Know The Law

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January 1 2009

By Reverse Osmosis Psychosis

We will eradicate Government Organized Crime, corruption, inhumanities, poverty, and starvation

Governments are corrupt beyond belief

Believe it and poof ...they are gone

The unscrupulous federal government wrote the law

precisely sane of moral thought and reason

for us to trust and believe to ransack the people of the

Lower Tier who have been seasoned

Their Modus Operandi is that of Organized Crime as

reality attests

Know "The Spirit of the Law" then Believe in it and we will
do the rest

URUS Charter Democracy Force ROP

January 1 2009
If you believe that you already know the law having observed the politicians
and legal system in action quite competent of the reality that is "How it is"
with persistent poverty, starvation, inhumanities, hopelessness and despair
that begets crime in flourishing numbers that our tax dollars cannot keep the
pace, so distanced from the Ideal defined and guaranteed in the Canadian
Charter of rights....perhaps you are part of the problem and do not Know The

Perhaps you are an excellent witness as to how the shysters operate adverse
to the law and the only way to determine that is to take 10 minutes to
compare what you have come to know to see if your observed knowledge is
consistent with the Constitution, the supreme law of Canada that recognizes
the supremacy of God and the rule of law where all laws must be consistent
with "The Spirit of the Law"

Know "The Spirit of the Law" in ten minutes and recognize the Devil's Disciples for
the rest of your life

Excerpts from the Constitution Act, 1982: Document

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent
with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.

Part 1, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

"Whereas Canada is founded on principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of Law"

The following was extracted from the Law Society of Upper Canada - Lawyers Rules of Conduct
103) Interpretation
(f) rules of professional conduct cannot address every situation, and a lawyer should observe the
rules in the spirit as well as in the letter.

Principles: main beliefs, values, philosophy, ideology, morality, ethics, doctrine, principle
Supremacy: pre-eminence, ascendancy, primacy, superiority, domination, incomparability, dominance
Charter: contract, licence, deed, agreement, bond, hire, rent, employ
Democracy: social equality, equality, egalitarianism
Egalitarianism: parity, fairness, equal opportunity, impartiality
Spirit: strength, courage, character, guts, will, strength of mind, Force, fortitude
Justice: fairness, impartiality, righteousness, even- handedness, fair dealing, honesty, integrity
Consistency: constancy, steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability, regularity

Osmosis: the gradual, often unconscious, absorption of knowledge or ideas through

continual exposure rather than deliberate learning

The Rule of Law (From the Wikipedia)

The Rule of law in its most basic form is no one is above the law.
Perhaps the most important application of the rule of law is the principle that governmental authority
is legitimately exercised only in accordance with, publicly disclosed laws, adopted and enforced in
accordance with established procedural steps that are referred to as due process.
The rule of law is hostile to dictatorship and to anarchy.
According to modern Anglo-American thinking, hallmarks of adherence to the rule of law commonly
include a clear separation of powers, legal certainty, the principle of legitimate expectation and
equality of all before the law.
The concept is not without controversy, and it has been said that "the phrase the rule of law has
become meaningless thanks to ideological abuse and general over- use"

publicly disclosed laws

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent
with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.

"The Letter of the Law" in the first statement of Part 1, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
clearly cedes to the supremacy of God and Jesus of world renown summarized the aspirations
attributed to God as "The Golden Rule" obviously "The Spirit of the Law".

Where there is conflict between "The Spirit of the Law" and "The Letter of the Law" "The Spirit of
the Law" has superiority clearly stated in "The Letter of the Law", where sane moral thought and
reason is either stated or implied giving credence to that which is least apt to be mistaken by
humankind whereas to be human is to err, there can be no mistaking the meaning and intention of The
Golden Rule as words put to paper by people can be unintentionally ambiguous, adverse to "The Spirit
of the Law" inconsistent with the Constitution, either erroneously or deliberately placed for nefarious
intent or deliberately interpreted inconsistent with the Constitution, but of no force or effect

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent
with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal
protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without
discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical


Consistency in "The Spirit of the Law"= “The Spirit of the Golden Rule” is obviously mandatory to
meet the terms of the Charter, in particular s. 15.(1) and s.52.(1)

To meet the terms of the "Letter of the Law" consistency is mandatory where "The Letter of the Law"
clearly recognizes the supremacy of God . "The Spirit of the Law" has priority over "The Letter of
the Law" and where there is perceived to be conflict "The Spirit of the Law" must prevail throughout
to maintain legal certainty of justice and equal protection and benefits of the law the legal system
personnel , namely the members of the Law Societies, government and private sector must be
competent, responsible and irreproachable in continuity with fortitude and conviction to the support of
every individual's guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and benefits. Clearly The Golden Rule
is "The Spirit of the Law" consistent with democracy, justice, principles, and the rule of law and
a sane person of moral legitimate thought and reason could not possibly find the Golden Rule any fairer
or simpler to comprehend where credence must be to that, which is least apt to be mistaken by
humankind where all persons in matters of law are presumed human and sane who should have no
misunderstanding as to what is receptive and non receptive to each other.

Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms

1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it
subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free
and democratic society.
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience and religion; (b)
freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of
communication; (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and (d) freedom of association.
7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived
thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.
15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection
and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based
on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.
24. (1) Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter, have been infringed or
denied may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain such remedy as the court considers
appropriate and just in the circumstances.
31. Nothing in this Charter extends the legislative powers of any body or authority
32. (1) This Charter applies (a) to the Parliament and government of Canada in respect of all
matters within the authority of Parliament including all matters relating to the Yukon Territory and
Northwest Territories; and (b) to the legislature and government of each province in respect of all
matters within the authority of the legislature of each province.
52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent
with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.

It is irrelevant whether or not God exists or whether or not one believes he exists as obviously it does
not matter what one believes as long as they are CONSISTENTLY in, of and with "The Spirit of the

A person's safety and wellbeing is the most valuable possession every individual has and must be
treated with the respect they are entitled to as equals guaranteed by law. It is every individual's
responsibility to abide by the law that ultimately protects every individual and it is the responsibility of

the federal and provincial governments who signed the Constitution to consistently demonstrate due
diligence to every individual's guaranteed Charter rights ensuring every individual abides by the law.

We are all human requiring the same necessities of life and would have to be insane not to know what
is receptive and non-receptive of others

Sanity must CONSISTENTLY prevail in "The Spirit of the Law"

Confucius 551 BC - 479 BC born to poverty rose to dine with kings experiencing all walks of life gave
us the Golden Rule "Do not impose on others what you would not wish for yourself" and
"Recompense injury with justice and recompense kindness with kindness" Jesus confirmed the
Golden Rule in paraphrase as the summary of the aspirations attributed to God

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

The purpose of Law and Order is to define the law and enforce it. In the case of the Constitution
priority one is to every individual's guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and benefits

It cannot be over emphasized that competent responsible irreproachable people of sane moral thought
and reason in continuity with fortitude and conviction to every individual's guaranteed Charter rights is
mandatory of the administers and enforcers of the laws to be consistent with the Constitution.

Police Services Act R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER P.15

PoliceServicesAct.doc Declaration of principles

1. Police services shall be provided throughout Ontario in accordance with the following
1. The need to ensure the safety and security of all persons and property in Ontario.
2. The importance of safeguarding the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of
Rights and Freedoms and the Human Rights Code.
3. The need for co-operation between the providers of police services and the communities they serve.
4. The importance of respect for victims of crime and understanding of their needs.

The law is particularly clear CONSISTENT with sane moral thought and reason and due punishment
applies to every individual who strays from the law and in positions of trust where tremendous amounts
of money are involved with extraordinary temptation and opportunity extreme measures must be taken
to eradicate the temptation and opportunity by extreme punishment particularly attentive to deterrence,
the only viable means of present knowledge to apply due diligence to the protection of every individual
as guaranteed..

In order to maintain equality of protection and benefits consistent with the Constitution justice must be
the personification of "The Spirit of the Law" free to victims on the presentation of reasonable evidence
that they have been victimized as defined in the provisions of the Charter in s.24 (1) are guaranteed the

right to apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to be recompensed by the perpetrator in due course

It is extortion to charge victims for their guaranteed Charter rights that only exasperates the already
humongous burden on the taxpayers who are made to finance the entire legal system to deal with the
amorally inclined. It is the amoral who should be made to finance the operating costs of the system
with the taxpayer having already been deprived to pay for the infrastructure and to get the system up
and running. It must be done in efficient and effective manner for the sole purpose to determine one's
innocence or guilt, and when proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt made to recompense his or her
victim to the status he or she was in prior to the act that brought the perpetrator before the courts. The
convicted must also recompense the taxpayer for all court costs. The taxpayer is deprived every court
case and every time a perpetrator is allowed to go free when a victim is deprived of his or her right to
bring the perpetrator to justice.

I reiterate they who deprive them of the right do so illegally without the authority of the Constitution
and without the financial backing of the taxpayer.

When a victim is obstructed in any way from the justice entitled to him or her under the Constitution
his or her guaranteed Charter rights have been severely compromised and in fact denied and may apply
to the courts for recompense consistent with sane moral thought and reason, consistent with s.24(1) of
the Charter. Not only are the victims rights severely compromised, but every individual’s rights are
also with their safety and wellbeing at stake as the amoral inclined are allowed to pursue their immoral
inclinations unencumbered flourishing like weeds as do the legal profession, administers and enforcers,
one and the same as they nourish and water the weeds protecting them from the justice of the people as
mothers whose children are never guilty, nor are they of protecting their kids rearing them to be

Weed Syndrome

The government members of the Law profession, DOJ-federal and the office of the
Attorney General -provincial, politicians, their affluent and influential friends have manufactured the
"Weed Syndrome" completely 180 degrees adverse to the Constitution, without a trace the Constitution
exists in their modus operandi which reality attests, as the rich continue to get richer and the poor
continue to get poorer as Stats Canada attests.

The reason is obvious ...the government members of the legal profession and politicians are
Government Organized Crime personified creating the problems of society to address them for
luxurious profit. enticed by their affluent and influential friends of the corporate world who have their
hands into everything, manipulating the stock markets, orchestrating the entire legal system against the
people while protecting them from the people, creating Ombudsman's, Commissions, Task Forces,
Human Rights Tribunals, ....The Law Society of Upper Canada is a particularly good example as to
the obvious intention of these unscrupulous people of nefarious bent. as they have the nerve to blatantly
admit, either stated or implied that their members are not required to give a damn about every
individual's guaranteed Charter rights and they go on to clearly admit that evidence is irrelevant to
them when it is against their members and demonstrated that in the manner they dealt with my
complaint against one of their members. See (the 2 part Law Society of Upper Canada document)

CanLaw an international lawyer referral service states on the first page of their web site that the Law Society can not be trusted as they protect their members from the
consumer, not the consumer from their members

The evidence published on the Charter Democracy Force web sites irrefutably proves the entire
system is designed to protect the members of the Law Society, politicians and their affluent and
influential friends.

The system is designed to ransack society in every which way, the insurance companies the legal
professionals ravage that the consumer pays the tab, the long drawn out court cases due the fact the
laws are a tangled web of deceit, that most elusive concept –the rule of law- but hard to easily define
by design, not consistent with the Constitution conducive to every individual's Charter rights infested
with ambiguity, loopholes and inconsistencies with the Constitution that they do not give a damn
about, and the taxpayer pays the tab

The members of the legal profession have infested the corporate world, all adhering to the illegitimate
laws which they all hold as legitimate, where the more affluent and influentially backed wins the case
rather than justice and society. They help themselves to taxes as to whatever they feel the people can
afford, and still survive to a healthy existence to do the work that makes the people of the Upper Tier
healthy and wise, while the people of the Lower Tier hardly have a chance to catch their breathe. They
allow the banks and credit card companies to gouge the people, just another way to make the people of
the Upper Tier rich, and the Lower Tier poorer and poorer.

Trickle up effect

For the economy to grow the people need money to spend. Though never tried before if the
government and friends stopped stealing the people's money they would give it to them by
spending where it more than likely to more than trickles up to them.

The "Weed Syndrome" continues to grow and difficult to bring any one of them to justice because
they all live in glass houses and one stone could ricochet shattering them all to the ground.

All the people with the authority or influence to deal with the issues, including the media, charities,
Democracy Watch and others akin, Church, United Nations, Transparency International, name
them....a few of them documented by the Charter Democracy Force and published on their web site are all involved one way or another. The Church thrives by
befuddling the peoples minds with myths and fiction setting them up for the Fiction of the Attorney
General as defined by University of British Columbia University history professor in his book making
reference to the compelling book by Edmund Morgan "Inventing the people: The Popular rise of
Sovereignty in England and America" that asserts the success of any form of government is dependent
on deceiving the people and in a democracy it is necessary for the people to believe they have a voice
or...the representatives are the people.

Corruption is not just inherent to the is embedded into the system particularly designed to
ransack society, creating poverty, starvation, inhumanities, hopelessness and despair that instigates
crime with wars inevitable of apposing political parties who incite their people to civil unrest and wars

as they are all in a frenzy over the money that is readily available to them from the people who
unfortunately finance and trust they act on their behalf. The ramifications of the "Weed Syndrome"
upon the world is unfathomable, worse than one can imagine of the unscrupulous running wild
having done over and over again, and much worse with the worst yet to come.

Amidst the prodigious amount of irrefutable evidence published on this site and the Charter Democracy
Force web sites is also a prodigious amount of commentary in simple layman's terms with the intent to
wake the people from their spell so they can see reality and the nefarious bent for what they really are,
smiles and hand shakes that you had best remember to check your rings and watches are still there after
the encounter.

Up until June 30 2005 I was as naive about the deliberately, entirely corrupt government organized
conspiracy as the next guy and if wasn't for the fact of so many coincidences being precisely
compatible to my life’s experience I would not have the irrefutable proof to provide to the people and
the relatively simple matter to eradicate the "Weed Syndrome" before the world is smothered with the
weeds with nowhere for flowers and food crops to grow

Please have a thorough understanding of "The Spirit of the Law" before attempting
to read on

I believe that it would be fair to say that it would be insane not to be sane if we could

Bald and Two Faced Liars

The Fiction of the Attorney General

The Brainwashing of the People

First their minds then their bodies work for them

University of British Columbia history professor Jonathan Swainger writes of Edmund Morgan's
compelling book "Inventing the People: The Rise of Popular Sovereignty in England and America"

Opens with an assertion that the success of any form of government requires the acceptance of a
number of fictions

In democracies, for example, it is necessary for the population to "believe that the people have a
voice...or that the representatives of the people are the people"

The cure: Do not Believe the nefarious bent

Inventing the people: is just a metaphor for brain washing

Far from the popular belief of the governments and friends the people need to be
successful for the economy to thrive

Ambition is easier enticed when their is something in it for all the people

Parity comes to mind and democracy and Charter rights and the rule of law and the
Golden Rule

Did Parliament write the R & R of the Attorney General?

Downloaded from the Ontario web site

Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General

The Attorney General has a unique role to play as a Minister.

One part of the Attorney General's role is that of a Cabinet Minister. In this capacity the Minister is
responsible for representing the interests and perspectives of the Ministry at Cabinet, while
simultaneously representing the interests and perspectives of Cabinet and consequently the
Government to the Ministry and the Ministry's communities of interest.

As “guardian of the public interest” the Attorney General has a definite responsibility to ensure every
individual is equally protected and benefitted whereas the interests of Cabinet must cede priority to
every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights and the Attorney General is responsible to make certain
they do in the same manner he must make certain every Canadian individual accepts their
responsibility with due punishment due the crime with strict adherence to deterrence being the only
viable option of present knowledge with due regard to one’s ability to pay.

Whereas a $5000 fine could be pocket change to one and 3 years savings…whatever to another
providing humongous advantage to the affluent and influential contrary to section 15.(1)

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection
and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based
on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

31. Nothing in this Charter extends the legislative powers of any body or authority
32. (1) This Charter applies (a) to the Parliament and government of Canada in respect of all matters
within the authority of Parliament including all matters relating to the Yukon Territory and Northwest
Territories; and (b) to the legislature and government of each province in respect of all matters
within the authority of the legislature of each province.

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent
with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.

The Attorney General is the chief law officer of the Executive Council. The responsibilities stemming
from this role are unlike those of any other Cabinet member. The role has been referred to as "judicial-
like" and as the "guardian of the public interest".

Much has been written on the subject of ministerial responsibilities and the unique role of the Attorney

There are various components of the Attorney General's role. The Attorney General has unique
responsibilities to the Crown, the courts, the Legislature and the executive branch of government.
While there are different emphases and nuances attached to these there is a general theme throughout
all the various aspects of the Attorney General's responsibilities that the office has a constitutional and
traditional responsibility beyond that of a political minister.
,I reiterate that every individual has priority one responsibility to every individual’s guaranteed
Charter rights and the Attorney General as “guardian of the public interest” has a definite priority to
ensure all government departments, agencies, courts, Ombudsman, police, members of the Law Society
of Upper Canada, ….whoever that he influences or advises are responsible and consistent with the
Constitution, with due diligence to every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights, whereas their laws
must be clear with no ambiguity, loopholes and inconsistencies left for individual’s to debate in court
putting unnecessary burden on the public only benefitting the unscrupulous members of the Law
Society who do not give a damn about every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights and the office of
the Ontario General condones it, as I have provided the irrefutable evidence to both the office of the
Ontario Attorney General and the DOJ-Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.

They illegally pass the burden to the individual who does not have the wherewithal to do it and why
should they having other fields of endeavour who know well of the consequences of not being attentive
to their jobs.

The government members of the Law Society have been and are financed by the people to administer
and enforce the Constitution consistent with the Constitution conducive to every individual’s equal
rights of protection and benefits who have been formally educated, with the insider knowledge that
comes with experience with the entire system, buildings, maintenance ,furnishings, equipment all
financed by the people, specifically provided with the wherewithal to act on behalf of the people and
society as a whole and what do they do?

They take over our whole damn system and structure it for their flourishing luxurious benefit refusing
to protect the people as guaranteed because they need victims, clientele to provide for their luxurious
lifestyle attentive to benefiting themselves to the humongous detriment to the individual and society as
a whole who they simply do not give a damn about or the Constitution as their modus operandi clearly
demonstrates absolutely 180 degrees adverse to every individual’s Charter rights.

The evidence has been provided to both the Premier of Ontario and the Prime Minister of Canada who
also do not give a damn.

It has been provided to the Bar Associations across Canada, the Federal Association of Law Societies
who does not give a damn and the list goes on forever, published in the GLIST of e-mail addresses on
the URus Charter Democracy Force ROP web site

These people are pathetic excuses for human beings taking every advantage of their trusted positions
working together against the people but invariably persistently in fight for power for the first whack at
how they are going to ransack us and divvy up the loot.

The evidence is irrefutable and is every where in reality clearly demonstrated for everyone to see that

system obstructs the middle class from accessing the court system because of the exorbitant costs for
even a 3 day civil action cited as $60,000 in the July 26 2008 Toronto Saturday Star as Ontario
Attorney General Chris Bentley and prominent judges cited the seriousness of the issues as they set th
public up for another hug cash grab to top up the Legal Aid system whre thy set money aside with easy
access to pilfer in their unscrupulous ways as thy would have us believe it is socity they car about as

the members of the Law Society are looking for hefty raises so they can continue to ransack the victims
who can afford and are willing to pay their extorted exorbitant fees
for access to the legal system that every victim is legally entitled to and guaranteed under s. 24 (1)

The ramifications of their entire illegitimate legal system is absolutely horrendous upon the Canadian
populace that is the cause of the persistent struggle of humankind, with many victims left in their wake
who they feast off, the cause of poverty, hopelessness and despair that begets criminal actions to
survive and escape the cellar they are put in, providing the members of the Law Societies clientele that
the taxpayer funds their legal counsel at exorbitant prices while the taxpayer of the middle class
cannot afford to access the courts which allows the perpetrator to go free to leave many victims in
their wake before they graduate to hardened criminals and victimize someone of the Upper Tier where
the money is that catches the interest of these nefarious bent who would have us believe they are
respectable members of society acting on the people’s behalf for their safety and wellbeing as
guaranteed by the Charter

The simple and obvious fact is if they were to structure an efficient and cost effective legal system the
Law Society would not flourish but in fact gradually work themselves out of jobs the same as the rest of
the government department personnel who merely design their systems to deal with the symptoms they
they leave the roots of the problems unattended.

This deprives and infringes on the Charter rights of every individual in innumerable ways as well one
can imagine and surpass.

The statutory responsibilities of the office are found in section 5 of the Ministry of the Attorney
General Act. Section 5 states:

The Attorney General,

(a) is the Law Officer of the Executive Council;
(b) shall see that the administration of public affairs is in accordance with the law;
(c) shall superintend all matters connected with the administration of justice in Ontario;
(d) shall perform the duties and have the powers that belong to the Attorney General and Solicitor General of England by
law and usage, so far as those powers and duties are applicable to Ontario, and also shall perform the duties and powers
that, until the Constitution Act, 1867 came into effect, belonged to the offices of the Attorney General and Solicitor General
in the provinces of Canada and Upper Canada and which, under the provisions of that Act, are within the scope of the
powers of the Legislature;
(e) shall advise the Government upon all matters of law connected with legislative enactments and upon all matters of law
referred to him or her by the Government;
(f) shall advise the Government upon all matters of a legislative nature and superintend all Government measures of a
legislative nature;
(g) shall advise the heads of ministries and agencies of Government upon all matters of law connected with such ministries
and agency;
(h) shall conduct and regulate all litigation for and against the Crown or any ministry or agency of government in respect of
any subject within the authority or jurisdiction of the Legislature;
(i) shall superintend all matters connected with judicial offices;
(j) shall perform such other functions as are assigned to him or her by the Legislature or by the Lieutenant Governor in
Council. "

a clear separation of powers,??

What follows is an overview of the various components of the Attorney General's roles and
responsibilities, primarily as outlined in the Act.

Chief Law Officer of the Executive Council (s. 5(a))

The role of chief law officer might be referred to as the Attorney General's overall responsibility as the
independent legal advisor to the Cabinet - and some have even suggested that the role possibly extends
to the Legislature as well. The importance of the independence of the role is fundamental to the
position and well established in common law, statutes and tradition.

It is well established that they are Government Organized Crime personified and old laws,
traditions, statutes and new laws traditions and statutes must be consistent with the Constitution or
be of no force or effect as to their inconsistencies.

As chief law officer, the Attorney General has a special responsibility to be the guardian of that most
elusive concept - the rule of law. The rule of law is a well established legal principle, but hard to
easily define. It is the rule of law that protects individuals, and society as a whole, from arbitrary
measures and safeguards personal liberties.

The Attorney General has a special role to play in advising Cabinet to ensure the rule of law is
maintained and that Cabinet actions are legally and constitutionally valid.

In providing such advice it is important to keep in mind the distinction between the Attorney General's
policy advice and preference and the legal advice being presented to Cabinet. The Attorney General's
legal advice or constitutional advice should not be lightly disregarded. The Attorney General's policy
advice has the same weight as that of other ministers.

Criminal prosecutions (s.5(d))

One of the most publicly scrutinized aspects of the Attorney General's role is the responsibility for
criminal prosecutions encompassed in section 5 (d) and s. 92 of the Constitution Act, 1867. Section 92
gives the provinces authority to legislate in matters related to the administration of criminal justice and
thereby gives the provincial Attorney General authority to prosecute offences under the Criminal Code.

The Attorney General does not, however, direct or cause charges to be laid. While the Attorney
General and the Attorney General's agents may provide legal advice to the police, the ultimate decision
whether or not to lay charges is for the police. Once the charge is laid the decision as to whether the
prosecution should proceed, and in what manner, is for the Attorney General and the Crown

It is now an accepted and important constitutional principle that the Attorney General must carry out
the Minister's criminal prosecution responsibilities independent of Cabinet and of any partisan political
pressures. The Attorney General's responsibility for individual criminal prosecutions must be
undertaken - and seen to be undertaken - on strictly objective and legal criteria, free of any political
considerations. Whether to initiate or stay a criminal proceeding is not an issue of government policy.

This responsibility has been characterized as a matter of the Attorney General acting as the Queen's
Attorney - not as a Minister of the government of the day.

This is not to suggest that decisions regarding criminal prosecutions are made in a complete vacuum. A
wide range of policy considerations may be weighed in executing this responsibility, and the Attorney
General may choose to consult the Cabinet on some of these considerations. However any decisions
relating to the conduct of individual prosecutions must be the Attorney General's alone and
independent of the traditional Cabinet decision making process. In practice, in the vast majority of
cases, these decisions are made by the Attorney General's agents, the Crown Attorneys.

An important part of the Crown's - and thus the Attorney General's - responsibility in conducting
criminal prosecutions is associated with the responsibility to represent the public interest - which
includes not only the community as a whole and the victim, but also the accused. The Crown has a
distinct responsibility to the court to present all the credible evidence available.

The responsibility is to present the case fairly - not necessarily to convict. This is a fundamental precept
of criminal law, even if it is not a particularly well-understood concept among the general public. One
of the Attorney General's responsibilities in fostering public respect for the rule of law, is to assist the
public in understanding the nature and limits of the prosecutorial function.

The rule of law- that they do not respect, that most elusive concept, -the rle of law- hard to easily
define that protects the people and society as a whole.

The legitimate- rule of law- as defined by the Wikipedia appears to be consistent with “The Spirit of
the Law”

The “Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General” published on the Ontario web site was
obviously authored and authorized prior to the Constitution with no reference to the Charter with
many inconsistencies with the Constitution but clearly demonstrates the unscrupulous nature of the
authors and authorizers, presumably Parliament, ideological abusers.

The concept is not without controversy, and it has been said that "the phrase the rule of law has
become meaningless thanks to ideological abuse and general over- use"

There is nothing difficult to understand about the Constitution, the Charter, “The Spirit of the Law”
“The Golden Rule” and the rule of law all being CONSISTENT with each other.

Why wouldn’t the people understand and obviously the authors and authorizers of the R & R were
aware that the people would not understand their unscrupulous illegitimate ways and felt it necessary
to make that entry?

The challenge is for the people to make the members of the Law Societies and Politicians understand
that they are required to be competent responsible and irreproachable in continuity with fortitude and
conviction to structure a system consistent with the Constitution with exemplary diligence to every
individual’s guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and benefits.

They claim-the rule of law- is a well established legal principle prior to 1982 and they are the people
with the authority to make the laws, so why have they not corrected them to be efficient consistent with
the Constitution as required by s. (52)?

The rule of law as the R & R defines it is not consistent with democracy let alone the Charter and the
evidence published on the URus Charter Democracy Force ROP clearly shows the legal system is in
shambles 180 degrees adverse to every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights irrefutably proving the
government members of the Law Society of Upper Canada are as unscrupulous today as they were
prior to the 1982 enactment of the Constitution with 2 Part Law Society of Upper Canada document
irrefutably proving it.

The office of the Attorney General administers the Law Society Act and is a bencher who appoints the
Chair, but is not subject to reprimand by through the mandate of the Law Society Act.

The office Ontario Attorney General and the office of the Minister of Justice are appointed positions
most probably puppets of the bureaucracy well embedded in the system who carry out the tradition of
the nefarious bent

You should now have a good understanding of the law aware that the “Roles and Responsibilities of
the Attorney General” are inconsistent with the Constitution and any inconsistencies are of no force or

You should all be aware of the government’s unscrupulous nature but you have not seen anything yet
until you read the evidence of my personal trek in search for justice that began 3 ½ years ago regarding
events that occurred on June 30 2005 at an Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal.

This is well covered in the original BLACK BOOK now a preliminary section in BLACK BOOK II
that will be used to eradicate amoral inclination from our government personnel.

Ultimately the Attorney General is accountable to the people of the province, through the
Legislature, for decisions relating to criminal prosecutions. Such accountability can only occur, of
course, once the prosecution is completed or when a final decision has been made not to prosecute.
The sub judicae rule bars any comment on a matter before the courts that is likely to influence the
matter. The sub judicae rule strictly prohibits the Attorney General from commenting on prosecutions
that are before the courts. Given the stature of the Attorney General's position, any public comment
coming from the office would be seen as an attempt to influence the case.

Although the Attorney general can become involved in decision-making in relation to individual
criminal cases, such a practice would leave the Minister vulnerable to accusations of political
interference. Accordingly, it is traditional to leave the day-to-day decision-making in the hands of the
Attorney General's agents, the Crown Attorneys, except in cases of exceptional importance where
the public would expect the Attorney General to be briefed.

Legislative Responsibilities (s. 5(e) and (f))

The Attorney General has broad responsibilities associated with Government legislation. These
responsibilities have been described as twofold. One is to oversee that all legislative enactments are in
accordance with principles of natural justice and civil rights (see also s. 5(b) above). This is obviously
an important and broad area of responsibility. The second aspect of this responsibility is to advise
on the constitutionality and legality of legislation.

The Attorney General's legislative responsibilities are played out in a variety roles. The Office of
Legislative Counsel reports to the Attorney General. Legislative Counsel plays a key role in ensuring
the legal integrity of Government legislation. Although the Legislative Counsel's reporting relationship
to the Attorney General does allow the Attorney General to provide guidance and set standards,
individual pieces of legislation are drafted on instructions from client ministries and are not within the
sole control of Legislative Counsel or the Attorney General. It should also be noted that Legislative
Counsel also has a direct responsibility to the Legislature as the Office also drafts all private member's

The Attorney General has a further role to play as part of whatever Cabinet Committee is formed to
review legislation and regulations. Here the Minister has an opportunity to comment on the technical
issues related to legislation and regulations prior to Cabinet consideration.

The Attorney General's role on legislative matters is as an adviser to the Cabinet. Although unlikely,
Cabinet could, in theory, receive the Attorney General's legal opinion on legislation and choose to
disregard it. The Attorney General's role is not independent of Cabinet decision making as in the area
of criminal prosecutions. As was noted earlier, the Attorney General must make careful distinctions
about the legal opinions and policy or political preferences being offered about legislation.

Civil Litigation (s.5(h) and (d))

In addition to the specific responsibilities to conduct civil litigation on behalf of the Government and its
agencies (s. 5(h)), the Attorney General has broader litigation responsibilities flowing from the
historical powers of the Attorney General referred to in s. 5(d) of the Act. These powers are based on
the Crown's parens patriae (parental) authority. The Attorney General's authority, therefore, is not only
to conduct litigation in cases directly affecting the government or its agencies but also to litigate cases
where there is a clear matter of public interest or public rights at stake.

This has been characterized as a constitutional responsibility to ensure that the public interest is
well and independently represented. It may involve interventions in private litigation or Charter
challenges to legislation, even if the arguments conclude that the legislation does contravene
constitutionally protected rights.

Responsibility for Court Administration (s. 5(c))

A key component of the Attorney General's responsibilities to ensure the administration of

justice in the province is the administration of the courts and as a result the responsibility for
maintaining liaison with the judiciary.

Given the fundamental importance of the independence of the judiciary, the responsibility for courts
administration is often a very sensitive and delicate issue. Great care and respect for the principles
of judicial independence must be exercised in this area.

Before moving on to study the evidence please be certain that you are competent to do so.

Know the Law


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