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Section 1: Validation Checks True False

Statement True False

A range check determines the input is between the upper T

and lower boundaries for the data set
A presence check is also known as an existence check T

A type check will check that a postcode has been entered F

in the correct format
A length check will check how long ago the data was F
A lookup check checks the data you have entered and T
looks it up against an existing list of values
A type check will only allow you to enter the correct type T
of data e.g. numeric
A picture check is used for images and graphics F

With a range check, any data that falls above the top F
boundary will be accepted
A length check will make sure that no more than the T
maximum number of characters allowed is entered into a
It is a good idea to set most fields in your database with a T
presence check
A picture check is also known as a format check T

A check digit is often found on barcodes T

If you set a field to have a presence check you can leave F

the odd field blank
A check digit can only be calculated manually F

A postcode would be a good example of a field that might T

have a picture check
A phone number would be a good example of a field T
where you might want to put a presence check
Section 2: Validating Data

1. In your own words, explain the term validation
The term validation means that the computer checks for
certain criteria in an input that is required to make a program run.

Validation is performed by the computer at the point of data entry. It is the

process of checking the data against a set of validation rules. Validation aims to
make sure that data is sensible, reasonable, complete and within acceptable

2. Explain why validation does not make sure that the data entered is correct
and give an example to illustrate.
It doesnt make sure it is correct but instead tells you if the input is acceptable
or not. (It helps reduce the number of errors.) In a survey someone could
misspell their name, but the computer would never know that it was a mistake.

3. Complete the table on the next page


Describe and give examples of the following validation methods: range,

type, check digit, length, lookup, picture/format and presence, and their
purpose, indicating that these methods can only ensure reasonable data is
input to a system and that there is no certainty of accuracy.
Validation Description Example
Range Check A range check is commonly used when Shoe sizes in stock:
you are working with data which consists >= 4 AND <=9
of numbers, currency or dates/times.
A range check allows you to set suitable

Type Check A type check is used to make sure Numbers, letters,

the inputted information is in the symbols
correct data type.

Check Digit A check digit uses the last digit to barcode,

see if the rest of the digits are

Length A length check makes sure that the I.e. phone number
Check input isnt too short or too long. needs to be a certain
amount of letters long.

Lookup A lookup check checks if the data Store inventory

Check entered is part of an existing set of

Picture/Form Format check checks to see if the a National Insurance

at Check information is in the right number is in the form
format/order. LL 99 99 99 L where L
is any letter and 9 is
any number
Presence To make sure something was entered * Required in surveys
Check in a specific field.
Section 3: Validation

In the table below, tick the validation checks that you could
perform on each field.

Note: there may be more than one validation check which is

suitable for each field.

Field Example Range Type Presence Length

Check Check Check Check

Title Mr, Mrs, Miss x x

Surname Jones, Bloggs x x

Postcode CV54 9TE x

Telephone 01926 756435 x x x

Date of Birth 12/09/86 x

ISBN Number 1-84146-376-0 x x x

Gender Male, Female x

Price 19.99 x x x

Student Number 1435 x x x

Section 4: Construct an answer: Validation


Explain why it is important to validate data at the point of data entry.

Whilst writing your answer to this question try to include most of these

data system validation sensible

reasonable correct format conforms

rules acceptable limits boundaries

because however therefore this means

Your answer:

It is important to validate data at the point of data entry because the

system checks the data against a set of validation rules. Validation aims
to make sure that the data is sensible, reasonable, in the correct format
and within the acceptable boundaries, thus limiting errors. However the
problem is that the computer has no way of knowing if is correct/real; for
example, someone spells their name incorrectly.
Section 5: Verifying Data

Data Integrity is the data being in the state which it should be,
reflecting reality.

1. In your own words, explain the term verification of data

2. What are the two types of checks that can be done to try to ensure the data
has been entered correctly.

3. Briefly, how are transmission errors verified?

4. In reality what can you do over time to verify the data?

Useful Links and Quizzes:

Nice quiz on page 2 bbc - Now try a Test Bite.

Text Book: Hodder OCR Computing for GCSE Page 95

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