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tsunamies and earthquakes

Japan is famous fort the earthquakes and the

tsunamies. This happen all the time because oft he
plattes from the litosphere. SO many times they collide.

Ordanary there are 73 earthquakes per month with a

magnitude of 4 or more.

The hardest earthquarke was on the 11st of march in

Ist called Tohoku-quake.

Tohoku 11/03/2011

Time: 14:46 (japanes time)

5 minutes
Magnitude: 9,1
Hypocent: 32km in the deep sea
Places: northern coast from honshu
fatality: 18.537 people
casualty: over 6.140 people
never found: 2.645 people
aftershoks: 7 on diffrent days

The beginning:
- beginn 9th of march with a magnitude of 7,2
- on the evening three more earthquakes 6
the main part: beginn on the 11th march, very
slow, up and downward movements.
After a few moments the ground was moving like
a boat in medium sea tide.

What happen after that?

The result from the earthquake was a tsunami

and a lot of accident in nurclear power plants and
that a lot of people died.

The tszunami

The tszunmai was 6 meters high fort he coast

Prfektur Miyagi and 3m, and the reat oft he east
coast just 0,5m high. On coast from Sendai the
tsunmai was 10m high but lokal 38m high.

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