
of influence from economic growth to political stability and vice-versa.
For instance, Huntington (1968) suggests that while at relatively a high
level of income political stability and growth go hand in hand, periods
of take off, i.e., of exceptionally high growth, in middle-income
countries may be associated with rapid social transformation and
political unrest. More generally, the interaction between political
stability, political change and growth may take different forms at
different levels of development.


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1. There exists, of course, a vast

literature in political science concerning

this issue. Two of the most influential

contributions are Huntington (1968) and

Huntington and Dominguez (1975).

2. Alesina, Londregan and Rosenthal

(1990) also address this problem of joint

endogeneity of government changes and

growth for the U.S.

3. See Rodrik (1989) for a study of

the effects of policy uncertainty on

private investment in developing countries.

4. Goodrich (1992) finds that

foreign direct investments have been

negatively affected by a high degree of

political instability in a large sample of

LDC countries. Her definition of

"political instability" is the same as that

of the present paper.

5. Empirical evidence on the effects

of political instability on macro variables

such as seigniorage taxation, inflation

rates, budget deficits and external debt

accumulation is provided in Cukierman,

Edwards and Tabellini (1990), Edwards and

Tabellini (1991), dzler and Tabellini

(1991), Roubini (1991), Roubini and Sachs

(1989a, 1989b).

6. This literature also incorporates

the idea that the likelihood of a

government change has a larger effect on

the degree of uncertainty in the economic

environment, the higher the degree of

"political polarization" in society. The

latter is defined as the difference in the

preferences over economic outcomes of

different groups or parties competing for

office. The propensity of a government

change is not likely to have much effect on

economic decisions if the next government

is expected to follow similar policies to

the current one. Thus, the propensity of a

government change should have stronger

effects on growth, the higher is the level

of polarization.

7. For instance, Kramer (1971), Fair

(1978), Robertson (1983), Fiorina (1981),

and Alesina, Londregan and Rosenthal


8. This "incompatibilityhypothesis"

has been formulated in a number of ways:

see Huntington and Nelson (1976), Kahn

(1979) and Olson (1982).

9. A very short and very incomplete

list would include Amin of Uganda, Bokassa

in the Central African Republic, the Somoza

and Duvalier dynasties in Nicaragua and

Haiti, the generals of Bolivia and the

rulers of Guatemala.

10. See Adelman and Morris (1967),

Huntington and Dominguez (1975), Marsh


11. These studies include Dick

(1974, Goldsmith (1987) and the recent

systematic work by Weede (1983) on a sample

of 94 countries.

12. However, this problem does not

invalidate the t-statistics for the null

hypothesis that the estimated coefficient

of the instability is zero (Pagan (1984)).

13. The extent of the time period

for our sample is limited by the

availability of data on various indicators

of political unrest; in particular, for

almost half of the countries, data are

available from 1960 only.

14. We have checked this variable by

going back to original sources and

corrected coding errors mistakes. This is

available upon request.

15. An example of a country coded 2

is Mexico where elections were regularly

held but with a one party rule and with

widespread allegations of electoral fraud.

In general, when judgement calls had to be

made we chose to be "conservative" in what

we defined a "democracy".

16. As expected, political factors

such as past government change, attempted

coups and executive adjustment affect the

probability of government change. We did

not include lagged growth in the probit

regressions since the generated probability

estimate is used as an independent variable

in regressions where growth is the

dependent variable. If we add lagged

growth in the probit regression, this

variable is significant and our results

improve slightly.

17. See Powel (1982) for a

discussion of classifications that consider

class, religious and ethnic dimensions at

various levels of development.

Table 1

Sample Means of the Data: 1960-82*

(Standard deviations in parentheses)


GCHANGE .28 .29 .21 .30 .39 -37
(.45) (.45) C.41) W) (.49) (948)
MJCHANGE .ll .I6 .ll .07 .12 .16
(.32) (-36) C-31) (.25) (.32) (.37)
COUP .048 .078 .057 .058
01) (.27) c.23) (:; Ci) c.23)
EXADJ .49 .49 .42 .54 .53 .57
C.50) (.50) C.49) (-50) (.50) (.50)
DEMOC 2.24 2.18 2.83 2.33 1.07 2.23
(.93) c.92) (.50) (. 89) (.37) C.91)
GROWTH .024 .022 .015 .033 .029 .041
C.069) (.%5) (.084) WW (.035) (.(w
WGROWTH .029 - -
EDUC .827 .963 .625 .826 1.020 .995
(330) C 18) C.33) (.25) c 17) t.221
GDP60 2625 2170 881 3379 6021 1879
(4202) (1003) (499) (852 1) (1801) (163)
GDP 3551 302 1 1152 3685 8754 3395
(3919) (1618) (874) (577 1) (2484) (1155)
Countries 113 24 41 21 21 6
Observations 2592 552 943 476 483 138
Observations 3259 759 1051 572 693 184

*Region breakdowns use the IMF coding system. Hence, the other category refers to non-
industrialized European countries.
Table 2

Cross-Section Regressions on Growth

Dependent Variable: Average Per Capita Growth 1960-85
(t-statistics in parentheses)

Variables (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
constant 0.035 0.062 0.031 0.054 0.108
(4.87) (4.52) (2.84) (4.19) (7.25)
GDP60 -0.007
(-7.08) (::g (xy (Eg (27 (-z,

SEC60 0.011 0.015 0.014 0.010 0.015 0.014

(1.W (I .75) (1.69) (1.01) (1.86) (2.50)
PRIM60 0.026 0.031 0.028 0.030 0.028 0.011
(4.06) (5.47) (4.60) (4.75) (4.61) (1.32)
GOV -0.100 -0.093 4.101 -0.083 -0.090 -0.082
(-3.52) (-3.37) (-3.70) (-2.83) (-3.30) (-2.54)
PPXODEV -0.014 -0.017 -0.013 Xl.018 a.014 -0.008
(-2.89) (-3.61) (-3.06) (-3.52) (-2.55) (4.59)
LATIN -0.014 -0.021 -0.019 -0.016 a.001 -0.014
(-4.34) (-5.98) (4.92) (-5.12) (-0.22) (-2.95)
AFRICA -0.012 a.024 -0.02 1 Xl.01 1 -0.010 -0.027
(-2.78) (4.10) (-3.86) (-2.42) (-2.13) (-4.12)
REVCOUP -0.016 - -0.014 - - -
(-2.29) (-2.07)
ASSASS -0.002 - - - -
INS -0.112 -0.090 - -0.127
(-2.98) (-2.36) (-2.94)
INSMJ - - - - -0.26 -
PROT63 - - - - -0.010
DEMOCAV - - -0.001 - -
Sample Size 98 98 98 98 98 59
Adjusted Rz 0.58 0.58 0.60 0.55 0.57 0.80
St. Error 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.009
Table 3

Reduced Form of Growth and Government Changes:

Specification of Table 2
(t-statistics in parentheses)

Sample 1950-82 Sample 1960-82

Gov. Gov.
Growth Change Growth Change
Equation Equation Equation Equation
(1) (2) (3) (4)
CONSTANT 0.0050 -0.583 4.599
(0.90) (-11.22) (kg@ (-10.52)
GROWTH(-1) 0.123 -1.262 0.135 -1.556
(6.72) (-7.25) (6.W (-8.44)
WGROWTH(-1) 0.411 1.583 0.525 2.126
(6.29) (2.61) (6.90) (3.15)
LATIN -0.010 -0.122 -0.0099 -0.146
(-3.48) (-4.52) (-2.79) (-4.85)
AFRICA -0.011 -0.410 a.011 -0.439
(-3.52) (-13.48) (-3.02) (-13.79)
EDUC 0.013 0.02 0.014 xJ.0007
(2.77) (0.54) (2.57) (-0.015)
EXADJ(-1) -0.001 (0.119) -0.0021 0.160
(-0.52) (5.42) (-0.78) (6.74)
GCHANGE(-1) -0.0048 0.292 -0.0041 0.282
(-1.83) (12.49) (-1.36) (10.99)

RZ of growth equation .045 .051

Cases correct for

Government Change .705 .718

correlation between -.108 -.135

shocks to growth (.026) (.029)
and govt. changes
Table 4

Joint Estimation of Growth and Government Changes: Base Specification

(t-statistics in parentheses)

Sample 1950-82 Sample 1960-82

Gov. Gov.
Growth Change Growth Change
Equation Equation Equation Equation
(1) (2) (3) (4)
GROWTH - 1.720 - -0.126
(0.21) (4.016)
GCHANGE -0.014 - -0.014 -
(-2.85) (-1 do)
CONSTANT a.003 -0.593 -0.008
(-0.43) (-7.58) (-1 .OO) (ZF)
GROWTH(- 1) 0.105 -1.462 0.112 -1.538
(0.77) (-0.72) (0.89) (-1.23)
WGROWTH(-1) 0.433 0.871 0.556 2.195
(6.19) (0.20) (6.71) (0.41)
LATIN -0.012 4.103 -0.012 -0.147
(4.35) (-1.16) (-3 60) (-1.68)
AFRICA -0.017 -0.391 a.017
(-2.75) (-2.66) (-2.83) (E)
EDUC 0.014 - 0.014
(2.52) (2.40)
EXADJ(-1) - (0.122) - 0.160
(2.57) (3.29)
GCHANGE(-1) - 0.298 - 0.282
(2.44) (4.74)

2 test of the 1 over-

identifying restriction 0.427 0.0108

p-value 0.513 0.917

Table 5

Joint Estimation of Growth and Major Changes: Base Specification

(t-statistics in parentheses)
Sample 1950-82 Sample 1960-82
Major Major
Growth Change Growth Change
Equation Equation Equation Equation
(1) (2) (3) (4)
GROWTH - -7.624 - -4.192
(-1.38) (-0.74)
MAJCHANGE -0.00641 - -0.0121 -
(-2.93) (-2.59)
CONSTANT -0.0049 -1.313 -0.016 -1.340
(4.79) (-9.93) (-1.90) (-8.91)
GROWTH(-1) 0.115 -0.537 0.111 -1.251
(0.22) (-0.041) (0.34) (-0.16)
WGROWTH(- 1) 0.414 3.511 0.524 2.307
(5.93) (1.03) (6.3 1) (0.56)
LATIN -0.0085 0.171 0.220
(-3.10) (2.17) (~2y (2.48)
AFRICA -0.011 -0.116 -0.011 -0.087
(-0.49) (4.19) (-0.75) (-0.22)
EDUC 0.012 - 0.013
(5.04) (4.42)
EXADJ(-1) - (0.23 1) - 0.244
(3.74) (3.79)
MAJCHNG(-I) - 0.173 - 0.187
(0.35) (0.65)

,$ test of the 1 over-

identifying restriction 0.0208 0.392

p-value 0.885 0.531

Table 6

Joint Estimation of Growth and Coups: Base Specification

(t-statistics in parentheses)

Sample 1950-82 Sample 1960-82

Growth coup Growth coup

Equation Equation Equation Equation
(1) (2) (3) (4)
GROWTH - -45.048 - -39.93
(-3.70) (-2.99)
COUP alo -0.0092 -
(-11.35) (-12.69)
CONSTANT -0.0070 -1.532 a.0159 -1.718
(-1.66) (-8.81) (-3.33) (-9.77)
GROWTH(-1) 0.118 4.465 0.115 4.005
(0.038) (0.043) (0.035) (0.037)
WGROWTH(-1) 0.418 19.60 0.536 22.30
(5.98) (3.77) (6.45) (3.13)
LATIN -0.0068 0.100 0.189
(-2.49) (0.62) (1.03)
AFRICA wM93 4.239 -0.0081 -0.165
(-0.074) (4.049) (4.063) (-0.033)
EDUC 0.0094 0.0088
(1.77) (1.38)
EXADJ(-1) - (0.227) - 0.197
mw (1.96)
COUP(-1) - 0.559 - 0.652
(0.14) (0.18)

2 test of the 1 over-

identifying restriction 0.365 1.0337

p-value 0.546 0.309

Countries, Variables and Sources

Table A. 1

Countries and Sample Period(+)

Sample 1950-82 Sample 1960-82 0th **

(60 Countries) (39 Countries) (14 countries)
. .* Yugoslavia* Malta* (1954)
U.K.* Haiti* Jamaica* (1953)
Austria* Barbados* Israel* (1953)
Belgium* SUrillalD Jordan* (1954)
Denmark* Kuwait Bangladesh* (1959)
France* Saudi Arabia Indonesia* (1962)
Germany* Syria S. Korea* (1953)
Italy* Hong Kong* Malaysia* (1955)
Luxembourg* Nepal* Benin (1959)
Netherlands* Singapore* Ghana* (1955)
Norway* Algeria* Malawi* (1954)
Sweden* Botswana* Zimbabwe* (1954)
Switzerland* Burundi* Sudan* (1955)
Canada* Cameroon* Zambia* (1955)
Japan* Cape Verde
Finland* Central African Republic*
Greece* Chad
Iceland* Congo
Ireland* Gabon*
Portugal* Gambia*
spain* Guinea-Bissau
Turkey* Ivory coast*
Australia* Lesotho
New Zealand* Liberia*
South Africa* Madagascar*
Argentina* Mali
Bolivia* Mauritania
Brazil* Mozambique
Chile* Niger
Colombia* Rwanda*
Costa Rica* Senegal*
Dominican Republic* Sierre Leone*
Ecuador* Somalia
El Salvador* Swaziland*
Guatemala* Tanzania*
Honduras* Togo*
Mexico* Tunisia*
Nicaragua* Fiji*
Panama* Papua New Guinea*
Sri Lanka*

(+) A * next to a country indicates that it is one of the 98 observations of Table 2.

The end of the sample period is 1982 for all countries, except South Korea and Hong Kong, for
which political data is available only through 1977.

** The date next to each country in this group indicates the beginning of the sample for which data
are available.
Table A.2

Variables Used in Government Chanm

mendent variables

GCHANGE = Government change. Dummy variable which takes a value of 1 for the years in which
there is either a coup or a regular government transfer, and a value of 0 otherwise. [Source: Jodice and
Taylor (1983)J. We found several coding errors in this variable which we adjusted.

MJCHANGE = Major government change. Dummy variable which takes a value of 1 for the years in
which there is either a coup or a major regular government transfer, and a value of 0 otherwise. [Source:
Authors construction from Banks, various issues].

Exnlanatorv variable

Political variables:

DEMOC = Democracy variable taking value 1 for democratic regimes, 2 for regimes mixing democratic
and authoritarian features, 3 for authoritarian regimes. [Source: Authors construction from Banks,
various issues].

EXADJ = Dummy variable which takes the value of 1 in years in which there is a change in the
composition of the executive not resulting in government transfers. [Source: Jodice and Taylor (1983)].

ATTEMPT = Dummy variable which takes the value of 1 in years in which there was an unsuccessful
attempt at changing the government. Includes failed coups. [Source: Jodice and Taylor (1983)].

Economic variables:

GROWTH = Annual rate of growth of per capita GDP. [Source: Constructed from Summers and Heston
GDP = Log of real per capita GDP level (adjusted for terms of trade). [Source: Summers and Heston
Regional dummy variables:

LATIN = Dummy variable for South America and Latin America.

AFRICA = Dummy variable for Africa.

Table A.2

Variable Definitions for Economic Growth Eauations

1. Cross section reeressions

Dependent variable:

GR6085 = Average annual rate of growth of per capita GDP in 1960-1985 period. [Source: Summers
and Heston (1988)].

Explanatory variables:

Political variables

INS = Average probability of government change for each country. Constructed from the probit model
of government change shown in A.3.

INSMJ = Average probability of major government change for each country. Constructed from the
probit model of major government change (MJCHANGE) described in A.3.

DEMOCAV = Country average of the democracy dummy variable (DEMOC); see Table A. 1.

REVCOUP = Number of revolutions and coups per year (1960-85 or subsample). [Source: Barre-Wolf
data set].

ASSASS = Number of assassinations per million population per year [Source: Barre-Wolf data set]

Economic variables:

GDP60 = Log of per capita GDP level in 1960. [Source: Summers and Heston (1991)].

PRIM60 = Primary school enrollment rate, 1960. [Source: Summers and Heston (1991)].

SEC60 = Secondary school enrollment rate, 1960. [Source: Summers and Heston (1988)].

GOV = Average of the real government consumption (exclusive of defense and education) to Real GDP.
[Source: Barre and Wolf data set].

PPI6ODEV = Deviation of the 1960 PPP value of the investment deflator from the sample mean.
[Source: Barro and Wolf data set].

PROT63 = Dummy variable taking values 1,2,3,4 based upon the outward/inward orientation of the trade
regime, for the period 1963-73. [Source: World Bank 1987 Development Report and additional
information collected by Roubini and Sala-i-Martin (1991).
Regional dummy variables:

LATIN, AFRICA, see above.

II Panel rw

Dependent variable:

GROWTH = AMU~ rate of growth of per capita GNP. [Summers and Heston (1991)].

Explanatory Variables:

EDUC = Percentage of school age population enrolled in primary school. [Source: The World Bank].
Missing years obtained by piecewise linear interpolations.

WGROWTH = Weighted average GDP per capita growth for the G-7 countries (U.S., Japan, Germany,
France, U.K., Italy, and Canada). The weights are the share of the country GDP in the G-7 total GDP.

INDUST = Dummy variable for industrial countries; takes the value of 1 for industrial countries, 0

Other variables defined above:


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