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May 24 2009

Charter Democracy Force

Compiled from CDF Records

Dawson Creek Murders Natasha/Clayton

Murder, Hells Angels, Drug Trafficking under nose of RCMP

Town’s people cower in fear: reports Harper linked to Angels.

Dolores Smith up on RCMP trumped up Charges

May 6 2009 09:05 pm x

[QUOTE who="dawson creek bartender"]we befrended allen he had problems in the
past, his last year spent with us he was respectected , yes he liked women he
worked he kept his problems/addictions to himself,he did not let it run his life. he
was plesent to be around, he laugh enjoyed fishing, he enjoyed being alive he was
popular with the ladies and if they came on to him he did not care he took them
home. what happendto him could happen to any one, he was in the wrong place at
the wrong time he came out to a bad drug deal that went wrong,he was not even
involved he was just there, that could happen to you , me, our kids. now donna i
also knew well yes she had problems/addictions, she would not hurt a fly , she was
also our friend,she would do anything to help, on christmass day she deliverd plates
of food to the needy ,she knew who their were because she was one of them, they
both have their goodness as well as thier faults why can't we look at thier goodness
instead of thier faults, what is at fault is crack cocain they would of had a chance if it
wasnt four the crack. it is taken over, we are losing our friends and family and our
children . now what do we do about the crack problem, .........................
because it is the problem in every town

May 6 2009


My name is Frank Gallagher manager of the Charter Democracy Force based in

Keswick, Ontario. Canada

On or about May 5 2009 early morning Dolores Smith of Dawson Creek contacted me
by telephone requesting our help to get to the bottom of the murders of Natasha and
Clayton, which she is apparently up on trumped up charges by the RCMP.

I am not too up on her story at the moment as I requested that she write me a brief
outline of the story from the beginning which she has done and is now starting at the
beginning attentive to more detail with supporting evidence.

I should explain that Dolores came upon one of my web sites in her search for help
that has not been forthcoming.

I have a prodigious amount of evidence that irrefutably proves the entire

governments federal and Ontario are organized crime with the Law Society
of Upper Canada the major players headed by the DOJ- Minister of Justice
and Attorney General of Canada and the office of the Ontario Attorney
General with both of them the chief legal advisers of every government
department, agency and police whereas I have them all treed from the
RCMP to the Prime Minister.

I should also mention the other provinces are not exempt but I simply do not have
enough evidence to irrefutably prove even though I have provided them the

Of course they are all linked to the Prime Minister and his appointed sidekick Minister
of Justice (Misnomer) and Attorney General and the Law Society is proud to
announce they produced members who have moved onto the other provinces making
a mark for themselves.

We will soon have irrefutable evidence in British Columbia dontcha know.

I get some of that stuff from TV.

It is irrelevant as to which political party is in power as they are all in on the

Evidence is not the problem because it is simply everywhere as reality attests.

I have 600 prominent members of the government, Bar Associations and media
across Canada on my e-mail list (GLIST) who have been provided the evidence over
the passed four years … most not responding and they who were required to,
provided the irrefutable evidence that included the Law Society of Upper Canada on
issues of another personal matter.

Well I just wanted to give you a general idea where we are coming from and where
we are going.

Dawson Creek on a gallop of course!!!

All that is required is to demand a Public Inquiry and their organized crime will
collapse but we need numbers in our membership and by so doing they will know
that they know the truth.

My evidence is spread world wide to millions of people through a bulk mailing service
who are waiting to see a spark that we are on the move and that spark will be a
lightning bolt over Dawson Creek as the problems out there are merely the
symptoms of the government organized crime.

The Charter Democracy Force evidence could support any individual’s charges
against the Government but to this date Dolores Smith is the only one who asked
and we are elated at the opportunity to help and get our evidence on public record.

Priority one is focused on the Dawson Creek murders as the spirit of the Charter
Democracy Force is coming to town.

There will be politicians and lawyers coming out of the wood work when they see we
are on the move but right now they fear the judges and the system and I have
irrefutable evidence on that.

The point is I state nothing with out sufficient evidence to support it with no way in
hell to attack it from any direction being due to my 40 years in the legal survey
industry 10 years with the province … the last 14 with the city of Toronto and 16
years in between in the private sector leaving my manager position of a small survey
office for a lower position with the City but greater pay and humongous benefits.

So bartender crank me a beer and let the people know we are here coordinating an
event that will go down in history as the beginning of the end of the “Struggle of

So that is what I request of you and you and you to spread the word.

We need numbers so please ask them to go to and follow the

instructions to provide us their e-mail addresses as members.

As I write Dolores is doing the same detailing her story and I am looking for
witnesses of the murders to write what they know on the site as we all get together
to secure an air tight case.

I will be requesting all persons able to attend court May 11 2009 to witness and
support Dolores and to let them know we are amassing and coming for them.
They will act quite differently knowing they are being scrutinized by the people.

Well that is pretty much it for this exercise as it is all on my web sites with a whole
lot more to come.

Oh...almost forgot. Dolores wrote

"didyou manage to contact barb dostal?you should do that...let her know to get on
the site as well as rose marie mcleadand all others ,claytons parents.they all have
info and we need them all there as well as aborigianl family resource and walk for
justice ,kevin annettes group ....all who are intersted in what is happening.A man
named mike labocaun knows who killed them."

If you can help with that I would sure appreciate it.
Meanwhile I will see what I can dig up.

I thank you for reading me and I hope you will be pleased with the opportunity to
help make history.

Thank you

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force

On May 11 Dolores Smith went to court in continuance of trumped up charges
by the RCMP resulting from the murders of her friends and was remanded for
sentencing … believed to be June or July 2009

But first let’s get up to speed from Dolores

Dolores trumped up charges by RCMP prior to February 2006 murders of her

friends Natasha and Clayton

May 27, 2005

I was at home with my young daughter,stone cold sober,no drugs .My common
law husband arrived home drunk and stoned.He was picking up my girl and
making her cry and I kept telling him to put her down,he would not..we continued
to aurgue about him putting her down.The babe was getting hysterical and crying
.I was becoming very angry and upset.I knew I could not pull her away.She might
of gotten hurt.I told him I am phoning the cops.Put her down.I thought they would
take him in for the night to sober up.
He refused and I grabbed the phone.with her still in his arms and threw it across
room.Tried to unplug it.I grabbed it agin and we argued for approx half
hour....roundabout..from time he got points we pushed eachother when
he was not holding her.
Finally he put her down and it was quiet,I was releived and I thought he had
finally quit being a drunken fool.I was making sure babe was alright and then I
began to go down hall.My ex husband was coming down the hall,he just finished
coming from my daughter room.
He said cops were coming.I said good....finally I thought .I did not know what he
said.I thought they would come and take him in for night.My ex picked up the
babe again and went outside,again no tputting her down.He went outside and
leaned against truck.I went outside on front porch.I was wearing a short sleaved
shirt,jeans ,no socks.Front porch light was on.My ex had babe ,he was off to left
leaning on truck.I looked at him and said .I am fucking leaving you.He said you
better change your tune Dolores ,cops are coming.I still did not know what he
said to RCMP.
I seen a car go up street on 118 Ave and pull up on left side about half block
up,then I seen another car....all lights blaring,all speeding.I thought what is goin
on here?next I seen a cop running at me.He ran to the bottom of the steps and
pulled gun ,pointing it straight at my head.Hands against the wall he said loudly.I
thought fuck he is going to shoot me.I looked at his eyes and I thought something
is wrong with his eyes.I moved slow.saying what is goin on ?,what is goin on?.He
responded by coming up the stairs and handcuffing me.then marching me past a
smiling ex husband.down the street and into police car.I was freaked out and
noticed people coming out of there houses on left side .He was pushing me down
street handling me very roughly.I yelled to the people to help me.I was put into
car.Then I was taken to police station.Booked ,then told I could not go home until
court .I was told if I did I would be in jail until court.They asked me where I

wanted to go.I said glenda's.not knowing what else to do.It was about 4 in the
morning and I just wanted away from them.I got to glendas.It was May...chilly.I
had no shoes,barefeet,no purse,no ID,no money..nothing.I went to the
door,no answer.I stood staring at the sky .kind of in shock.Two guys went
by.looked mean.they said what are you doing out here?I said I just got out of
jail.they looked surprised.I said my husband lied to cops...something like that
anyways.and told them that he got me thrown in jail.they asked me .who is your
husband?they looked like they wanted to beat him.I said it is okay.I am okay.that
I would handle it.
I knew I had to go home.
I returned home.when I got home.there was my ex sitting at the table just starting
to sober up.I said you fucking asshole you don't know what you have done.I
started running around to find boots and to check on kids and to get my stuff.I
thought he would phone cops again and figured I would be on the lamb until I
could figure out what to do.
So I got my stuff after I CHECKED KIDS and I knew that I had to move fast.My
ex said where are you going ???I said anywhere.How in the fuck do I know.He
kept asking me to stay.I was lacing up boots at table and getting ready to run.He
said please don't go I will tell them the truth.Of course I did not believe I
sat at table with boots on for at least two hours.He started to tell me what
happened after I was taken .He said that he was sorry and that he didne't mean
to do it.
He had told cops on phone that I had hit him and the baby with baseball
bat.Cops came in.
Babe was running around fine.they did not even call ambulance.she would have
been 3 at time....anyways one cop said .maybe we should get his statement
tomorrow.He looks leaned him up against cupboard and said that
he looked good enough to get statement.they asked him where did she hit
you.Dan pointed to his head.There was no injury.
then they had recorder on and kept asking him about baseball bat story.he kept
going back and forth betwwen story and saying ,but I love her.which they kept
shutting off tape recorder and saying they wanted to hear baseball bat story.Dan
of course kept lying back and forth(Dan is ex huband)finally they left.5 cops were
there that night.some were running all over yard.they grabbed neighbors bat
sticking thru fence.
anyways.They had all the cars there.3 cars ,I believe including one I was taken
in.It was just getting dark so street was lit up like a may day parade and I was
being halled away looking likea mass son came home right after
cops took me.He took one look and did not question anything because dan had
did this before.He knew dan did something again.cops never even talked to my
son.did not even reassure him that everything would be okay.nothing....I was
angry when I found all of this out.
anyways.I listened to what they did for quite awhile.they had me charged with
assault with a weapon ..and a bunch of other things and left dan drunk and
stoned with babe......oh ya....when I was at jail.they charged me with assault and
everything they could.then I complained that dan had pushed they phoned

myu house/I heard them talking to dan and other cops.said something about
charging him with assault.Dan said something about having to work the next
daya and that he needed to look after kids.when I wa hearing this I was so pissed
off.Here I was at jail again...and dan was sitting at home drunk and stoned with
my kids.
they just about shot me.
They denied holding gun to my head of course.I WILL NEVER FORGET THAT
Next day...A knock at the was constable richard and a social worker .this
rcmp was not at house on previous night.I took off into bedroom and closed
door.barley breathing.I heard mumbling .Then I HEARD we know Dolores is
here.I let door swing open and sat on bed.
Constable richard came to talk to me(good cop) and said Dan told them the truth
that I did not hit anybody with a bat and that he just had t take me in as a
I thought I went outside with them.police car was parked
across road .I asked if I COULD HAVE A SMOKE.he said yes.
So I smoked a cig with my feet hanging out back of cop car.while he and social
worker talked at back of car.
Then they took me to station.Then to mizpah transition house.A womans shelter
until it could all be worked out.
Then I stayed there until dan agreed to leave house and I went home....until
I stayed at the shelter for a while.traumatized as usual by RCMP.
HOW LONG.extremely stressful.

Dan gave a statement saying he was drunk and did not know what he was
doing.Charge was stayed.
One cops name was ringleburge,ones anme was forsthy....I may of spelled that
wrong.All cops ended up getting marks on thier records.
I am not the one who did this.I have no idea who initiated it.I should have
sued....anyways this was when I could begin to prove what dan had been doing
to me.Ended up getting a beating in june 2006 ,of course same two cops
attended conveniently.just about got killed.They had a bunch of drug addicts tell
a story for them.

From: [mailto:cdf-dawson-
>] On Behalf Of Dolores Smith
> Sent: May-05-09 4:25 PM
> To:
> Subject:
> Hello,my name is Dolores Smith ,in Feb of 2006 in Dawson Creek
> B.C. two murders were covered up.I am facing police harrassment in
> Dawson Creek regarding the cover up of Natasha Dostal and Clayton
> Desjarlais MURDERS.These murders were listed as an accident.When
> mostly everyone in our city of approx 13,000 to 15,000 people know
> without a doubt they were murders.
> I have been entangled in this since Feb of 2006.I know with absolute
> certainty that their is political involvement in the concealment of
> these crimes .leading to the the top of our government.I was with
> Natasha and Clayton ,night before murders.Next day I was told a hush
> order was put on city regarding murders by the hells angels.Right now
> I am up on some serious charges which I am not guilty of.I should of
> never been embroiled in the legal system in the first place.From time
> of murders ,many people in our city were saying that they were also
> being harassed by police.So I know that I was not the only one.
> I did the best I could to deal with what was happening.suffering
> tremendous stress.I ended up landing in the hospitial due to
> exhaustion.Someone tried to say I made the phone call to be admitted
> which is a blatant lie.I did not phone the rcmp or anyone.I knew that
> the murders were covered up with political and police help.Why would I
> phone them.At this point and time.I did my best to avoid them.I have
> had to endure humiliating and extremley stressful situation.
> I am up on resisiting arrest.Which I COULD NOT OF.My arm was broken
> and dislocated at the time and I could not of resisted.I am on
> uttering threats,which is ridiculous considering what they have been
> doing to me and was misconstrued anyway.I am up on breaching
> PLACE.Many cops were there and I was screaming at them that they were
> murderers.I was intoxicated.I had not had anything to drink in a long
> time and was so stressed that I decided to.I have been through hell
> because of cover up of these two murders.
> May 11 is my court date.I am being confined because of murders.They
> are doing anything they can to cover them up.
> Will write more tomorrow.If this goes any further.I am asking that
> people uncover the truth that I have left in Dawson Creek B.C.
> What you will find will shock and horrify you.Our government has been
> covering up things that would shock all of Canada and all other
> countries.
> Thank you
> Dolores Smith

Thanks Delores

That is a good start

Before you start at the beginning in detail I would like you to inform
everyone you know of this Dawson Creek site requesting they join us
and participate telling everything they know in the same manner.
Perhaps just until we get started they could e-mail me their story and
I will open new pages for each person

February 23 2006

The day of murders

I used to do drugs.I was with natasha and clay ,day before murders.Natasha was
smoking crack and looking relaxed.she just got through an I was
quite surprised to see her looking so good.
Clay looked nervous,worried,he was not doing drugs.clothes looked kind of
rumpled.he was always clean.His behaviour was odd for clay.He was a dealer
but he was not someone that would deal to kids,always sold cocaine not meth
and he never swore that I knew of.I swear worse than him.He was not a bully in
any way.
The way they described him in papers made him sound horrible.They either were
misinformed or lied or just did not know him and decided because he sold drugs
he was bad altogether.Clayton was a friend of mine.
I was concerned about him and appearance so I asked him if anything was
wrong.He said he was okay,in his own words.I sat with him awhile.worried.I
noticed natasha sharing some drugs.not really paying attention ,other then
noticing that natasha was in one room (kitchen )clay was in living room of the
known drug house we were in.I was not in any way thinking someone was going
to be murdered,so I wasen't paying much attention to detail.
Next what I remember is seeing Clay and Tash at the cedar lodge motel.they
were in someones car.Did not really pay attention to car.They were selling drugs.
that was the last time I would of seen them alive.
Next day ,sometime in the morning.I went back to known drug house.I remember
christine(a woman who rented the house there,Bernie house and others.don't
know others.
sitting at kitchen table.
Christine said Natasha and Clay are dead,they thought it was a car bomb.She
said they were killed.I was upset.I thought they were telling me a very horrible
joke.I left and hoped they were wrong.I ran into another guy who was a dealer
later on in the day.I approached him,asked him if natasha and clay were dead?if
they were murdered?.Have not seen him since.He said he could not talk about it
a hush order had been placed on the city of Dawson Creek.I asked what a hush
order was?I know what hush is but I never head of a hush order.I asked by
who.He said,he said Hells Angels
I wanted to know what happened to my friend and if he really had died..
That evening I went back to known drug house .I walked in not realizing what
was happening.
The man that owned the car that was clay and tash were driving was sitting
beside a big mean looking biker.I could never recognize him even if I wanted
to.The guy that owned car looked scared and stoned.biker was sitting on outside
chair against wall.driver of car right next to him.I bought some drugs.left.
I am telling this to you in the way I remember was 3 years ago and I received
a beating in june 2006.almost got my memory sometimes is a little
off.Had to do with all this.

Christine ended up dead,they wrote rat ,pig on red on her white house because
she told us clayton and natasha were murdered.I always thought christine was
murdered because of the murders of natasha and clay.
Then everyone found out they were found at a church,dead.
Police said car fire.
Everyone said murder.
people started to run in different directions.

After the murders werre committed I received threats and was beat up,almost
killed.thrown in and out of jail.People I was running into were going through some
of the same things.I was hearing some people left entire trailer full of things and
left town.scared out of thier mind.Friends came over and cowered in the corner.I
never seen people so afraid.At one point the hells angels were coming into town
and people all over town were crying ,they were not even here yet.People were
scattering in different directions.I am so angry that these murders were covered
up.I hear these are not the only ones,these are the only ones that can be proven
though.these are the only ones that an entire city knows it happened.
From what I understand they are made to look like accidents or suicides.If this
goes any further I am asking people to not support United States or Brittains
economy.Also to not support the war.The queen can order a public enquiry and
they are her cops.I should not be in the middle of murders being covered up by
government officials.

An excerpt from the Natasha Dostal web site


Great difficulty getting response from site

Natasha’s Mother Barb

Feb 22 2008 03:05 pm

To whom it may concern:
On February 23/08 it will be the second anniversary of Natasha Dostal’s murder. Yes,
it was murder.
Although local RCMP call it accidental there are many unanswered questions. The
RCMP would like the community to forget Natasha and Clayton’s death, or the
murder of Tom Wilcocks or the murder of Allen Best and Donna Taylor or the body
found in the creek and the list just goes on. Before you know it, it’s forgotten. RCMP
are always quick to report “Foul play is not suspected.“ I think the public should
know the true facts of Natasha’s case. It started a week before Natasha’s death.
To make a long story straight, Natasha was selling crack cocaine for Delaine and
Kevin. These two are known drug dealers in town. They had purchased her by paying
her $1700 drug debt off to a dealer named Trevor. Delaine told the RCMP this when
she was questioned about Natasha.
Feb 12/06Þ (According to Letters Natasha wrote but never mailed) Natasha is driving
a vehicle owned by Shane XXXXXX. who regularly lends his vehicle out in exchange
for crack. Natasha and Delaine are picking up cocaine at the shop when Delaine

comes running out. She tells Natasha to take the coke because her name was just
over the scanner so they then speed off. Two minutes later they are getting pulled
over. Natasha stops the car and Delaine runs. Natasha is arrested and placed in the
back seat of the cruiser. While in the back she slips her hands out of the cuffs,
inserts 3 chunks of cocaine (just over ¼ ounce) into her vagina and slips her hands
back into the cuffs. While riding to the station she can feel herself getting high. When
she is in the cell she calls the guard to tell him what she had done but starts to
seizure. She is rushed immediately to the hospital. We are called by RCMP to get to
the hospital because Natasha is not expected to make it. Shortly after we arrive the
RCMP give us Natasha clothes she was wearing and her backpack. Several hours
later when it looks like she may pull through, the RCMP ask us to return her clothing
so it can be used as evidence. Of course we do.
Feb 19/06Þ Natasha is discharged from the hospital. I bring her home about 7:00
Feb 20/06ÞClayton calls the house for Natasha and she goes to town to meet him
about 4:00 pm. Later that evening her brother Clint phones her cell and the person
who answers says he can’t talk to Natasha. Police have never asked her brother why
or who answered.
Feb 21/06Þ Natasha calls home to say she will be home in a little while. She had a
doctors appointment the following day. That was the last time we ever heard from
Feb 23/06Þ (According to RCMP Reports) Natasha and Clayton stop at Tom Jones
house at 1:15 am. They say they are looking for a place to sleep but Toms says they
can’t stay there because people are looking for them.
Feb 23/06Þ Shortly after 2:00 am, a young man is sitting on his steps having a
cigarette. He lives directly across from the church. He hears what he believes are
gunshots and calls 911. This gentle man has never been question.
Feb 23/06Þ Rick XXXX is driving home from work at about 2:00 am. When he drives
by the church he sees a vehicle with headlights on and 3 people sitting in the
vehicle. He does not report this. I am told by a person that Rick was told by his wife
not to get involved. I later tell the RCMP about this guy who seems to change his
story when the RCMP question him.
Feb 23/06ÞShortly after 2:00 am a man in his apartment notices smoke coming from
the church parking lot. He drives into the parking lot, up to the vehicle, cannot see
anyone sitting in it, so he drives home and calls 911 to report a engine fire. We’ll
never know why he didn’t look in the vehicle.
Feb 23/06Þ Fire Crews arrive at 2:30 am. They quickly extinguish the fire and shortly
after notice Natasha in the front passenger seat. She is removed immediately and
then Clayton. When they arrived at the scene they believed it to be just an engine
fire. They did not in anyway treat it as a crime scene.
Feb 23/06Þ At 8:00 am Tom Jones arrives at the scene to say that it was Natasha
and Clayton in the
Feb 23/06Þ At 9:00 am I receive a call from a friend of Natasha’s. (An addict) She
tells me that Natasha was killed in a burning vehicle. I tell her she’s wrong because I
would know if it was true.
Feb 23/06Þ My phone rings non-stop all day from people asking me and telling me
Natasha is dead. Finally at 4:00 pm I phone the RCMP. I identify myself as Mrs.
Dostal and tell them about my phone ringing all day and I need to know if its my
daughter. I am told that no information is being given out at this time. I phone again
at 4:30 pm and again identify myself as Mrs. Dostal and again tell them my phone is
ringing non-stop. They say they are still not able to give out any information. At this
time Constable Schellenberg says to me “How would it feel if I told the wrong family

their daughter is dead”. At 4:45 pm the RCMP call and says to come down to the
station in ½ hour. At 5:30 pm I was shown a picture (1) of Natasha dead in a
vehicle which I identify as her.
Now the questions start but are never answered.
1) RCMP say they have no record of me calling them at 4:00 and 4:30 pm. They say
the calls that go through the non-emergency line are not recorded. I do not believe
this at all. If I was phoning in a bomb threat or I was suicidal they would sure have it
recorded. The officers say they ‘don’t recall’ me phoning. My husband and son were
both seating beside me when I called.
2) Police say that Natasha and Clayton had numerous threats against them. They
say they picked this spot to hide because it was hidden from view. This spot is wide
open and surrounded by houses and apartments. It is the last spot someone would
pick as a hiding spot. This is also a well-known spot for selling and buying drugs.
Natasha was born and raised in Dawson Creek and knew plenty of places to hide. If
she was hiding this is not the spot she (or anyone) would pick. Who would leave the
headlights on if they were hiding from people?
2) Police say there were no tracks going or coming from the vehicle except
emergency vehicles. What about the witness who drove down to the church parking
lot? His tracks should be there. The scene was trample with firemen dragging hoses
and water to put out the fire. How could you know if there was tracks? It was not a
crime scene until the fire was extinguished and the bodies found.
3) Natasha had no pants on and one sock. I find this the most questionable. The
police said that she was hot because the heat was full blast, the windows were rolled
up tight and music blasting. If Natasha was hot she would of turned down the heat,
rolled down the windows, or open the doors. Natasha would not of removed her
pants and one sock. A Fireman who had pulled her out of the car said that she had
pants on. The RCMP, Police Commissioner and autopsy reports say she didn’t. Who’s
to be believed?
4) RCMP say it took 14½ hours to notify me because they were looking for her
fingerprints to positively identify her. I have her fingerprints if they had told me she
was dead. RCMP knew immediately who she was. She had overdosed in Police Cells a
week earlier and she was a known crack addict.
5) According to Fire and Police reports the firemen put out the fire and then removed
the bodies. How is it possible that the picture I saw to identify Natasha was a picture
of Natasha in the vehicle. Did they put them back in the car after the fire to get
6) When I asked the RCMP about Natasha’s Cell phone and purse, Schellenberg said
she didn’t have anything with her. How did she call Tom Jones? The Coroner also
said to me “It looks like they lived in the vehicle”. I still to this day have received
nothing of Natasha’s back.
7) I had heard that a note was found on the windshield of the vehicle. Schellenberg
denied this but later said there was a note but it meant nothing. Why didn’t this
letter burn if it was a fully-engulfed fire and more importantly what did it say?
8) Natasha was in the front passenger seat and Clayton was in the back seat. The
heater was full-blast, the headlights were on and the music was turned full. Who was
9) The autopsy says that she had superficial burns mainly on her right side. Natasha
was in the front, passenger seat with her head leaning to the side, as if to look in the
back seat. If the heat was hot enough to deglove her hands and feet, why was her
hair not even singed on the left side. The picture that I saw to identify her show no
burns whatsoever. Police also say the car was totally engulfed in flames, with 70-
80% superficial burns, but her hair is only singed on one side?
I find it unbelievable how ‘Crime stoppers’ can look for tips for someone who had

their lawnmower stolen and yet not once was their ever anything for Natasha’s
murder. I honestly believe they knew what might be uncovered.
Barb Dostal

Post extracted from Natasha Dostal web site

May 10 2009 05:46 pm

Hi Frank
My name is Barb, Natasha's mother. Her murder was just that, a murder. No
investigation, just covered up so quick. I can give you the details anytime. You can
email me at

From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: May-11-09 12:12 AM
To: ''
Subject: CDF

Hi Barb

You will not believe how happy I am you wrote…actually kind of giddy not slept
for a couple of days.

I just published a document on your site not noticing at first that you had

Once again I am pleased.

It is quite a challenge from Ontario to make contact.

The new post of the CDF will be quite interesting I am sure but you will not be
able to open the links.

If you type in your URL “” and then click on Dawson Creek and scroll
down and click on “CDF: Dolores- Makes a Stand at Dawson Creek” you will
find the document there
I have informed millions world wide requesting any all persons in the vicinity of Dawson
Creek meet at the court house tomorrow but so far I do not know the address nor do I
know the address of Lawyer Keith Jones.

I believe Dolores has gone to bed with a big day tomorrow so will not be
informing me until the morning.

Could you look it up both those addresses as I need to post them ASAP?

Will you be able to make it to court with all your family to witness and show
support for Dolores”

Could you inform as many people as you can of what is going on

Tell them “”

Later on this morning….the last thing I do will be sending the document to the
600 people on my e-mail list that includes the Armed Forces although I suspect
they are all aware of what is going on and they certainly know all about the
evidence as they have been attacking my site with virus and I can no longer edit
and manage my google sites, however they still can be viewed by the links
provided on the

If the evidence gets out to the people these scum of the earth are done and the
beginning of the end of the “Struggle of Humankind” will be underway.

They are watching Dawson Creek….Will you be there?

From there on I believe it will be easy to find those MURDERERS.

All this and I have not expressed my sorrow for your loss. She looks like a
beautiful nice lady.

Well I have lots to do before I sleep so bye for now.


No response to date May 25 2009

British Columbia Attorney General Wally Oppal informed morning of Dolores Smith
Trial of a prodigious amount of evidence published on Charter Democracy Force sites
to support Dolores Smith defence against the corrupt government, legal system and
CDF evidence irrefutably proves federal and Ontario Governments are organized crime
with good evidence to suggest all provinces and are involved in the conspiracy.

From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: May-11-09 9:16 AM
To: ''
Subject: Urgent:Extremely serious

May 11 2009

Wally Oppal
Attorney General – British Columbia
Ministry of Attorney General
British Columbia
PO Box 9044
STN Prov. Govt
Victoria, BC

Please read the following letter as it is of the most serious nature.

I have been having difficulty contacting Keith E. Jones and the Court House in Dawson
Please see that court gets it and a copy to Lawyer Keith E. Jones

The thought has occurred to me that you may be interested.

In fact I demand a PUBLIC INQUIRY

I have e-mailed millions of people world wide informing them of the

“” web site where this document is published.

It has also been provide to my GLIST of about 600 prominent government personnel,
Federal Law Society, Bar Associations and media across Canada

The evidence published on the Charter Democracy Force conclusively proves the federal
and Ontario Governments are organized crime personified with the RCMP major players
that is a most significant factor in the Dolores Smith case that is being heard today at the
Dawson Creek Courthouse as per information in letter addressed to Lawyer Keith Jones
dated May 10 2009, copy immediately following.

This is extremely pertinent evidence regarding the case against Dolores Smith and it is
imperative that it is entered as evidence.

Once again I demand a PUBLIC INQUIRY …..Make that 5

1) The manner in which our member Dolores Smith has been handled by the
Gestapo in Red
2) The evidence is overwhelming of a cover up of the Dawson Creek murders of
3) The Hells Angels have taken over Dawson Creek and the RCMP is too busy
beating up the citizens …with drugs running rampant seriously affecting Society.
4) There have been reports that there are people who know that PM Stephen Harper
is involved with the Hells Angels …withholding witness’s names.
5) The entire God damn federal and Ontario governments are as corrupt as hell …
irrefutably documented with reasonable evidence suggesting that all provinces are
in on it…where there are members of the legal profession

Serious action must be taken now

I have…or I should say we have been encouraging

people in the vicinity of Dawson Creek to assemble at
the Courthouse to observe the nefarious bent in action
and support Dolores Smith who has been through hell
because of your Goons in Red apparently protecting the
Drug Trade
I am certain that you will see these as very serious matters and we the people expect you
to deal with in the manner and respect they deserve consistent with the Constitution
conducive to every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and


Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force

May 10 2009 Frank Gallagher
34 Riverglen Drive
Keswick, On Canada
Jones, Keith E. L4P 2P8
Legal Services Society 905-476-8959
#302 - 1488 Fourth Ave
Prince George, BC V2L 4Y2 Manager
phone 250 564-9717 Charter Democracy Force
Re: Dolores Smith
Court File # 28306-2-C
RCMP File # nu08-2963

Dear Keith Jones

I am Frank Gallagher manager of the Charter Democracy Force

A few days ago Dolores Smith phoned me requesting help regarding the Dawson Creek
murders of Natasha/Clayton and the problems she has incurred since

I have been acquiring information from her and others since but information coming in is
not flourishing as one would expect from the victim’s family, friends and towns people.

It is my understanding that fear runs rampant and I am well aware of the deliberate
incompetence of the deviate propagates of the nefarious bent of the Law Society of Upper
Canada who got together with the Attorney General of Upper Canada to enact the Law
Society Act, 1797 proclaiming themselves a monopoly to propagate “Learned and
Honourable” persons to administer the laws of Ontario. These deviates infested the west
carry on the ways of their teachings as charlatans highly trained in deception,
prevarication, manipulation and orchestration of the laws and the minds of the people
structuring the people’s legal system to protect them as they ransacked the people of the
Lower Tier through taxes catering to their affluent and influential friends in pursuant of
power and wealth as they used the peoples money to invest and infest the corporate world
providing themselves tax breaks … manipulated the markets …invested as inside traders
knowing which direction the government decisions would be made long before the
people able to manipulate their investments and of course this problem is world wide and
behind the present financial crisis.

I will not elaborate here because I have it well documented along with the entire Federal
and Ontario Government Organized Crime of corruption and conspiracy where they
simply are treed with no way out if evidence is to be considered relevant which I will
expand on momentarily with regards to signed documents willingly provided me by the
Law Society of Upper Canada headed by the Ontario Attorney General who administers
the Law Society Act as a bencher who appoints the Chair and 4 others and selects 5 more
provided by the Society.

Before I get into that I would like to inform that the RCMP are in on the conspiracy with
irrefutable evidence kindly provided by themselves again being so arrogant and confident
the evidence will never get to the people and why should it with the media highly
involved …well documented.

I have been providing the evidence of Government Organized Crime to the RCMP since
January 2006 with the Prime Minister Stephen Harper provided it prior to becoming PM
and after along with all the political parties.

He enacted the Accountability Act, 2006 along with the former Minister of Justice and
Attorney General of Canada Vic Toews in an attempt to cover their deliberate
incompetence to structure a legal system consistent with the Constitution conducive to
every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and benefits.

On November 2 2007 former Minister of Public Safety Stockwell Day finally wrote to
the issues admitting that he was accountable to the people and the federal Parliament for
the actions of the RCMP and was kind enough to demonstrate the old “Benevolence,
Righteousness and Morality” …”Eat People” spiel Confucius warned us about back in
551 BC – 479 BC who gave us the “Golden Rule” that has forever blown in the wind
within the grasp of quadriplegics easily seen by the blind known to us all at 5 years old
prior to our first day of school.

The DOJ-Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada representative of Robert

Nicholson had written January 22 2007 to kindly inform that the Minister of Justice and
Attorney General believes he owns the government and doesn’t represent the people in
such issues and if I can afford to take them on with the resources of the people I can hire
one of the reprobate propagates of the Law Society of Upper Canada who he happens to
have precedence as a member bencher who also advises all federal government
departments and agencies that of course includes the Ministers and former Minister of
Public Safety Stockwell Day.

So now we have the DOJ- “Minister of Justice…….” Well linked to the RCMP.
Strange they would tell me that the federal government has no authority in the provinces
when the RED Coats are all over the God damn place in Canada Eh?

The DOJ state that the provinces have autonomy and are responsible to administer the
Constitution without maintaining a plan to ensure they do if that were the truth, but
obviously when I filed November 8 2007 with the Commission for Public Complaints
against the RCMP for refusing to investigate the Government Organized Crime of
corruption and conspiracy … evidence published on a Charter Democracy Force web site
they took on the investigation under the RCMP Act as the Commission informed the
information was forwarded to the RCMP Commissioner William Elliot who happens to
be a Deputy Minister as that position was assigned by the former Prime Minister
Mulroney …you know the Mulroney who is presently involved in the

Mulroney/Schreiber scandal the Mulroney who made off with 2.1 million of the people’s
money for tax evasion which he has admitted.
It seems if these people admit to their transgressions in public they have the Pope’s
forgiveness and obvious blessings of the Lord being irrelevant as to whether He exists or
if one believes He exists.

I knew a fellow who believed his car was white because it said it was on the ownership
even though it was dark grey.

That is the shame of it all ….the government lie like hell and so many have so much trust
and faith in them that they take us all down because of their ignorant beliefs derived of
myths and fairy tales for ulterior purpose.

Did you know that just for the hell of it I wrote the Archbishop of Toronto for help but he
asked me to take him off his list?

I wrote back asking him to please have a careful look at the evidence because the people
needs his help but he was quite adamant so I removed him from the list as promised but
not long later I put him back on so …he will have some splainin to do.

So off hand I forget the date that the PMO wrote on behalf of Harper responding to my e-
mail thinking perhaps since he enacted the Accountability Act, 2006 he may want to
exercise a little Accountability but his responder wrote hoping I understand why the PM
cannot get involved

Of course I wasn’t surprised already tested a few of the Commissions and the Federal
Ombudsman for Victims but you know what…evidence is relevant so I had to have it

I am reasonably certain that you are well aware of all this as the entire governments
across Canada are aware of the Charter Democracy Force but this is for the record and
you will need to refer to it when I provide you your instructions later on in this document.

Now I refer you to the compiled correspondence of the Law Society of Upper Canada
rather a most significant document I might add demonstrating their absolutely …well lets
say if they were honest people then they are the epitome of superfluity with minds
dwarfed by a toad.

But we know better because they are deviate propagates of the original Law Society of
Upper Canada, 1797 that along with the Attorney General proclaimed themselves a
monopoly to produce deviates to administer law, conducive to their luxurious lifestyle to
the humongous detriment of the people of the Lower Tier.

Statistics Canada has attested the rich continue to get richer and the poor continue to get
poorer…nothing that we wouldn’t expect because reality educates us all.

The infamous document that set the stage for the beginning of the end of the “Struggle of

This is about the deviate propagates of the Law Society of Upper Canada that have
infested the political, legal and corporate world of which the DOJ-Minister of Justice and
Attorney General of Canada appointed by the PM and the Ontario Attorney General
appointed by the Premier Dalton McGuinty head while advising their entire government
departments, agencies and police.

Of course Parliament and the Ontario Legislature are humongously involved along with
the Senators.

Do not worry…all very well documented.

I should mention that it is all in places not retraceable so it will carry on should I not be

So, and I need you to pay particular attention to this…the Law Society of Upper Canada
finally admit …stated or implied that their members are not required to give a damn
about every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and benefits as
they state their members only obligations are to vigorously advance the interests of their
clients…they of course who can afford to.

Precisely adverse to every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights whereas the Ontario
Attorney General and prominent judges admitted to the Toronto Star published Saturday
July 26 2008 that the middle class cannot afford to access their system designed for the
luxury of the nefarious bent.

They figure they will deal with this problem by filling up the Legal Aid kitty …give
themselves a 50% raise and expand their industry further into the poverty sector that they
deliberately create that begets hopelessness and despair that feeds the drug sector …Hells
Angels that have taken over Dawson Creek that begets amoral inclination and criminal
persuasion that got Clayton that begets victims like the drug freaks that do not know
whether they are coming or going and desperately need money where ever it is to be
found to keep fixed and the humongous numbers of victims the legal deviates fix a
“Threshold” as to who they will protect where money is what it is all about that leaves
the majority of the Lower Tier without a hope in hell not even from the PM who enacted
the Accountability Act, 2006 whose office hopes I understand why the PM cannot get

Daaaa…I think I get it.

Gee…if it wasn’t for all the evidence.

So the law Society of Upper Canada go on to state that evidence is irrelevant when it is
against their members….clearly explaining the imbeciles reports such as the Ontario

Ombudsman and other government personnel referenced in the 15 Lawyer Files
published on my Scribd site. such as my MPP who felt
it would be inappropriate for her to intervene.
The Law Society of Upper Canada and government have always been aware that so many
people can not afford to access the system well documented and you will find reports
they requested that inform them that they are not keeping up to the Constitution and
every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and benefits whereas
every victim has the right to access the system free but then these are the scum of the
earth who believe the Constitution and Charter rights are their to protect them and the
criminal element.

So Can law the largest national lawyer referral service publish on their web site that the Law Society cannot be trusted as they protect their members
from the consumer not the consumer from their members.

It would be prudent to mention that this evidence has been provided to the PM, the DOJ-
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, Parliament, Senators, RCMP and the
Premier of Ontario, Legislature, the Ontario Attorney General, provincial governments,
Federation of Law Societies, Bar Associations and media across Canada but no response.

You will find a registered letter to the Ontario Attorney General Chris Bentley and the
Crown Attorney of Newmarket where my mother and I went ….do not have the date off
hand to exercise my rights to access the courts but were refused after about a half hour
meeting with a couple of ladies.


So with what Can Law had published on their site about the Law Society and the same
about the judges with the lawyers fearing the judges allowing injustice to persist I had my
doubts about them but still I gave them a try and they seem to think I am some kind of
wild and crazy guy.

So anyway the RCMP had refused to investigate the evidence of government organized
crime of corruption and conspiracy and I filed with the Commission as aforementioned
on November 8 2007 who informed me the RCMP would be investigating themselves …
of course but they also informed that I should have an interim report within a certain time
that did not arrive until 15 days later I believe after I went looking for it.

Ten months later September 3 2008 after communicating with RCMP Staff Sergeant R.B.
MacAdam who wrote that he was doing a thorough investigation but it got held up a bit
because he got a raise and went on holidays, and by the way the RCMP Final Letter of
Disposition informs Inspector Verheule one of the Officers who refused to investigate
was now retired, RCMP Superintendent Robert Davis District Commander GTA provides
the Final Letter of Disposition, one and a half page of superfluity accounting for ten

months waste of the tax payer’s money that of course is irrelevant to the nefarious bent as
he states that though their was hundreds of pages of documents he ignored it to try to slip
out the back door as he finds the RCMP innocent of my charges of refusing to
investigate government organized crime of corruption and conspiracy while signing the
RCMP Final Letter of Disposition refusing to investigate government organized crime of
corruption and conspiracy.

This is extremely well covered in the BLACK BOOK series of 5 and on the CDF site
RCMP final Letter of Disposition where you will find many other documents nailing the
asses of the Ontario Lieutenant Governor and Governor General.

Then we get into the worldly of the United Nations …where there are legal professionals
there is fire.

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to
the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in
particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour,
religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

24. (1) Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter, have
been infringed or denied may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to
obtain such remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in the

They refused me and have admitted they refuse the majority of the middle class
access to the courts

Such arrogant scum of the earth, like some of those guys you see in the movies all
dressed in frills and perhaps a monocle.

So back to the deviate propagates of the Law Society and the Society itself

In this document the Law Society of Upper Canada state or imply that their members are
not required to give a damn about every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights of equal
protection and benefits and go on to state that their members only obligation is to
vigorously advance the interests of their clients.

So Dolores informs that she has been provided a Legal Aid Lawyer…you Keith Jones
financed by the people to ensure Dolores Smith of Dawson Creek gets a fair trial and
if found guilty of acting in non –compliance with the Constitution and a detriment to
the safety and well being of every individual as guaranteed by the Charter of equal
protection and benefits then she must be punished as must all persons of such ilk
being the only viable means of present knowledge to protect every individual and
society as a whole as guaranteed.

With the irrefutable evidence that the RCMP acting under the authority of the RCMP
Commissioner who is a Deputy Minister under the authority of the Minister of Public
Safety accountable to the people and Parliament, who is under the authority of the
Minister of Justice and Attorney General appointed by the Prime Minister who is
seriously linked to Parliament and the entire Government Organized Crime with the
all the provincial prominent government well informed and have done nothing we
have us a rather significant problem…..Do we not?

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law
that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of
the inconsistency, of no force or effect.
What the evidence shows is that our member was standing up for the people and her
rights all alone against the RED COATS who are obviously in disrepute as well as the
entire legal system under the DOJ – Minister of Justice and Attorney General of
Canada who are now in fact without portfolio having no force or effect

These goons dressed in RED COATS kidnapped her,

harassed her … injured her, among many absurdities
while under the illegitimate authority of the federal
government with DOJ – Minister of Justice and
Attorney General acting on their behalf who provide
me with the January 22 2007 letter clearly stating
the provinces are responsible to administer the laws
enacted by Parliament (The CONSTITUTION) and the
provinces have autonomy and they have no authority
to intervene.

So do you see what I mean?

God damn it man “What in Hell are the RCMP doing

out in BC roughing up our member Dolores Smith
from Dawson Creek”

Sure we all know.

And then there is the witness who reports Harper is

in with the Hells Angels.

Without this evidence that is conclusive with no way
out … should we be surprised at that report?
Well all in good time.

This document will be published on my Scribd site and of course you

will find it by going to

Millions of people have already been informed so they will be

particularly interested how you deal with this.

Bow out and we will come for you.

Needless to say if anything in the slightest happens to Dolores and she

is not released from the persecutions of these, scum of the earth I will
personally see that the maximum penalty will be significantly extended
to traitors of our Canadian Constitution and the people.

A PUBLIC INQUIRY is warranted and demanded.

Now…we…the people … the members of the Charter Democracy Force

have financed the entire legal system from coast to coast to administer
and enforce the Constitution consistent with every individual’s
guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and benefits and that is
precisely what we expect of the government…the Crown prosecutors
who must exam every available evidence to ensure the people are
being protected as equally guaranteed having been financed to do so
by the people who we of the Force have self proclaimed to be
representatives of the people consistent with the Constitution and
Dolores Smith has requested we support her and provided us
permission to act on her behalf instructing you as to how her defence
should be handled.

By the evidence we see that she needs no defence but an offense to

put these ornery critters where they belong.

So it is written…….

For the record you will question by what authority he sits in the pulpit
dressed up in funny clothes … naming his superior and so on right up
to the top.

You will do the same for the boys in Red even if they are dressed

You will demand Dolorous Smith be dismissed of all charges and have
her false record completely erased.

You will demand a PUBLIC INQUIRY as warranted.

You will not be afraid because the people know the truth the kryptonite
of the nefarious bent, which will collapse before your eyes.

The Armed Forces have been kept up to speed and if they are
competent responsible and irreproachable they will be there finally
pointing there weapons in the proper direction.

The evidence irrefutably proves there is not a legitimate person in the

government authority that has no force or effect
I believe we can handle this sanely unbiased with moral thought and
reason consistent with the Constitution….Don’t you?

I will now forward this to Dolores Smith to open and reply

acknowledging that she has requested our support on her behalf to
consult with you Mr Jones …and how’s the Mrs.

Look at the bright side….you will go down in history as a hero …or just
go down.

We will have to figure a way to get the document to you as to the Dolores
Smith instructions.
Please do not disappoint her
She has been through hell.

Do not worry about me … I’m an old 66 soon one way or another….

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force

Tell everyone “”

----- Original Message -----
From: Frank Gallagher
To: 'Dolores Smith'
Sent: Sunday, May 24, 2009 3:14 PM
Subject: RE: Answer and return on same page ASAP

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force

Just say ""

From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: May-24-09 4:48 AM
To: 'Dolores Smith'
Subject: RE: the letter you are waitin for

Now was that so hard

Since May 11 2009 you have taken me many places I have been many times and now I
have what I have been wanting from you.

Do you have any witnesses of any conversation between you and your Legal Aid lawyer
Keith Jones?

If so tell me name of witness and what was witnessed.

You know I requested you to inform of the Charter Democracy Force and the supporting
evidence we have.

That is your objective when you first go to court again when people are around… be clear

You tell your lawyer Keith Jones who is financed by the people under the Legal Aid plan
that the people pay to ensure everyone has a fair unbiased trial to determine the truth and
to punish those who are found in non-compliance with the Constitution conducive to
every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and benefits

Tell them CDF1.CA

When you get this you must print out copies some how…I understand you do not have a
Send it to someone who can print it out….Make a few copies.

Put it in your purse and never go out without a few copies.

If anything happens at all before court you hand a copy to the persons …RCMP …
whoever telling them the contents of it.

If there are any witnesses hand them a copy.

If nothing happens before court …the first thing you do when you are all in court hand
your Legal Aid lawyer Keith Jones, paid for by the people to see that you get the justice
you are entitled to … as well as the people, a copy of this speaking clearly so the people
can hear you “Evidence on “CDF1.CA”

Hand copies to people near you.

The evidence published on the Charter Democracy Force web sites must become
public record
This evidence is extremely important to your case as is the fact Keith Jones has refused to
address the issues you mentioned of your broken arm and RCMP

The entire system including the RCMP are in serious disrepute …not debateable …
evidence published on Charter Democracy Force web sites and is easiest to access
through the “CDF1.CA” web site …easiest for everyone to remember---

It is imperative … of the utmost importance to you … that you understand my

instructions … and where in doubt respond back on top of this.

It is not imperative that you understand the rationale behind it… however best if you
make every effort to that…which is quite simple …the evidence published on the Charter
Democracy Force web sites is vital to your case.


Acknowledge please stating what I have requested of you… And you agree to

Your lawyer and the personnel of the entire system have a vested interest to stop you
from making this public record.

They are the people of the Lower Tier’s enemy … you being one of us right?

You are standing up for them and when they realize they will be standing up for you.

It all very simple … I have been quite open … hiding nothing … the only way everyone
can possibly know the precise truth.

They who hide the truth obviously have ulterior motive.

So please respond on top as requested ASAP

Thank you

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force
Just say ""

From: Dolores Smith []

Sent: May-23-09 10:11 PM
Subject: the letter you are waitin for

I went to court at 15 to 9:00,I got a ride with a friend named russel.When I got to court.Sharon
Payou showed up.I waited for court.We were called in approx 3 times .lawyer was not there
yet(Keith jones)He arrived at approx 10 to 10:30.At that point and time I was under ther
impression he would defend me.I asked him to enter information about my arm being broken and
dislocated when RCMP got ahold of me.He never told me at that point that he would not.So we
entered the court room.Judge Blasovisik was attending.I seen the two RCMP enter the court
house and during a break outsideConstable Turner gave me alittel evil grin.I knew he would lie in
his statement and that is exactley what he did.My lawyer said he did not want me to speak and to
let him do his job.I wanted to speak and let him know that.He said he knew what he was doing
and that I did not basically when it came to court and to let him handle it.So I sat watching and
worried.They got consdtable turner on the stand first.Asked him how long he worked in
Dawson.Turned out it was 4 years.Natasha and clay were murdered he was here
then.something I never realized until said in court.They asked him if he had a problem with me or
disput.forget exaqct wording but to that effect.It was the one question he hesitated quite awhile
He presented a cd....on the cd .I was screaming my head off in pain and calling them
murderers .saying they murdered natasha and clay.I want you all to hear it.No-one at any time in
the court proceedings asked who is Natasha nd clay??
They all knew about the murders.Of course Turner acted like a school Kd on the stand and tried
to say he was concerned about my safety.I called him a liar at least two times during
proceedings.they warned me not to say anything.I was so upset listening to him lying his ass
off.They lawyer was saying how it sounded like I WAS IN PAIN.
The lawyer also brought up how when you are trained to be a cop that they learn aethnique that
allows them to lift arms for control and how painul it is to do that.Turner when entering jial with
me.Had my head dowen to floor.cuffs up as high as he could get them.Girl in cell across told me
she witnessed him bringing me in like that.Of course he made it sound as if he only put on
minimal; pressure.
Also he said that upon finding me in bar that I was having a dispute with someone.He lied
because I WAS NOT.He admitted that I left bar with no resistence.Then he tried to say I resisted
outside bar.Damn liar.He was twisting arm.Broken and dislocated arm
So he played cd...lied his ass off and got off stand.Next on stand ...They were asking
him same questions .Turnwed out he was here when Natasha and Clay were murdered also.Of
course he tried to say howe he feared for his and his families lives and so on.I listened to all his
lies.As thier were 4 cops and I had no chance against 4 armed cops.When I was drinking and my
arm was broken and dislocated as well as being inebreated female.I went outside with my
lawyer.Keith Jones upset at how trial was going and said to lawyer again that I wanted to speak
to judge and that I wanted evidence entered on injured arm as well as fact that I was being
harrassed by cops over murders of Natasha Dostal and Clayton Desjarlais.He turned aroud and

said if I spoke on satnd he would quit and that I could not get another lawyer and said he wanted
me to sign letter saying that if I spoke that would give him right to quit and that if I did not sign
letter he would quit .He wrote it out outside in pen and Then I signed it .Not wanting to sign it at
all....Then we went back in.Judge turns around and says I guilty of two very serious crimes.I was
so upset.Then I said to lawyer I AM speaking to judge.Not caring whether he quit or not.Lawyer
keith Jones says I am too upset and that we had better sey sentencing aside until another date.I
got up and walked out.Lawyer tried to speak to me outside .I walked away from him........not
listening to anything he had to say after that.On one of our breaks lawyer said to me that they had
not found natasha and clays murderer yet ....he knew for sure it was a murder but did not say it in
the courtroom.He did not say I was being harassed over murders.He did not enter evidence on
arm.He kept threatening to quit if I SAID IT...............

No ,we were having these conversations in private.As most lawyers and clients do.I still have two
more court cases which he knew of and so the threat of no lawyer was very real.I need to get
help here fast.If this goes any further I blame United States and Brittain because they knew full
well what was happening to me.That her majesties cops were involved in murders of Canadian
citizens and that I was here dealing with all this and an entire city had been affected by these
crimes.The army was notified,interpol notified.They cannot say they did not know what
was happening.Bold faced liars if they try.I have been through hell and I want the aboriginal
population ,everybody in Canada to know and to let other countries know.If this is carried any
further at all it is solis proof terrorism is being supported in Canada by the same governments that
want everyone to run to thier war.
Dolores Smith

Dolores seems to have an obsession with the United States and British government.

I wonder why when they are all corrupt with enough for the moment to deal with our own
government …irrefutably documented as organized crime personified.

The rest will tumble after

So her conversation with her lawyer threatening her, most discerning to her and the
people, Eh? Apparently no witness this time though.

With the evidence already published on the Charter Democracy Force of the law Society
of Upper Canada that does not give a damn about every individual’s guaranteed Charter
rights and obviously the Constitution …further stating that evidence is irrelevant when it
is against their members can we be surprised that he does not want her to present
evidence against the RCMP who are advised by the Minister of Justice and Attorney
General of Canada.

The Law Society goes further to state that their member’s only obligation is to vigorously
advance the interest of their clients.

Well the Attorney General is the “guardian of the public interest” and we know by the
CDF evidence that the Ontario Attorney General does not give a damn about the public
interest or his agents the Crown Attorney.

We know the Minister of Justice and Attorney General does not give a damn about the
public interest or the fact the Ontario Attorney General, and Law Society do not give a
damn about the public interest, or the Crown Attorneys.

They are all members of the Law Society of Upper Canada.

Now I am presuming since the Minister of Justice and Attorney General who has
precedence in the Ontario courts also has the same throughout the provinces.

I will get around to checking that out.

Ever the less the Law Society is proud as hell of their members who expanded into the
west having no doubt lawyers are the same throughout Canada.

The Minister of Justice appointed by the Prime Minister Harper who responded refusing
to be Accountable as the Accountability Act, 2006 is just another one of the scams of
deception, prevarication, manipulation and orchestration explained in many other
writings so I will not expand here, however clearly the federal government is in charge of
the RCMP running rampant in Dawson Creek with the Hells Angels and dope pushers
seemingly a free reign with murders every where including the murders of Natasha and
Clayton written off by the RCMP as accidental.

As if the evidence I had wasn’t enough they just dig themselves in deeper.

Legal Aid lawyer Keith Jones mentions to Dolores out of the blue at the May 11 2009
court date that they hadn’t found the murderer yet. Why did he threaten her if she said
anything and why all of a sudden when Dolores was upset told Keith that she didn’t care
if he quit … that she was going to speak out to the judge …and he immediately stays the

I need more clarification on that.

Did he ask for a stay? … Request the Judge for a stay? What time did the Judge come in
to court?

Was he interrupted or given a message?

Am of the opinion they were aware the Charter Democracy Force was going to attempt
to get their evidence on record to support Dolores and they obviously did not want such a
chaotic thing to happen to their conspiracy regime.

I am quite certain they were expecting us … we of the Charter Democracy Force as we e-

mailed the GLIST on May 8 2009 informing them. See sent messages below.

F they had of began sentencing her then she would have yelled out about the RCMP
harassment and not quite aware of what we had up our sleeve having informed them of
the evidence they cut their proceedings short.

The people finance the court, Crown Attorney …the Attorney General’s Agent, the
Attorney General, the janitor, the RCMP … and the Legal Aid lawyer with all lawyers
funded by the people to administer and enforce justice consistent with the Constitution
conducive to every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and benefits
and we of the Charter Democracy Force self proclaimed to be acting on behalf of the
people and their guaranteed rights denounce the courts and the entire illegitimate system
they have structured for their luxurious benefit.

The evidence is overwhelming they are vigorously attempting to cover up the murders of
Natasha and Clayton and have the town populace cowering in fear of the Hells Angels
and obviously the RCMP who are protecting and working with them beating up the
town’s people who the government has impoverished and refuse to treat as equals as per
the Canadian Constitution Act, 1982

The evidence is insurmountable and there are many witnesses to testify to the murders
that are relative to the way Dolores Smith has been mistreated that can be likened to
stabbing her in the back and then charging her for bleeding on the rug they pull out from

This is a pathetic disgrace and these most humongously serious issues will be dealt with
in the people’s courts consistent with the Constitution that granted them authority and
then spit on it in complete disregard for it and the Canadian people.

Just while the thought has crossed my mind a big army type helicopter circled my house
day quite loud though I suppose it was a thousand feet away.

It has never happened before in the 18 years I have been here and I suspect perhaps I am
in serious trouble…not unexpected but of course had hoped it could be done another way.

I of course again … that hoping, wishing and praying has never worked for me…how
about you?

Thank you to all who helped and of course I hope you continue in this once in a …since
the beginning the people of the Lower Tier have been ransacked and under siege by these
arrogant insatiable ornery critters.

Witnesses to the murders have been identified and published on my sites.

These people are also in danger and I cannot express my feelings for what I must do for
simply innumerable people will continue to suffer to these beasts now and forever.

How many of our soldiers died fighting the wrong battle…where there should never have
been battles if not for these scum and their ilk.

I highly suggest the government personnel, RCMP and the Armed Forces be informed of
their unscrupulous hierarchy if you can and show the world how the right war can be
fought and won without guns.

I wonder why Legal Aid lawyer Keith Jones financed by the people to defend Dolores
Smith was late getting to court 10 – 10:30 AM Dolores states.

Dolores was there at 15 to 9:00 and her case was called approx. 3 times.

I sent the e-mail to BC Attorney General Wally Oppal at 9:16 AM that morning
with letter and instructions for Keith Jones.

I have kept the Armed Forces informed for years providing them the opportunity to
ponder whether they will shoot their families at the order of these irrefutably proven
illegitimate parasites if there is such a thing as a legitimate one.

The following prominent government personnel e-mail addresses listed on

my GLIST have been provided all the evidence published on the Charter
Democracy Force sites and were informed May 8 2009 that the Spirit of the
Charter Democracy Force was coming to Dawson Creek.

RCMP, Bar Associations and Media across Canada are included as well as
British Columbia Attorney General Wally Oppal and of course the Prime
Minister and Minister of Justice. Quite a cover.Eh?

He is responsible to deal with the issues in Dawson Creek….He is also

responsible that there are serious issues in Dawson Creek and he is
accountable to the people through the legislature who have also been

He will be responsible if anyone is harmed in Dawson Creek

From: Frank Gallagher []
Sent: May-08-09 4:41 PM
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Subject: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

From: Frank Gallagher []

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Subject: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009
From: Frank Gallagher []
Sent: May-08-09 4:44 PM
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Subject: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

From: Frank Gallagher []

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Subject: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

From: Frank Gallagher []
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Subject: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: May-08-09 4:48 PM
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Subject: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

From: Frank Gallagher []
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Subject: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

From: Frank Gallagher []

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Subject: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: May-08-09 5:03 PM
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Subject: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

From: Frank Gallagher []
Sent: May-08-09 5:04 PM
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Subject: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: May-08-09 5:05 PM
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''; ''; 'Fenlon-'
Subject: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: May-08-09 5:14 PM
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Subject: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: May-08-09 5:15 PM
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Subject: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: May-08-09 5:16 PM
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Subject: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: May-08-09 5:17 PM
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Subject: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

From: Frank Gallagher []
Sent: May-08-09 5:21 PM
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Subject: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

May 8 2009

Murders in Dawson Creek….The Dolores Smith Story unfolds

The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

Posted on my Scribd

On February 23 2006 Natasha and Clayton were murdered in Dawson Creek with reports
Harper linked to the Hells Angels and the harassment and cover up began on this matter
as it has always done world wide.

On May 11 2009 Dolores Smith goes to trial, but before then the Charter Democracy
Force intends to present the story as the people of Dawson Creek see it.

There is always more than one side to the story but all the people read and hear in the
media is that of the deviate propagates of the Law Society of Upper Canada who infested
and invested the illegitimate legal system and the corporate world.

The Charter Democracy Force is now posting on the Natasha Dostal web site as we encourage
persons to tell their story determined to get to the truth an entity that is adverse to the
modus operandi of the Law Society of Upper Canada which the DOJ- Minister of Justice
and Attorney General of Canada and the office of the Ontario Attorney General are major

The upper echelon of the RCMP have already been irrefutably proven to be major players
in the Government Organized Crime all published on the Charter Democracy Force web
sites and affiliate web sites referenced thereon.

We are making every effort to have any and all persons who are privy to any information
regarding these murders post on our site CDF- Dawson Creek site and the Natasha Dostal site

We are also encouraging attendance at the court May 11 2009 when Dolores Smith goes
to trial

This letter will be sent to the GLIST near 600 e-mail addresses of prominent government
personnel across Canada, that includes the Bar Associations, media and the Armed

It will also be sent to millions world wide

Will the media be there?

-----Original Message-----
From: Info [mailto:Info@GG.CA]
Sent: May-08-09 1:41 PM
Subject: Auto Response / Réponse automatique

Thank you for writing to the Office of the Secretary to the Governor
General. We appreciate hearing your views and suggestions. Responses to
specific inquiries can be expected within two to three weeks. Please
note that many of the e-mails we receive are in the form of comments or
opinions and do not receive a reply. Content that is of an offensive or
commercial nature will not receive a response.

Due to the large quantity of incoming correspondence, we also cannot
reply to e-mails inquiring about the status of a previous request.
Thank you for your understanding.

From: Bains.MLA, Harry []

Sent: May-08-09 2:01 PM
Subject: Auto Reply: Thank you for your email

Thank you for your email. This auto response is to assure you your email
has been received at my office. ***PLEASE NOTE: If you did not include
your contact information in your original email (name, address and
telephone number) Please send a follow-up email with this information
included.*** Your comments and concerns are important to me, thank you
for taking the time to write.
Harry Bains, MLA

-----Original Message-----
From: Chouhan.MLA, Raj []
Sent: May-08-09 2:01 PM
Subject: Thank you

Thank you for contacting the Burnaby-Edmonds Constituency Office. This

automated response is to assure you that your message has been received
and will be reviewed as soon as possible.

If you are looking for the campaign office or information related to the
provincial election, please resend your e-mail to: <> .

If you are looking for assistance with a problem that you are having
with a specific provincial government ministry or department, a staff
member from the Constituency Office will look into your problem. Please
be certain that you have included your first and last name and mailing
address as well as the particulars of the problem you are encountering.
Due to the high volume of electronic mail received, those messages from
constituents will be given the highest priority.

From: Cubberley.MLA, David []

Sent: May-08-09 2:01 PM
Subject: Thank You for your email message
Importance: High

Thank you for your email message. Because I want you to be assured that
your message has been received by the Saanich South Constituency office,
you are receiving this automated response.

The office staff regularly review messages sent to office, however, the

volume of email means that we are not always able to respond personally
to everyone.

If the information you have sent is about constituent concerns, please

ensure that you have included your full name, address, and telephone
number so the office staff is able to assist you efficiently.

If you live outside of Saanich South we also recommend that you contact
your local area Constituency Office.

Due to the threat of viruses, the Legislative Assembly Computer Support

personnel have advised us not to open attachments. If your email
contained an attachment, please resend it using an alternative format.

Please be assured that the confidentiality of all email sent to this

office is adhered to and respected.


Laura Neil, Constituency Assistant

(Saanich South)

From: Simpson.MLA, Bob []

Sent: May-08-09 2:02 PM
Subject: Thank you

Thank you for your email message. This response is to assure you that
your message has been received by my office.

All of my email messages are reviewed on a regular basis and will be

responded to as quickly as possible. However, due to the
high volume of emails received, I may not be able to respond personally
to each one. Please be assured that your message will
receive the attention that it deserves and requires. Thank you again
for taking the time to share your ideas, concerns and insight
with me. Community input is vital for better understanding the needs of
the constituents and our many neighborhoods.


Bob Simpson MLA Cariboo North

rom: Lekstrom.MLA, Blair []

Sent: May-08-09 2:02 PM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: The people make a stand in Dawson
Creek May 11 2009

I am out of the office and will not be responding to any Emails until
after May 12th. This is do to the fact that we are in an election. If
you need assistance please call 784-1330

From: Lali.MLA, Harry []

Sent: May-08-09 2:02 PM

Subject: Acknowledgement

Thank you for your email message. I want you to be assured that your
message has been received by my office and as such you are receiving
this automated response.

I regularly review messages sent to my office. However, due to the

volume of email messages I receive, I am not able to respond personally
to each one and I may not be able to respond in a timely manner either.

If the information you have sent is about a constituent concern, please

make sure that you have included your full name, address and telephone
number in order for my staff to assist you efficiently.

If you live outside of the Yale-Lillooet Constituency, please contact

your local MLA or send your message to the NDP Caucus office at:

If you are receiving this in reply to a message of a sales or commercial

nature, please consider this as a request to be removed from your list.

Please be assured that all email sent to my office will be respected and
will remain confidential.

Yours sincerely,
Harry S. Lali, MLA

From: James.MLA, Carole []

Sent: May-08-09 2:02 PM
Subject: Thank you for your email message

Thank you for your email message. This response is to assure you that
your message has been received by the Victoria Beacon Hill Community

Please be assured that your message will receive the attention that it
deserves and requires. Thank you again for taking the time to share your
ideas, concerns and insight with the Victoria Beacon Hill Community

If the email you sent is about constituent concerns, you may wish to
contact the Community Office directly at

1084 Fort Street, near Fort and Cook or telephone the office at
Constituency staff will be pleased to assist on constituency issues.

Please note that the confidentiality of all emails sent to this office
is strictly adhered to and respected.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gentner.MLA, Guy []
Sent: May-08-09 2:02 PM
Subject: Thank you for your email

Thank you for your email. This response is to assure you that your
message has been received by my office.

I review my email messages on a regular basis. However, I may not be

able to respond personally to each one in a timely manner. Please be
assured that your message will receive the attention that it deserves.

Thank you again for taking the time to share your ideas, concerns and
insights with me.

Best regards,

Guy Gentner
MLA Delta North
Critic for Seniors Health
rom: Hammell.MLA, Sue []
Sent: May-08-09 2:02 PM
Subject: Thank You for your email message!

Thank you for your email message!


Because I want you to be assured that your message has been received by
my office, you are receiving this automated response. ***PLEASE NOTE:
If you did not include your contact information (full name, address and
phone number) please send a follow up e-mail with this information
included.*** I regularly review e-mails sent to my office. Your
message is used as a reference in my work as an elected representative.
Messages from constituents are given the highest priority and will
receive a response from my staff following up on any comments or issues
you may have raised in your message. Please be assured that your
message will be reviewed.

Thank you for your e-mail.


If you are receiving this in reply to a message of a sales or commercial

nature, please consider this as a request to be removed from your list.

Due to the threat of viruses, the Legislative Assembly Computer Support

personnel have advised us not to open attachments. If your email
contained an attachment, please resend it using an alternative format.

Please be assured that the confidentiality of all email sent to this

office is adhered to and respected.


Sue Hammell, MLA

Surrey Green Timbers

Assistant Deputy Speaker

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: May-08-09 2:02 PM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Delivered: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

Your message was delivered to the recipient.

-----Original Message-----
From: Krog.MLA, Leonard []
Sent: May-08-09 2:02 PM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: The people make a stand in Dawson
Creek May 11 2009

Thank you for your email. During the Provincial Election Campaign I'm
not available to assist you as your MLA. I can be reached at my
campaign office phone #250-585-1905, fax #250-585-1916. If you need
assistance as a constituent my office staff will assist you as quickly
as possible. Thank you for writing to me.

All the best,

Leonard Krog,
Incumbent for Nanaimo

-----Original Message-----
From: Routley.MLA, Douglas []
Sent: May-08-09 2:02 PM
Subject: Thank you for your email

Thank you for your email. During the Provincial Election Campaign I'm
not available to assist you as your MLA. I can be reached at my
campaign office phone #250-245-9999. If you need assistance as a
constituent my office staff will assist you as quickly as possible.
Thank you for writing to me.

All the best,

Doug Routley,
Incumbent for Nanaimo-North Cowichan

Note: In order to receive a response to your email it must include your

full name & address including your postal code. In most cases anonymous,
cc'd and forwarded items will not receive a response.

-----Original Message-----
From: Horgan.MLA, John []
Sent: May-08-09 2:02 PM
Subject: Thank you for your email.

Thank you for your email. This response is to assure you that your
message has been received.

This office will remain open during the election period and all email
messages will be reviewed on a regular basis. To help us serve you
better, please ensure that your email includes your full name and
street address with your postal code and your phone number.

Thank you again for taking the time to share your ideas, concerns and

Malahat-Juan de Fuca Constituency Office

-----Original Message-----
From: Ralston.MLA, Bruce []
Sent: May-08-09 2:02 PM
Subject: Thank you for contacting my community office.

Thank you for contacting my community office. This response is to

assure you that your message has been received by my office and will be

Please note that in order to receive a response your email must include
your full name and address including your postal code. In most cases
anonymous, cc'd and forwarded items will not receive a response.

Due to the high volume of electronic mail received, those messages from
constituents are given the highest priority. If you live outside the
Surrey Whalley constituency please contact your own MLA for assistance.
(To find your MLA please visit and click on
'members' on the left side of the screen.)

Thank you for taking the time to share your ideas and concerns with me.


Bruce Ralston, MLA

Surrey Whalley

From: Communications_ []

Sent: May-08-09 1:45 PM
Subject: Auto Reply Communications - Accusé de réception

Thank you for contacting the Communications Inbox. If need be, communications personnel
should respond to your query within the next 48 hours.

rom: []

Sent: May-08-09 1:43 PM
To: Frank Gallagher

Thank you for sending an inquiry to the Ontario Human Rights Commission.

From June 30th, 2008, a new system will be in place to resolve discrimination claims and
help promote and advance human rights.

If you believe you have experienced discrimination you may wish to contact the Ontario
Human Rights Legal Support Centre - The Centre provides advice
about next steps and help with starting a human rights application.

The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario - - deals with all claims of
discrimination filed under the Ontario Human Rights Code. You may contact the
Tribunal if you want information about the status of your case, if you wish to make a
human rights complaint and need a discrimination application form, an application guide
or a form to respond to a discrimination application.

The Ontario Human Rights Commission - - works to promote, protect

and advance human rights. Its main focus is to address the root causes of discrimination.
Contact the Commission if you want to learn more about human rights education and
outreach or human rights issues in Ontario.

For further information on the new human rights system in Ontario visit
-----Original Message-----
From: Bonnie Tough []
Sent: May-08-09 1:49 PM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Delivered: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

Your message was delivered to the recipient.

From: []
Sent: May-08-09 1:56 PM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Delivered: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

Your message was delivered to the recipient.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: May-08-09 1:53 PM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Delivered: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

Your message was delivered to the recipient.

From: []
Sent: May-08-09 1:56 PM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Delivered: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

From: Kilfoil, Valerie (ED) []

Sent: May-08-09 1:44 PM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Read: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

Your message

To:;;; Justice Comments / Questions (JUS); Kilfoil, Valerie

Subject: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009
Sent: Fri, 8 May 2009 20:40:32 -0300

was read on Fri, 8 May 2009 17:43:36 -0300

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: May-08-09 2:05 PM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Delivered: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

Your message was delivered to the recipient.

-----Original Message-----
From: Black.MLA, Iain []
Sent: May-08-09 2:01 PM
Subject: Out of Office Reply

This is to confirm your email has been received by the Port

Moody-Westwood constituency office of the Honourable Iain Black, MLA and
Minister of Labour and Citizen Services.

To expedite responses, Minister Black's constituency staff will direct

emails with specific questions to the appropriate government ministry or
agency, and may follow up with you for additional information. All
email messages from constituents are collected and forwarded to Minister
Black. This includes constituent emails that don't have an obvious
request for follow-up from Minister Black, personally (e.g., form
letters, commentary or opinion, an email without a specific question or
request for response, etc.).

Please note: if you're a constituent and you'd like a follow up from
Minister Black by telephone, email, or Canada Post, please don't
hesitate to contact our office at (604) 933-2312 to ensure we're aware
of this. We don't want to risk losing your request in the large volumes
of emails we receive each day!

Please note our constituency "walk in" office hours are Monday -
Thursday from 10am-4pm and Friday by appointment. Our address is Suite
602, 205 Newport Dr., Port Moody, BC, V3H 5C9.

Thank you for your email!

- The Port Moody-Westwood constituency staff.

Your message

LacLaBicheStPaul; Calgary West; Vermilion Lloydminster; Medicine Hat;
Stony Plain; Fort Saskatchewan Vegreville; Dunvegan-Central Peace;
Dunvegan-Central Peace;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Subject: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009
Sent: Fri, 8 May 2009 18:00:14 -0600

was read on Fri, 8 May 2009 15:02:21 -0600

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: May-08-09 2:03 PM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Delivered: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

Your message was delivered to the recipient.

-----Original Message-----
From: INFO []
Sent: May-08-09 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

Thank you for your email. An Ombudsman staff member will be in touch
with you if a response is needed.

Sent: May-08-09 2:01 PM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Delivered: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

Your message was delivered to the recipient.

From: Christy Mullins []

Sent: May-08-09 2:06 PM
Subject: Out of Office Auto Reply: The Johnsonian has a new editor Re:
The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

I am no longer editor in chief of The Johnsonian at Winthrop

University. For editorial or advertising assistance, please contact
Arthur Takahashi, To contact me
directly, try

Thank you.

From: []

Sent: May-08-09 2:06 PM
Subject: Auto Response - RE:The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May
11 2009 [pfCase:820395, pfTicket:6100241]

Dear Agent,

Thank you for your enquiry. This is an automatic reply to acknowledge

receipt of your recent e-mail.

We have received your email and tracking number is noted in this auto
reply. Our agent services team will respond to your enquiry. If you

require an immediate response please access our online customer support
frequently asked questions at

If your enquiry is for a 2009 price or renewal information, please go


Agent Services for John Wiley & Sons

Please visit our website

Looking for immediate answers to your queries? Visit to resolve your queries 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week

rom: []

Sent: May-08-09 2:06 PM
Subject: Auto Response - RE:The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May
11 2009 [pfCase:820396, pfTicket:6100242]

Dear Customer,

Thank you for your enquiry. This is an automatic reply to acknowledge

receipt of your recent e-mail.

We have received your email and tracking number is noted in this auto
reply. Our customer services team will respond to your enquiry. If you
require an immediate response please access our online customer support
frequently asked questions at

Journal Customer Services for John Wiley & Sons

Please visit our website

Looking for immediate answers to your queries? Visit to resolve your queries 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week

From: Martin Desnoyers []

Sent: May-08-09 2:06 PM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11

I am out of the office until May 19, 2009.

During my absence please contact Mélanie Barrette at (819) 956-4038 or by e-mail at from April 27 until May 1.

Starting May 4 please contact Fleurette Larente at (819) 956-0019 or by e-mail at fleurette.larente@tpsgc-

Thank you

From: Daniel Marion []
Sent: May-08-09 2:06 PM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11

I will be away from the office on Monday, May 11, 2009.

From: []

Sent: May-08-09 2:06 PM
Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Success)

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

Your message has been successfully delivered to the following


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: May-08-09 2:06 PM
Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Success)

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

Your message has been successfully delivered to the following


From: Gavrel,Jean-Claude []

Sent: May-08-09 2:14 PM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11

I will be out of the office until May 13

Je serai absent du bureau jusqu'au 13 mai

For assistance, please contact Ghuylaine Potvin (613 996-0409). Merci.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem []
Sent: May-08-09 10:14 AM
Subject: Return receipt

The original message was received at Fri, 8 May 2009 17:14:22 GMT
from []

----- The following addresses had successful delivery notifications

<> (relayed to non-DSN-aware mailer)

----- Transcript of session follows -----

<>... relayed; expect no further notifications
-----Original Message-----
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem []
Sent: May-08-09 10:14 AM
Subject: Return receipt

The original message was received at Fri, 8 May 2009 17:14:22 GMT
from []

----- The following addresses had successful delivery notifications

<> (relayed to non-DSN-aware mailer)

----- Transcript of session follows -----

<>... relayed; expect no further notifications
-----Original Message-----
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem []
Sent: May-08-09 10:14 AM
Subject: Return receipt

The original message was received at Fri, 8 May 2009 17:14:22 GMT
from []

----- The following addresses had successful delivery notifications

<> (relayed to non-DSN-aware mailer)

----- Transcript of session follows -----

<>... relayed; expect no further notifications
From: Denise Lamont []
Sent: May-08-09 2:16 PM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11

Please be advised that I will be on vacation for the following two weeks and will be returning on Tuesday,
May 19, 2009.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: May-08-09 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

I will be out of the office until Monday, January 5, 2008. Best wishes
for a safe and happy holiday.

From: []

Sent: May-08-09 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

I will be out of the office the week of March 9th. If you have anything
of an urgent nature please contact Cathy Patterson at 604.682.6501/Ext.
221 or Thank you.
Sent: May-08-09 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

Your message has been received and forwarded to the CEP Administrative
Office. If you need immediate attention, please call our Vancouver
Offices at 604 682 6501.

Please note Don MacNeil's new email address as

Thank You,
CEP Union Of Canada
Western Regional Office
Vancouver, BC

-----Original Message-----
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem []
Sent: May-08-09 10:15 AM
Subject: Return receipt

The original message was received at Fri, 8 May 2009 17:14:32 GMT
from []

----- The following addresses had successful delivery notifications

<> (relayed to non-DSN-aware mailer)

----- Transcript of session follows -----

<>... relayed; expect no further notifications
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem []
Sent: May-08-09 10:15 AM
Subject: Return receipt

The original message was received at Fri, 8 May 2009 17:14:51 GMT
from []

----- The following addresses had successful delivery notifications

<> (relayed to non-DSN-aware mailer)

----- Transcript of session follows -----

<>... relayed; expect no further notifications
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem []
Sent: May-08-09 10:15 AM
Subject: Return receipt

The original message was received at Fri, 8 May 2009 17:14:50 GMT
from []

----- The following addresses had successful delivery notifications

<> (relayed to non-DSN-aware mailer)

----- Transcript of session follows -----

<>... relayed; expect no further notifications
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem []
Sent: May-08-09 10:15 AM
Subject: Return receipt

The original message was received at Fri, 8 May 2009 17:14:50 GMT
from []

----- The following addresses had successful delivery notifications

<> (relayed to non-DSN-aware mailer)

----- Transcript of session follows -----

<>... relayed; expect no further notifications
-----Original Message-----
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem []
Sent: May-08-09 10:15 AM
Subject: Return receipt

The original message was received at Fri, 8 May 2009 17:14:53 GMT
from []

----- The following addresses had successful delivery notifications

<> (relayed to non-DSN-aware mailer)

----- Transcript of session follows -----

<>... relayed; expect no further notifications
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem []
Sent: May-08-09 10:15 AM
Subject: Return receipt

The original message was received at Fri, 8 May 2009 17:14:22 GMT
from []

----- The following addresses had successful delivery notifications

<> (relayed to non-DSN-aware mailer)

----- Transcript of session follows -----

<>... relayed; expect no further notifications
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem []
Sent: May-08-09 10:15 AM
Subject: Return receipt

The original message was received at Fri, 8 May 2009 17:14:50 GMT
from []

----- The following addresses had successful delivery notifications

<> (relayed to non-DSN-aware mailer)

----- Transcript of session follows -----

<>... relayed; expect no further notifications
From: Smith, Paul []
Sent: May-08-09 2:16 PM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: The people make a stand in Dawson
Creek May 11 2009

For Fri May 8th (1220 PM), I will be out of the office for the
remainder of the day. Deputy Collins is in the office during this
absence and can be reached through 629-4065.
From: Sam Grunhard []
Sent: May-08-09 2:17 PM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11

Sam Grunhard is no longer with the IFJ and this email box will not be monitored. If you need to contact the
IFJ please email or call +61 2 9333 0919.

IFJ Asia-Pacific

rom: Deborah Muir []

Sent: May-08-09 2:18 PM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11

Thank you for your message. I will be out of the office until Monday, May 11. I will be checking my
emails, though infrequently. For urgent safety inquiries, please contact Ernest Sagaga at Otherwise, I will respond as soon as I am able to do so.

best wishes, Deborah Muir

Project Manager
IFJ Asia-Pacific
International Federation of Journalists
Tel: +61-2-9333-0918
Fax: +61-2-93330933
From: Anna Noonan []

Sent: May-08-09 2:18 PM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11

Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office until Monday May 18, 2009. If your message is
urgent, please email my colleague Deborah Muir at in the IFJ Asia-Pacific
office or and one of my colleagues in Brussels will assist you.


Anna Noonan
IFJ Asia-Pacific

From: Conway, Thomas G. [mailto:TCONWAY@MCCARTHY.CA]

Sent: May-08-09 1:51 PM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Read: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

Your message was read on Friday, May 08, 2009 4:51:10 PM (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US &
From: Deborah Muir []
Sent: May-08-09 2:18 PM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11

Thank you for your message. I will be out of the office until Monday,
May 11. I will be checking my emails, though infrequently. For urgent
safety inquiries, please contact Ernest Sagaga at Otherwise, I will respond as soon as I am able
to do so.

best wishes, Deborah Muir

Project Manager
IFJ Asia-Pacific
International Federation of Journalists
Tel: +61-2-9333-0918
Fax: +61-2-93330933
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: May-08-09 2:21 PM
Subject: Agence spatiale canadienne / Canadian Space Agency

Pour information seulement. Ne pas répondre à ce message.

Votre message destiné à de l'Agence spatiale

canadienne ayant comme sujet "The people make a stand in Dawson Creek
May 11 2009" a été acheminé à son destinataire.

Veuillez noter toutefois que l'adresse de courriel des employés de
l'Agence spatiale canadienne utilise un nouveau nom de domaine. Par
conséquent, il est suggéré de modifier votre carnet d'adresses et vos
listes de distribution pour que vos prochains envois utilisent les
nouvelles adresses des employés de l'ASC selon le format suivant:


Veuillez noter également la nouvelle adresse du site Web de l'ASC :


For information only. Please do not reply to this e-mail.

Your message sent to of the Canadian Space

Agency with the subject "The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11
2009" has been forwarded to its addressee.

Please note however that the e-mail addresses of the employees of the
Canadian Space Agency use a new domain name. Consequently, we suggest
that you make the necessary changes to your address book and
distribution lists so that your future messages use the new addresses
of your CSA contacts in the format:

Email :

Please note also the new address of our web site:

Thank you

Centre de services TI
Direction de la GI/TI | IM/IT Directorate
Agence spatiale canadienne | Canadian Space Agency
6767, rte de l'Aéroport, Longueuil (St-Hubert), QC, Canada J3Y 8Y9
Tél./Tel. : (450) 926-4870 | Téléc./Fax : (450) 926-4498
Courriel/E-mail : []
Site web/Web site : []
Gouvernement du Canada | Government of Canada
From: []
Sent: May-08-09 2:23 PM
Subject: I am out of the office. Please contact acting Country Manager.

I will be out of the office starting 04/17/2009 and will not return

Please contact the acting Country Manager through the Executive
Assistant Cveta
Peruseska Thank you.

From: []

Sent: May-08-09 2:23 PM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Delivered: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

Your message was delivered to the recipient.

Sent: May-08-09 2:28 PM
Subject: Returning to the office on 18 May.

I will be out of the office starting 05/01/2009 and will not return

Will have irregular access to em. If you need to get in touch with me,
call Thouria Nana-Sinkam on (202) 473-1439. Many thanks, Christina

From: []

Sent: May-08-09 2:29 PM
Subject: I am away from the office on mission until Monday May 12.

I will be out of the office starting 04/30/2009 and will not return

I am away from the office from Thursday April 30 through to Monday May
During this time I will be travelling on mission to Indonesia and
During this time, the following people will be acting for me:
Mathew Verghis - April 30 - May 5
Luc Lecuit - May 6-8.
If you need assistance during this time, please contact Nitaya
Chatnantawej at
the Bangkok Office, World Bank, phone +66 (0) 2686 8321 or (email).
Many thanks, Annette.

-----Original Message-----
From: letters []
Sent: May-08-09 2:33 PM
Subject: Thank you for writing to The Washington Post

[This is an automatic reply sent to all who send us letters for review.

Please do not reply to this e-mail, it will not be read.]

Thank you for sending us your letter to the editor. We read every letter
that we receive (yes, we really do), and we appreciate and value the
of those who take the time to send us their comments. Because of the
of letters we receive, we cannot respond to the authors of letters we
unable to use. If we wish to publish your letter, we will contact you in
advance of publication. While you are reading this, here are some other
tips on how to increase the chances of having your letter published in

1. Letters should be fewer than 200 words and exclusive to The

Washington Post.
2. The letter may not have been submitted to or published by any other
media or Internet outlet. This includes comments or feedback posted to
sites. If you have posted similar comments to a Web site, your letter
be withdrawn from consideration.
3. The letter must include the writer's full name, home address, e-mail
address, and home, business and cellular telephone numbers. Anonymous
letters will not be considered, nor does The Post permit the use of
4. Letters must disclose the writer’s involvement, affiliations or
relationship with the subject matter of the letter.
5. All letters are subject to abridgment.
6. Do not send attachments; they will not be read.
7. We prefer letters that cite an article or item that has appeared in
the print edition of The Post within the past three weeks; we do not
publish letters that respond to Web site-only articles or items.
8. To make your e-mailed letter as easy for us to read as possible, do
not send any graphics or digital letterhead, put the text of your
letter in
the body of the e-mail, and remember to cite the article or item you are
writing about in the body or subject line.

Again, thank you for sending us your letter.

The Letters Editor

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: May-08-09 2:28 PM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Delivered: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

Your message was delivered to the recipient.

From: []
Sent: May-08-09 2:45 PM
Subject: Read: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

Your message

To:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; =?us-ascii?Q?'''?=;;;;;;;;
MediaRelations; Mellon, Derek: CMB-DGCM; Roy, Jean-Pierre: RO-OR; Bray,
Nancy: RO-OR (PNR-RPN); Williamson, Brian: RO-OR; Iannetta, Julie: RO-OR
(ONT); Asselin, François-Nicolas: RO-OR (QUE); Gibeault, Marianne: RO-OR
(ATL); Correspondence Minister/Correspondance Ministre: OCS;; "''";
Dicerni, Richard: IC-DM-IC-SM; Boothe, Paul: SADMO-BSMDP; Everson,
Peter: SIS-SSI; Carman, Mary: CIPO-OPIC; Beaudoin, Alain: CMB-DGCM;
Rawat, Veena:CRC;; Shaw, Richard: CORP;
Merklinger, Bill: AEB-DGVE; Paquette, Louise: FedNor; Davies, Mitch:
HRB-DGRH; Moloney, David: IS-SI;; Johnston,
Alan: MC; Jenkin, Michael: OCA-BC; Callon, James: OSB-BSF; Heseltine,
Nick: RO-OR; King, Matthew: SIS-SSI; Thivierge, Marie-Josée: SBMS-SMPE;
Lindsey, Kevin: CAS-SCA; Parker, Ron: IS-SI; Hearn, Patricia: RO-OR;
Marcoux, François: RO-OR (QUE); Goodwin, Barry: RO-OR (ONT); Migadel,
David: RO-OR (PNR-RPN); Drake, Bruce: RO-OR (PAC); Spurling, Brian:
Subject: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009
Sent: Fri, 8 May 2009 20:13:59 -0400

was read on Fri, 8 May 2009 17:45:04 -0400

From: Vermilion Lloydminster []
Sent: May-08-09 3:28 PM
Subject: Read: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009

Your message


LacLaBicheStPaul; Calgary West; Vermilion Lloydminster; Medicine Hat;
Stony Plain; Fort Saskatchewan Vegreville; Dunvegan-Central Peace;
Dunvegan-Central Peace;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Subject: The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009
Sent: Fri, 8 May 2009 18:00:14 -0600

was read on Fri, 8 May 2009 16:27:32 -0600

From: Auditoire Radio-Canada [mailto:Audicomm@RADIO-CANADA.CA]

Sent: May-08-09 2:15 PM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Rép. : The people make a stand in Dawson Creek May 11 2009
(Accusé de réception automatique)

Madame, Monsieur,

Nous avons bien reçu votre message.

Vos commentaires comptent beaucoup pour nous. Nous vous assurons qu’ils
sont lus attentivement et transmis aux personnes concernées. Cependant,
en raison de l’abondance du courrier, il nous est impossible de
répondre à tous nos correspondants.

Nous vous invitons à consulter notre foire aux questions conçue pour
répondre aux questions qui nous sont le plus fréquemment posées en
cliquant sur le lien suivant : . Si jamais
l’information que vous cherchez ne s’y trouve pas, une nouvelle réponse
de notre part vous sera expédiée dans les plus brefs délais.

Recevez nos salutations distinguées.

Relations écrites avec l’auditoire

>>> frankly1 05/08/09 20:13 >>>


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