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In June 1928, Ernesto Guevara de la Serna was born. In Rosario, Argentina, his

childhood was plagued with asthma, yet he still distinguished himself as an athlete. He picked up

on his familys strong left political views at an early age, and by his teens had joined a group that

rebelled against Juan Pern. After graduating high school at nearly the top of his class, Guevara

aspired to go to medical school to study medicine. Guevara went to the University of Buenos

Aires and after the first year he went to study abroad in South America with another group of

students and saw people without basic health care or attention. This would inspire him to go back

to college to become a doctor for those in need, and he graduated in 1953.

Later that year, Ernestos views on politics grew stronger and stronger. After watching

the CIA take down his government, Marxism was his main focus. Forgetting medicine, Guevara

figured that the only direction to give South America hope was revolution. In 1954, he got

married and moved to Mexico where he met the brothers, Ral and Fidel Castro. Together they

planned the takedown of the Batista government in Cuba. Among the few survivors of the first

initial attack, Guevara stuck alongside the Castro brothers, and was given the title of Ambassador

of Cuba in 1959 when the country was finally taken over. Ernesto was also placed in charge of

the La Cabaa prison, where hundreds of people were executed under Ernestos orders. Later

into his political career, he was appointed president of the national bank and minister of industry.

Guevara was a key element of turning Cuba into a completely communist state.

In the early 60s, Guevara traveled and tried to make ties with other countries such as the

Soviet Union. He played a key role in the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Also

notable, he gave a speech to the United Nations denouncing US foreign policy and Apartheid in

South America. Ernesto has also authored a book on guerilla warfare.

The next few years Guevara and a small group of guerilla soldiers went around to

different countries and tried to teach the citizens different tactics in rebellion and warfare.

Starting in Congo, he tried to teach the citizens tactics of guerilla warfare in spite of a civil war

in the country. After failing, he traveled to Bolivia to try to inspire citizens to rebel and

overthrow the government. With little success, the Bolivian government captured him and killed

him in 1967.

Guevaras legacy lives on through his radical political views and ideologies, such as

marxism, his warfare tactics, and things such as his execution orders without trial when he ruled

over the prison. He has also been portrayed in many movies, and his book is still read today.




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