Question 1 - The Slave Trade

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Question 1 -The Slave Trade

a) Define the term 'Slavery'. 2mks

b) List three ways the people became slaves in Africa. 3mks
c) State three ways the slaves were obtained in Africa. 3mks
d) Since no common currency existed in West Africa, slaves were exchanged for goods.
Complete the following table by stating the good that was exchanged in the various areas.

Areas Goods
Gold Coast
Slave Coast
Between Accra and Keta
Niger Delta
Ivory Coast

e) "This journey- the middle passage- was horrific". Explain this statement. 2mks

Total 15 marks

Question 2- The Plantation

a) State two roles each of the following terms: Owners, overseers and bookkeeper.6mks
b) Name two buildings found on the plantation. 2mks
c) List the three types of field slaves and explain the duties of each. 9mks
d) With the aid of a diagram, illustrate sugar cane production. 3mks

Total 20 mks

Question 3- Master and Slave

a) State two reasons why the governments needed laws. 2mks

b) State two difference between the British and French slave laws. 4mks
c) List four treatment of the slaves in the New World. 4mks
d) Explain the significance of the Drum in the African culture. 2mks
e) Name three way of life of the African slaves. 3mks

Total 15mks

Question 4- Rebellion and Resistance

a) Explain why the slaves attempted to throw themselves overboard. 4mks

b) State who were the Maroons. 2mks
c) List two places where the Maroons settled. 2mks
d) Name three slave rebellion leaders. 3mks
e) Describe the life of Cuffy in one paragraph. 4mks

Total 15mks
1) With the permission of the local King, the 7) British or French pirates who made a living
Portuguese built a ___________________. from raiding Spanish settlements were
a) Castle at Elmina ____________________.
b) Canoe a) Maroons
c) House b) Campeche
d) Palace c) Mamalucos
d) Bucaneers

2) The _________________ was the poorest and

least privileged of the white estate personnel. 8) The Protectors of Slaves were
a) Owner ______________________.
b) Book keeper a) officials
c) Lawyer b) personnels
d) Overseer c) officers
d) kings

3) The planter and his family lived in what was

called _______________________. 9) Nat Turner was born in Virginia in
a) the benab _________________.
b) the logie a) 1600
c) the Great or Plantation House b) 1700
d) the bungalow c) 1800
d) 1900

4) The offsprings of the white and African was

called ____________________. 10) Another name for Quakers is
a) Mestizo _________________________.
b) Mulattoes a) Society of Friends
c) Mamaluco b) Propogation of the Gospel
d) Dougla c) Non Conformist
d) Anglicans

5) The__________________ gang of field slaves

were made up of young children and weak or 11) ____________________ was a new
elderly slaves. settlement built by the ex-slaves from
a) First London.
b) Second a) Leonora
c) Third b) Freetown
d) Fourth c) Freedom Town
6) The mixture of European and Amerindians on d) Friendship
the continent was known as
a) mestizo
b) mulattoes 12) In ________________, the British
c) dougla parliament passed a law to make it illegal for
d) chigros any British citizen to take part in the slave
a) 1806 14) In 1494, Spain and Portugal signed the
b) 1807 ________ to show that they both accepted
c) 1808 the Popes decision.
d) 1809 a) Treaty of Tordesillas
b) Laws of Burgos
c) Treaty of Chaguaramas
d) Laws of Jamaica

15) What is meant by the term lineage?

13) All of the following were instruments used a) Families which traced their ancestry through
by the Spaniards in exploration except: the male line
a) Compass b) A line
b) Astrolabe c) A group of lineages made up a Calpulli
c) Quadrant d) Leadership was usually provided by a
d) Tabla certain lineage.

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