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10 week Program Design Tool

Topic: Nutrition In Corporate Finance Workers

Population: Finance Workers Ages 25-65


1: Meet and Greet

1- 1:1 meetings analyzing the nutritional health of each employee

A 10 minute meeting which will address each individual employee's goals

throughout the 10 week process conducted by a program planner.

2- Pretesting and general scope of employee nutritional knowledge

A basic multiple choice and short answer test will be administered to every employee to
test their prior knowledge of nutritional concepts including: portion control, how to
effectively read a nutrition label and the effects of poor nutrition on the body.

3- What is Nutrition to you?

This 15 minute roundtable firm wide discussion will be lead by a local nutritional expert
and will address: What is your definition of nutrition? And How important is nutrition to

2: Beginning Construction

1- Meal Journal Construction

This comprehensive journal will keep track of every meal that the employees have until
the end of the program. Each entry will consist of: Time of day, meal type and

approximate nutrition of that meal including calories consumed.

2- What's all this prep?

This 15 minute workshop performed by a registered dietitian will show employees easy,
healthy and affordable meals to prep throughout the work week.

3- What about snacks?

This open ended conversation lead by a registered dietitian will have every employee
discuss their favorite snacks and employees will then be able to taste healthy alternative
snacks that are easy to make.

3: Poor Nutrition Comes At A Price

1- This is what it feels like

This hands on workshop will show employees just exactly what the yearly amount of
sugar and fat intake is for the average office worker. This includes showing the physical
amount of sugar intake in a wheelbarrow and fat displayed on a table ending with a TED
Talk video regarding this topic.

2- Lecture regarding the chronic effects of poor nutrition

This 30 minute lecture lead by a disease and lifestyle expert will bring to attention the
detrimental effects of poor nutrition including susceptibility to diabetes, cancer and
cardiovascular disease.

3- What prevents you the most?

This employee lead discussion will ask employees to discuss the reasons why they
haven't taken the initiative to a proper nutritional diet and why they make the nutritional
choices they do.

4: The Facts And Breakdown

1- What exactly are we reading?
An easy to understand presentation conducted by a nutritionist will show employees how
to effectively read a nutrition label, red flags on a label and positive things to look for on
a label.

2- Mix and Match activity

Employees will be asked to identify and analyze various food items scattered throughout
a table and will determine if it has a good or bad nutritional benefit to them.

3- Don't forget the Vitamins

Employees will watch a 20 minute instructional video on which vitamins to look for
when reading the nutrition facts of a food item.

5: Halfway Point

1- Employee Journal Review

All employees will discuss and review their journals breaking down the good and bad
decisions they made as well as things they look to improve on by the end of the program.

2- Halfway Point 1:1 meeting

This 10 minute meeting with each employee conducted by a program planner will
analyze the employee's progress including any changes they may feel so far and updating
their goals and objectives as the end of program implementation nears.

3- Open Ended Forum

Employees will have 25 minutes to ask either the program planners or nutritionists any
questions or concerns they may have regarding specific nutrition based aspects.

6: Application Week

1- Food Shopping Intervention
Employees will be taken to a local store and asks to pick out food items for a typical
week. Nutritionists will then evaluate their decisions based on sound nutritional theories
and methods.

2- Pot luck Lunch

Employees will cook their favorite healthy lunch meal and bring it into work with
handouts of the recipe for everyone to have, nutritionists will judge the meals and vote
which one had the most nutritional benefit.

3- Employees will teach an aspect of nutrition to other employees.

Employees will partner up with one other employee and teach a topic for 5 minutes
regarding any nutritional component learned so far.

7: Just How Much Are We Eating

1- Lecture on portion control

This 30 minute lecture conducted by a registered dietitian will breakdown what is
portion control, how to properly portion out your food including meats, starches,
Vegetables and fats and common mistakes that are made when making up a plate of food.

2- MyPlate workshop activity

Employees will be introduced to the website and asked to complete 15
minutes of interactive activities regarding portion control.

3- Portioning out food with your hands activity

Employees will complete a 10 minute activity in which they properly teach eachother
how to portion out different foods based off of amounts using your hands and fingers

8: Nutrition Olympic Week

1- Jeopardy game regarding nutrition information
Employees will be placed in teams and take place in a Jeopardy game which address
prior discussed nutrition topics and information with the winning team having the chance
to win a $500 Whole Foods gift card.

2- Race to meal prep

Employees will stick with the Olympic theme for the week for a chance to win a Whole
Foods gift card. The teams will race to prep an entire week's worth of mels in the most
quick and efficient way.

3- Nutrition based ladder game

The final Olympic activity of the week for a chance to win the gift card. Teams will be
asked a question and for each correct answer they will go up one step on the ladder. For
each answer that is incorrect they will go down one step until one team reaches the top.

9: Seminar Week

1- Lecture with top New York City nutritional experts

These experts will share their knowledge and tips to maintain a healthy nutritional life.

2- Final employee conducted journal discussion

Employees will discuss their successes and struggles of creating the journal for 25
minutes and share tips for the future of maintaining this log.

3- Final Informational video on Nutrition

This 30 minute video wraps up the basic nutrition theories and methods learned
throughout the program

10: Program wrap-up

1- Final 1:1 Meeting

Employees will be analyzed and see how they have progressed since the implementation
of this program was with a nutrition specialist.

2- Maintenance Workshop
Employees will be given tips and tricks to maintain their healthy nutritional lifestyles by
program planner and registered nutrition specialists.

3- Final thoughts and information on the maintenance plan

Employees will be given the opportunity to ask any final questions or concerns and then
provided information on the maintenance and check up plan which spans for two years
upon completion of this program.
Finally a post test will be administered to see if the employees have increased their
knowledge and practice of nutrition

Evaluation Tool: The evaluation tool that I have decided to use is Summative evaluation,
Summative evaluation is defined as any combination of measurements that permit conclusions
to be drawn about impact, outcome, or benefits of a program(Green & Lewis, 1986). The
reasoning for this evaluation tool choice is because a nutrition based program takes a great length
of time to fully see the effects. Summative evaluation looks at the program after its
implementation and determines effectiveness. The great thing about this program is that
employees are checked up on for up to two years after completion. This makes sure that they are
maintaining the same healthy lifestyle that was practiced during the program. The post test that is
administered will be the first mark in determining if the employees have gathered a greater
understanding of nutrition concepts and methods. Upon the collecting of this data, additional

data will be collected from the employees and firms including healthcare costs, absences and
overall health of employees.

Works Cited

McKenzie, J. F., Neiger, B. L., & Thackeray, R. (2009). Planning, implementing, and
evaluating health promotion programs: a primer. San Francisco: Pearson/Benjamin

(n.d.). Retrieved May 5, 2017, from

Oliver, J. (February,2010).Teach every child about food [Video file]. Retrieved from


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