Environmental Science Syllabus

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WILKINSON COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL Environmental Science Syllabus Spring 2017 Instructor: Mr. Erwin Knight — Email: Envin.Knight@wilkinson.kI2.9a.us — Contact Number: 478-946-2441 Course Description: The Environmental Science curriculum is designed to extend student investigations that began in graces K-S. This curriculum is extensively performance, lab and field based, It integrates the study of many components of ‘our environment, including the human impact on our planet. Instruction will focus on student data collection and analysis. ‘Some concepts are global; in those cases, interpretation of global data sets from scientific sources is strongly recommended. ‘The Internet will be utilized for global data sets and interactive models. Chemistry, physics, mathematical, and technologies! concepts will be integrated throughout the course. Textbook: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, Holt, 2008. ISBN: 978-0-03-094763-5 ‘No textbooks will be issued, Students will have secess to a textbook daily in the classroom. Studests may check a textbook out at anytime to study and complete assignments, ete, Due to the limited number of textbooks, students must turn textbooks back in the next day, Upon checking a textbook oul—the student/parent becomes responsible for the book if itis lost or damaged. Grading Scale: Environmental Science is a semester class (SLO will be administered-20% of final grade). ‘Assessments =30%-- Test and Projects. Labs=30%--Laboratory Reports Daily Grades=15%-- Classwork, Notebook Check, etc. Quiz=20% —Homework=5% Expectations: * Be Respectful to yourself, teacher and others * Be on Time, Be Prepared, and be Ready to Work «Be Responsible—YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR LEARNING! Always gives 100% © Safe behavior in the lab is required at all times, No Food Allowed in Lab/Classroom! 0 Wevwill be working with » variety of equipment and materials that are to be handled with care, © Should you have to be removed from class die to unsafe lab behavior, your will receive a zero on the assignment, and have to makeup the lab in after-school detention; also, you may lose your privilege of participating in future labs. Discipline Procedure: Follow the code of conduct of Wilkinson County HS students {All stucients are expected to bebave appropriately in the classroom environment, No student has the right to disrupt another child's learning—against Georgia's code, Exireme behaviors will result in a direct office referral, Minor offenses will result in the following graduated discipline; Step 1: Warning andor Conference with Student Step 3: Parent Contact Step 2: Break Detention Step 4: Office Referral Make-up Policy: “The student is responsible for making up all work within five days when they have an excused absence or on a fieldirip, Ifa student needs to stay after school they must make an eppoiniment with me and make sure they have someone to pick them up at the appropriate time. All missing work or late work will have points deducted for being late beyond stated time frame. “Teacher will always help students yet their work in and will adjust time or make in needed changes necessary to ensure students success. Provision for improving Grades: ‘Opportunities are designed to allow students to recover from a very low or failing cumulative grade will be allowed when all ‘work required 0 datc has been completed and the student has demonstrated a legitimate effort to meet all course requirements including attendance. Re-quiz are only given to students to assure mastery of the concopt—not to make an A"! Re-quizzes will be averaged with initial quiz. “Teacher will determine when and how students with extenuating circumstances may improve their grades. WILKINSON COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL Environmental Science Syllabus Spring 2017 Instructor: Mr. Erwin Knight Email: Erwin.Knight@wilkinson.kI2.ga.us Contact Number: 478-946-2441 Supplies Needed: 1 Composition Notebook Writing Utensils, | pair scissors, colored pencils Glue Stick and/or Bottle of Glue and/or Tape Please make sure your child has his/her supplies ASAP. Please return the: Tunderstand the information inthis syllabus and agree to honor the guidelines. Parents andlor Guardians: Please read and discuss this syllabus with your student to be certain that you both understand expectations and responsibilites. Please contact me if you have any questions er consems, Ignorance of theses policies are no excuse for Failure to follow them. Your support, cooperation, and involvement will exponentially improve your student's academic success. . Students: | have read and understand the syllabus. | agree to follow the guideline/proceduresipolicies set forth in this contract. Thave read the syllabus and understand the content and participation needed for this course. Period: Student's Printed Name Parent/Guardian’s Signature Student's Signature Parent/Guardian’s Signature Parent/Guardian’s (if applicable) Email address: Parent/Guardian’s Phone Contact Home: Cell: Work: COMMENTS:

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