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Hamline University St. Paul, MN

Bachelor of Arts, Economics Expected May 2018
Bachelor of Business Administration, Finance Expected May 2018
Current GPA: x.xx


Global Engagement Center, Hamline University St. Paul, MN

Global Mentor Sept. 2016-Present
Help and guide international students through their transition to Hamline and the US in general
Collaborate with mentors to plan events in Minnesota for UP TO 30 international students
Keep regular contact with mentees and assist in negotiating challenges at Hamline

Economics Department, Hamline University St. Paul, MN

Teachers Assistant Sept. 2015-Present
Assist economics students in reviewing class work and preparing for examinations
Help with grading, correcting exams and assignments and provide written feedback to students

Global Engagement Center, Hamline University St. Paul, MN

Administrative Office Assistant Sept. 2014-Present
Maintain and update the offices records, databases and students legal documents
Interact with students regarding requests for document and processing payments
Help prospective international students with applications and inquiries about Hamline life
Present and support study abroad programs to prospective and admitted students

Rwanda Development Bank Kigali, Rwanda

Investment Division Intern June - Aug. 2016
Discussed with 10 clients about their business ideas and explained the Banks credit requirements
Worked alongside the Banks analysts to evaluate and analyze investment proposals of projects to
be funded by the bank
Conducted market research analysis for potential projects to be financed by the bank


Hamline Undergraduate Student Congress St. Paul, MN

International Student Representative Sept. 2015- May 2016
Represented interests of international students and voice their opinions at weekly meetings
Served on the Economic Affairs Committee by participating in decision making on how to fund
student organizations and other activities

Hamline International Student Organization (ISO) St. Paul, MN

President Sept. 2015- May 2016
Planned monthly events for international students to get to know each other, domestic students,
and learn about U.S. culture
Prepared budget proposals and managed the allocation of organizations funds

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