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Sixth Committee
Bosnia and Herzegovina


The General Assembly,

Recalling the United Nations General Assembly adopted the resolutions A/RES/60/1, the
Responsibility to Protect of 2005 to respond effectively on human rights catastrophes in a more
effective manner with regards to the chapter VII of the UN charter Action with Respect to
Threats to the Peace, Breaches, of the Peace, and Acts of Aggression,

Aware that Member States who sees the adoption of the resolution unfavorable for fear that it
will undermine state sovereignty because of military intervention,

Noting further that the Secretary General Addresses the hostility in adopting the resolution by
reporting A/63/677 of 12 January 2009the use of military units for non-coercive purposes,
such as prevention, protection, peacekeeping missions; the report shows that it can save more
lives, strengthen diplomacy and domestic politics, operate healing and reconciliation;

1. Applauds the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty for

introducing the concept of Responsibility to Protect in 2001; it encourage Member States to
work, prevent, respond in a more effective manner to issues such as mass atrocities, and other
crimes against humanity;

2. Appreciates the establishment of High Level Panel on Threats, Challenges, and Change to
place the concept of Responsibility to Protect towards the Member States of UN General
Assembly; the panel helps develop concise and pragmatic measures for ensuring the
effectiveness of collective action in responding to threats of peace and security;

3. Supports the Secretary-General Report A/63/677 of 12 January 2009 to provide military

assistance such as peace keeping missionsif it means fulfilling the responsibility to protect;

4. Endorses the three responsibilities incorporated in the Responsibility to Protect Such as

prevent, react, and rebuild to those who see R2P unfavorable; that the notion of sovereignty
means that a state can protect its own population, and respect human rights; if the state is unable
to do so it does not have a right to turn a blind eye and refuse the intervention of international
community to help and prevent grave violation towards International Humanitarian Law to

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