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Tips for Emotional Resilience

LEI 3723L: Mindfulness & Stress Management

Focus on what you CAN control; not what is out of your control: Be solution-
focused rather than problem-focused.

Use events as learning experiences: Learn from past events and mistakes.
mistakes should not be the problem; not learning from them is.

Learn to alter your perceptions: Enhance rational thinking to prevent negativity

from getting out of control. Dont try to change others, try instead to understand how
they think and why they act as they do and strive to be non-judgmental.

Limit hostility: Harboring negativity or anger towards others is more destructive to

ourselves rather than the person it is directed at.

Strive to be good, not perfect: Give up the need to be right; accept limitations.

Develop compassion: Resist the need to be critical; learn to be empathetic.

Develop good self-care habits: Allow yourself mental health breaks and time
outs. Take care of your mind, body and spirit (eat well, exercise, sleep). Set limits,
prioritize and delegate.

Dont isolate yourself: Connect with others; avoid self-absorption.

Look for humor in situations: Laughter can relieve physical tension and boost the
immune system.

Point positive: Find whats right in a situation rather than fixating on what is wrong.

Live in the present: Learn to live in the present rather than ruminating on events
that cannot be changed or situations that have not yet happened.

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