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Chemical Composition of the Main Ore Types

The chemical compositions of the main ore types are given in Table 33.1.
Concentrations vary significantly throughout the reefs, but the average is
approximately 6 g/tonne of ore. The as-mined concentrations of ore are 1040%
lower than in situ concentrations due to dilution with barren rock during mining
(amount depending on mining method). The UG2 ores contain significantly less
nickel and copper than the Merensky ores. The host rock in the Merensky reef is
pyroxenite, whereas the host rock in UG2 reef is chromitite.
2. Mineralogy of Platinum-Group Metals

The most common minerals containing platinum-group elements in South

African ores are (Schouwstra Kinloch & Lee, 2000):

Sulfides Braggite, (Pt,Pd)S, cooperite, PtS, laurite, Ru,[Os,Ir]S2, and unnamed

Pt, Rh, Cu, S minerals.

Pt-Fe metallic: Isoferroplatinum, Pt3Fe, tetraferroplatinum, PtFe

Arsenides Sperrylite, PtAs2

Tellurides Moncheite, PtTe2

All of these minerals, together with iron, nickel and copper sulfides, can be
concentrated by froth flotation using copper sulfate as an activator and xanthate

or dithiophosphate as collectors (see Chapter 15).

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