Eagle Aliens Manual

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The EagleAliens program (Fig. 1) is a simple video-game used to calibrate the user and develop
control of EagleEyes or Camera Mouse. It has been the first video-game that many EagleEyes
and Camera Mouse users have ever played, and is often played at the start of sessions.

Figure 1

Generally you start up the game using the mouse. When this initial screen is reached, the mouse
pointer becomes a white crosshair. Switch control of the mouse over to the user. Wait until the
user has sufficient control with EagleEyes or Camera Mouse. Then you can press the Spacebar
and the game is begun.

When the Spacebar key is pressed an alien invader appears (Fig. 2). The user must use
EagleEyes or Camera Mouse to move the crosshair on top of the alien within the time limit,
which causes the alien to explode. (If you dont want the child to blow up aliens, feel free to
skip this game). No mouse click is needed. The grey bar at the top of the screen displays the
time left for the current alien, and the current score.
Figure 2

After each wave of 10 aliens, the users score and average time appears (Fig. 3). To start another
game, press the Spacebar key.

Figure 3

To customize the game to a specific user one can adjust the time limit, the level of difficulty,
sound, and picture of the alien. These options are explained in the following menu-bar

Also, a user can be calibrated for EagleEyes based on their performance in EagleAliens. For
example, if a user is having trouble moving from one side of the screen to the other, the X-Gain
may need to be adjusted.
We generally consider a user to have proficiency with EagleEyes or Camera Mouse if the person
can shoot down 9 or 10 aliens consistently.

Menu-Bar Descriptions
New Game: Abandon current game and start a new game
Exit: Quit entire application

1 10: Set time limit to 1 10 Seconds
Enter Time Limit: Enter custom time-limit

Easy: Large-sized stationary aliens (Fig. 4)

Figure 4

Medium: Medium-sized stationary aliens (Fig. 5)

Figure 5

Hard: Small-sized moving aliens (Fig. 6)

Figure 6

Sound: If this options is checked, sound is enabled
If unchecked, sound is disabled

Change Alien: Open a window that allows one to select a new jpeg, gif, or
bmp image to be used in place of the default alien
Restore Default Alien: Change the alien back to the original alien image

Figure 7

The picture of the Alien can be replaced (Fig. 7). For fun, try pictures of the users siblings or

About EagleAliens: Display message about EagleAliens (Fig. 8)

Figure 8

For more information about EagleAliens contact gips@bc.edu

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