Annex1f Socialinfraactionplan en

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Objective: The development, by the institutions, of measures which, through the services they provide, respond to the social needs of disadvantaged
categories, including the members of Roma minority in the fields of child protection, justice and public order, community administration and
F1: Child protection

Assessment Remarks
M - Monthly
Responsible Q - Quarterly Budget
Measures limit
institutions S Semi-
A - Annually
Cost Financing source
1.1. Creating certain programs for MLSP,NCFD,
the prevention and fight against NAR
Structural funds
discrimination which Roma 41,900 thousands Lei
children confront, inclusively by National non-refundable funds
Annually, State budget (NCFD)
encouraging the establishment of organizations managed by GEDEON
partnerships between non- Association
2013 A Local budget
governmental organizations and UN agencies in MLSP is partner within
local public structures for child Romania the project
Other funds
Social partners

NAR The implementation of
1.2. Organizing campaigns for
the Campaign One in
preventing child abuse and neglect,
National Five is estimated to be
as well as all phenomena which State budget (NCFD)
organizations performed with the help
might determine the separation of 2012
of CoE, without
children from their families. Other funds
UN agencies in A supposing appropriation
Romania of in the state budget.

Social partners
1.3. Drawing up social intervention MLSP,NAR The total budget of the
projects for the prevention and Project Street Children
fight against the phenomenon National Initiative, whose Structural funds
street children by implementing organizations implementation will be
certain national and local projects completed at the end of State budget (NCFD)
for efficient social intervention and UN agencies in 2011, was of 4.7882
their continuous monitoring. Romania 2012 A mil. Euro, from which Local budget
the foreign funds loan
Social partners was of 3.3 mil. Euro. Other funds

ACDOP Financing
1.4. Raising public awareness MLSP,NAR 3,653,865.25 lei + VAT Structural funds
about children rights and about the non-refundable financial
problem of child and family found National aid and 644,799.75 lei + State budget (NCFD)
in risk or difficulty situation. organizations VAT co-financing (total
A value of the project Local budget
UN agencies in 2012 4,298,665 lei without
Romania VAT) Other funds

Social partners

F. 2 Justice and public order

Measures Responsible Time-limit Assessment Total Budget (thousands lei) Remarks

institutions period
M - Monthly
Q - Quarterly Cost Financing sources
S Semi- 2011-2013
A - Annually
Organizing certain campaigns for the promotion and NCFD 2020 annually 200 State budget
respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms
(civil, political and social rights), generally, and for the
right to non-discrimination, especially, inclusively for
the rights of the persons belonging to national
minorities, according to the international rules and
obligations assumed by Romania

Developing certain information programs Roma leaders, NCFD 2020 annually 200 State budget
managers of public institutions and non-government
organizations for the correct identification and
settlement of the discrimination cases.

Developing courses, seminaries, round tables and 2020 annually 398 State budget
drawing up, editing, printing, purchasing, translating NCFD
and distributing documentary materials within them
(brochures, newsletters, prospectuses, albums,
periodical publications, books, school manuals,
anthologies, posters, banners, calendars, agendas,
encyclopaedias, placards, CDs, DVDs, multimedia etc.)
about the prevention the fight against discrimination.

Initiating programs of legal, civic education and for NCFD 2020 annually 100 State budget
preventing discrimination for the members of Roma
minority, at national level.

Continuing the affirmative measures in the recruitment MAI Permanently Annually Not -
process, according to the legal provisions in force, of the applicable
staff for the Romanian Police and Romanian
Gendarmerie structures among the Romanian citizens
belonging to Roma minorities.

Continuing to allocate special places for the admission M.A.I. Annually Annually 400 Stat budget
at the basic training institutions of the Ministry of
Administration and Internal Affairs

F3 Community administration and development

Measures Responsible Time-limit Assessment Budget Remarks

institutions period
M - Monthly Cost (2012 - Financing
Q - Quarterly 2015) sources
S Semi- thousands lei
A - Annually
Continuing the process for the MAI Permanently A Not applicable
identification of the persons Authorities of local
without civil status and public
identification documents in administration
view of their issuance
Setting up / reorganization of M.A.I. Within 30 days A 5,500 State budget
the county offices for Roma and (Institutions of the from the
of the joint working groups Prefect) approval date
of the
Assessing the activity of experts NAR Permanently S Not applicable -
belonging to Roman minority MAI
within the County Offices for
Roma, NAR Regional Offices and
of local experts for the problems of
the Roma working within city halls
with focus on their implication in
the implementation of the measures
contained in the Government
Developing information campaigns NAR 2012 A State budget
about the right of free movement MAI
within the European Union
Launching a process of social NAR 2012-2013 A State budget
dialogue and specific interventions
through activities carried out by
Community institutions and civil
society organizations, especially in
interethnic communities.

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