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Ernesto Che Guevara.

Ernesto Che Guevara was an Argentine Marxist revolutionary, physician, author, guerrilla leader,

diplomat, and military theorist. He was born on June 14th, 1928 and died october 9th, 1967. He
was allied with Fidel Castro during the Cuban revolution. Before traveling around South

America, observing conditions that spurred his marxist beliefs, He studied medicine.

Che Guevara was born into a middle class family on June 14th in Rosario Argentina. He

was diagnosed with asthma while he was young but still managed to perform as an athlete. He

absorbed the left leaning political views of his family and friends, and when he became a teen he

started becoming very politically active, and he joined a group the opposed the government of

Juan Peron. After graduating high school with honors, he went to study medicine at the

university of Buenos Aires. In 1951 he left school to travel around South America with a friend.

As he was there he witnessed very poor and harsh living conditions people lived in and had a

very big effect on him. So he returned to medical school the following year to help and care for

the needy, he received his medical degree in 1953.

As Guevaras interest in marxism grew, he decided to abandon the medical field,

believing that only revolution could bring justice to the people of South America. In 1953 he

traveled to Guatemala, and witnessed that the CIA backed overthrow of its leftist government.

By 1955 Guevara was married and was living in Mexico with his wife. While he was there he

met revolutionary Fidel Castro and his brother Raul, who was planning the overthrow of the

Balistias government. Their small armed forces landed in Cuba on December 2nd, 1956,

Guevara was with them and among the few that survived the initial assault. Over the next years

he would serve as a primary adviser for Castro and lead their large and growing guerrilla forces

in attacks against the Batista regime.

On January 1959 Castro took complete control of Cuba and put Guevara in charge of la Cabana

Prison. Its estimated that about 100 of people were executed under Guevaras extrajudicial

orders. He was then later assigned president of the national bank and minister of the industry, and
did as much as he could have to help the country transform into a communist state. In the early

1960s, Guevara also acted as an ambassador for Cuba, traveling the world and establishing

relations with other countries, mostly the soviet union, and was a key player during the bay of

pigs and the Cuban missile crisis. In 1964 he delivered a speech to the United Nations in which

he commended the U.S. foreign policy and apartheid in South Africa.

Since Guevaras death he has become a very legendary political figure. His name is often

equated with rebellion, revolution, and socialism. Others remember him as ruthless and how he

executed many prisoners without trial. Guevaras life continues to be a subject of great public

interest and will always be remembered.


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