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Weddings: reading tasks

1. Read about the different weddings again and answer the following
a) Who had the longest wedding ceremony?
b) Who had the shortest?
c) Who do you think had the simplest wedding?
d) Who did something or had something symbolic done during their wedding
Olga, Manuela, Noshilu and Lin.
e) Who had restrictions on what they could or couldnt do?
f) Who do you know had a religious wedding?
g) Who do you think had a religious wedding? Who combined both modern and
traditional customs?
Olga, Manuela.

2. Now put the reading away. Can you answer the following questions?
a) Everyone in Germany must have a civil wedding.
b) What did Olga and her husband have to do with the broken pottery?
This symbolized that nothing would get broken in our new house again
while we lived together
c) The verb is to light a candle. What is the past tense? What is the adjective?
I lit a candle
d) What expression did Meryem use to describe her future husband?
e) What two things did Meryems girlfriends do when they had her shoes?
She tooks his shoes away from him.
f) What adjective did Noshilu use to describe walking with her jewellery on?
The colourful, beaded necklace
g) What gifts did Noshilu receive? In China red symbolizes love, joy and
Prosperity, Noshily received a necklace.
h) Whats the short form of handkerchief?
i) Why did Barbara agree to marry in Las Vegas?
Because they had been together a few years and loved each other
very much.
j) What kind of ring did her husband give her?
A beautiful sapphire ring.

3. Did you notice these expressions? Complete the sentences with the
correct phrase.
wished each other loved each other see each other gave each other
a) Manuela and her husband giving each other rings.
b) Meryem and her future husband couldnt see each other.
c) Lin and her husband wished each other good luck.
d) Barbara and her boyfriend loved each other.
4. The magazine Couples Today wants to know how marriage is regarded
in todays
modern world. How important is marriage to you and your culture? Write a
letter to the
magazine explaining your views.

Marriage for me it is only a formality

because nowadays couples are living
without marriage is not necessary,
maybe some women are excited about
her weeding but not all of them. In fact,
according laws in Bolivia a couples who
lived for 2 years is considered a formal
couple. Other reason is because they
spend a lot of money. In our country
weddings are two or maybe three days
where people are eating and drinking
beer, Ron and others. For this reason, a
person might think twice or more to
decide to get married.

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