Vowel-Controlled R and Dipthongs

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Reading Strategy Lesson

Teacher: Madeline Bahou

Grade Level: First Grade
Date: 29 March 2017
Format: My two students
Small group

R controlled-vowels and diphthongs

Objective/Purpose/Instructional Identify what makes both a vowel-controlled r
Goals: and a diphthong
Explain what both r-controlled vowels and
diphthongs are
Use the strategy of r controlled vowels and
diphthongs to exemplify the importance of
phonemic awareness
Texts/Resources/Materials: The Clown in the Gown Drives the Car with the
Star by Brian Cleary
Worksheet with different diphthongs
Cubes and game boards
Color pens/pencils
Assessment(s): Students responses to during and post reading
questions regarding diphthongs and r controlled-
Student engagement in bingo-like activity will
display their understanding of r controlled-
vowels specifically
Student engagement in diphthong worksheet
In particular, students will be assessed by having a
discussion with the teacher about how they know
what each groups of letters sound like.
Brief outline (Activities): 1. Teacher will greet by only using r controlled-vowels
and diphthongs.
Hark you loud scholar stars! Look here for we have a
chair in this fair town!
2. Teacher asks students to explain what kinds of sounds
they heard and if there were any similarities between
certain words. Students will use scratch paper to write at
and look at words.
Students may say they rhyme, which means, they
remembered rhyming from the last practicum!
3. Teachers will tell students about r controlled-vowels
and diphthongs and how they are phonetically important
so that we understand how words are pronounced.
4. Teacher will pre-teach The Clown in the Gown Drives
the Car with the Star and ask questions such as
a. What do you think about the title?
b. Do you think it will be about ways letters work
c. What will this book be about? If no answer, will it
be able learning how to fly jets across the amazon?
5. Teacher will begin to read book. While reading, the
teacher will ask students to point our where they see a
diphthong and r controlled-vowels. They should notice
the pattern between any of the words.
6. Because of the repetition of sounds in the book, the
teacher will give the students the chance to read 2-3 pages
each. If students are having difficulty, they will sound out
the words and help each other. If still having difficulty,
teacher will assist.
7. Teacher will ask students what kinds of sounds are
being repeated or if any new sounds have been
8. Students will be able to use context clues (e.g.
repetition of sounds) to determine what words/word
patterns will come next.
9. After reading the book, teacher will go over r
controlled-vowels and diphthongs presents throughout the
book. Students will share 1-2 words they found using the
pattern too. On our diphthong activity sheet, students will
see familiar words found in the book. They will be asked
to circle/underline where they see the two vowels placed
10. After focusing on diphthongs, teacher will bring out
game pieces and explicitly tell students what the r
controlled-vowel activity is and what they will be doing.
11. Students will claim their own boards and will take
turns rolling the paper dice. Students will take their time
to pronounce the r controlled-vowel and will color the
picture accordingly. Students will playfully compete with
each other to see who fills more of their board.
12. Teacher will leave time for students to practice
reading their worksheets and the book on their own to get
extra practice with phonics. Before doing so, teacher will
summarize what we did today and ask students what they
NOTES *Use this area to jot down
any notes about the strategy or


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