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Lee High School

How Can Body Shop Technicians fix and maintain your vehicle?

Body Shop Technician

Wilzen Rodas

Senior Capstone

Peter G Foote

April 13, 2017

Wilzen Rodas
Foote 2

Peter G Foote

Senior Capstone

April 13, 2017

Body Shop Technician

Being a Body Shop Technician isnt just a job that workers do for fun because ones

wants to, technicians do it because it is their passion and love to fix cars and make it look brand

new. An important quality that technicians need to have is a good personality. Another one is

also, of course, knowing what has to be done in order to fix and maintain a customer's vehicle.

Lastly, there are many job requirements that a Body Shop Technician needs to reach and/or

achieve in order to get into this career. Nowadays Body Shop Technicians are reliable and

have certifications proving that they know what they are doing and have the right

equipment required to fix and maintain a vehicle.

One of the biggest qualities that a Technician needs to have is a good personality. Yes

there may be some technicians that dont have a good personality and are very atrocious. Those

types of technicians are mainly the ones who dont have high quality expectation towards their

job. A real Body Shop Technician loves their job with a passion and loves to interact with people

because in their job, interaction and communication is one of the major priorities in this job. Not

having good communication and interaction with people will not help you in this career because

half of it implies workers talking to people and asking what is needed and what has to be done. If

you are looking for a job and or a career that is busy but fun, tryout automotive body shop. This

career is both busy but fun at the same time, but it all really depends depends on the rest of the

employees. Realistically there has to be some humor in any place you work because other then

that it will get boring of doing the same thing everyday. There are times where you have to take
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work serious but one has to be entertained. Laughter and entertainment is one of the best ways to

communicate and get along with others. According to research laughter is more likely to be

caused by being around other people and not because of a joke. Laughter can bring people

together into a work environment and make it less boring to work.

Being led into the field of body shop is actually not bad of an idea but the problem is that

schools and colleges are not doing and or teaching the right material. ''We found that the students

were missing so many things it was amazing they could do anything after graduating,'' said

Joseph P. Harris, an assistant vice president at Allstate. Schools and Colleges are now trying to

show body shop in a whole different way then how it actually should be. Colleges need to focus

more on teaching the students on how to use the tools that are needed to be used and help acquire

at least the basics required for body shop. Jobs now are being more rough on students for their

experience and their knowledge. Colleges need to start giving more experience with fixing cars,

get to work more on cars and to start getting comfortable."Your resume is your job experience,

and education should be more than just sitting in the corner memorizing something," said

Holdsworth, who was part of the University of Iowa College Republicans.

Being a Body Shop Technician implies specific requirements in order to go into that field

of work. For example, the new students that are barely starting off their career will start off basic

and not do anything to big or complex. Changing the oil, checking the brake lights and all that is

what the students will start working on because that does not take much work to do and can

easily be done on no time. Later on those student will slowly start making way up to the actual

hard work and start getting to fix and maintain cars for customers. For that the newbies need to

get to know the equipment and how it gets used, where to use it and for how long to use it. Those

who dont know how to use the right equipment more highly are not able to fix your car
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appropriately. The customers want somebody to come back to whenever another incident

happens. Those people will want to go back to the body shop that helped fix the car well and left

their car like brand new because no customer will be happy is they get treated bad and if their car

looks the same after leaving the shop.

Body Shop Technicians that are reliable have certifications proving that they know what

they are doing and have the right equipment required to fix your vehicle. Not every technician

will be certified and be trusted to fix your car if they dont have the right education and

knowledge for this career. Having a good attitude and personality will get you far in this career

and a lot of your past customers will come back if they love how they got treated.

Works Cited

"Automotive careers." Pamphlet by: National Automobile Dealers Association, National

Automobile Dealers Association, 1995, p. 1+. Academic OneFile,
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%7CA17497469&it=r&asid=36e0f728e0875cb154b7014ee804e292. Accessed 12 Apr.


Berg, Eric N. "BLACKBOARD; Better Hands for Cars." New York Times, 5 Aug. 1990. Academic


%7CA175555422&it=r&asid=788a1065f5d157e64d6462ad3f28bed3. Accessed 12 Apr. 2017.

Source Citation (MLA 8th Edition)

"Body-repair fairs target students; Future techs get a look at career path." Automotive News, 2 Jan.

2017, p. 0016. Academic OneFile,


%7CA476622540&it=r&asid=40aa47a726e56eed5cb486de619cd91f. Accessed 12 Apr. 2017.

Source Citation (MLA 8th Edition)

Haigh, Robert W. "Building a strategic alliance: the Hermosillo experience as a Ford-Mazda proving

ground." Columbia Journal of World Business, Spring 1992, p. 60+. Academic OneFile,

%7CA12420731&it=r&asid=b6877243cffd1904aaf3a95f80491fa5. Accessed 12 Apr. 2017.

Source Citation (MLA 8th Edition)

"Marco Rubio wants a new century for education." UWIRE Text, 9 July 2015, p. 1. Academic


%7CA421073018&it=r&asid=4283d7e391ee6b463901af6bb613a7dc. Accessed 12 Apr. 2017.

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