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American Foreign News


Tehran, Iran Monday, October 18, 1955 1 page Written By Antonio


The Back Story

______________________________ The Coup D'etat
______ Story

Many of Iran's People

were against the coup
detat that got rid of
their democratically
elected leader and put
in the former disliked
leader the Shah.
Ayatollah Ruholla
Why the Shah was Khomeini stated his
______________________________ put back in power opinion that Iran is
The CIA of the US and now under American
The Anglo Persian Oil MI6 from Britain
Company was formed Control. American
worked together with advisers, military and
to export oil from Iran. the Iranian military to
In 1950 the company non-military, together
overthrow the leader with their families, can
owned the largest oil at the time who was
refinery in the world in with impunity
Mohammed Mossadeq. disregard our
Iran. The British That coup was
government owned the institutions, our laws
designed to get rid of a and our judicial
majority of the nationalist figure who
company. Mohammed courts. Mohammad
insisted that oil should Mossadeq himself also
Mossadeq was the be nationalized. They
head of Irans Oil expresses his
wanted to overthrow disapproval of this by
committee and then the current regime and
became the Premier of stating that The
return the Shah the British government
Iran. Once he was former ruler who would
elected he led a established a
be friendly to British oil dictatorial regime in
political movement to interests. The anti-
nationalize Iran's oil Iran for the sole
Mossadegh plan was purpose of
fields. Nationalizing the orchestrated under the
oil fields would take codename Operation safeguarding its
ownership away from Ajax by CIA and illegitimate interests
Anglo Persian Oil and Operation Boot by while endangering our
give it to the Iranian MI6. In August the CIA political integrity and
government. with the help of bribes independence by
Mossadeqs plan he to politicians, soldiers, allowing the former
argued would end mobs, and company to unduly
poverty in Iran but was newspapers, and interfere in our social
opposed by the Anglo information from the and political affairs.
Persian Oil Company British embassy the Many Iranians felt the
and the British secret service same way about the
government. The organized a riot which actions of the US and
British and American gave the Shah an Britain in Iran which is
governments felt that excuse to remove why many people
this involuntary Mosaddeq. When the supported Mossadeq. A
transfer of ownership shah returned to power normal man going
was illegal theft of the US and Britain had about his business
private property and secured a friendly ally named Amir Arash said
threatened economic in this region. This ally that he was surprised
security by restricting was also friendly with at what he saw By the
access to needed oil. british oil interests. middle of the day large
This then caused the With a pro-Western crowds of regular
West to believe that Shah and the new pro- people armed with
Mossadeqs actions Western Prime improvised weapons
showed communist Minister, Fazlollah took to the streets in
sympathy. Because of Zahedi, Iranian oil mass demonstrations
this the US and Britain began flowing again and beat back the
proclaim boycott of and the Anglo-Iranian Tudeh party members.
Iranian oil. As a result Oil Company which The army left its
of this the Iranian oil changed its name to barracks and drove off
industry comes to a British Petroleum tried the communist Tudeh
standstill. The oil to return to its old and then stormed all
boycott had weakened position. However government buildings
the Iranian economy public opinion was so with the support of
and hurt Mossadeqs opposed that the new demonstrators. At the
popularity with the government could not end of the day the
people. Under British permit it. Under Shah was put back into
pressure foreign pressure from the power while Mossadeq
countries agreed not to United States, British was arrested and
purchase Iranian oil. Petroleum was forced trialed.
to accept membership
in a consortium of
companies which
would bring Iranian oil
back on the
international market.


American Foreign News


Baghdad, Iran Monday, October 18, 1955 Written By Antonio Hurtado


Map of Iran (1953)

Statistical Analysis
Statistical Analysis of 1953 United States Iran

GDP per capita 16,190.74 N/A

Infant Mortality Rate 2.9 22.3

Popilation 157,552,740 17,933,356

Population Growth Rate 14.5 2.5

Work Cited

1. Ayatollah Ruholla, Iran in Imperialisms Clutches. 1964. Cold War Lesson

#4: Hot Spots Research Project, The Regents of the University of California,

2. CIA and MI6, American and British plan for the overthrow of the Prime
Minister Mossadeq of Iran. The Cold War: A History in Documents and
Eyewitness Accounts, Oxford University Press, June 1953. Cold War Lesson #4:
Hot Spots Research Project, The Regents of the University of California, 2013.

3. Muhammad Mossadeq, Nationalizing Iranian Oil. 1952. Cold War Lesson

#4: Hot Spots Research Project, The Regents of the University of California,

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