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Teacher Candidate: Madeline Cho Date: 1/29/17

Part 1: Classroom Information
Grade: 2 Content Area: Mathematics

Group Size: 25 Lesson Length: 45 minutes

Student Context:

Identified Student Needs Accommodations During

Instruction to Support Student
Students with Special Needs N/A N/A
(IEP and/or 504)
Students with Specific need language support -provide sentence frames
Language Needs (ELL) -show visuals
-use simple and
straightforward language
-speak clearly and enunciate
-use wait time for processing
Students with Other Learning -struggling reader: need -read directions/questions
Needs (Behavior, Struggling support in reading aloud for struggling readers
Reader, Struggling Math) -struggling math: need -give students additional time
support in math to complete work
-some students struggling in
math get pulled to work in
small groups with an aide
Part 1: Planning for the Lesson
A: Standards
i. Key Content Standard:
Add and subtract within 1000, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based
on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and
subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method. Understand that in adding or subtracting
three-digit numbers, one adds or subtracts hundreds and hundreds, tens and tens, ones and
ones; and sometimes it is necessary to compose or decompose tens or hundreds.
ii. Math Practice Standard or ELA Capacity: CCSS-M Standards for
Mathematical Practice, or NGSS Science and Engineering Practices, CCSS-ELA
Capacity of Literate Individuals
Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details,
speaking audibly in coherent sentences.
iii. Related ELD Standard (must be included when using an ELA Standard):
Second Grade: Productive
9. Expressing information and ideas in formal oral presentations on academic topics
12. Selecting and applying varied and precise vocabulary and language structures to
effectively convey ideas
B. Objectives
i. Learning Objective/Goal: The students will (DO __) to (LEARN ___).
Students will solve various addition problems by regrouping the ones to make a multiple of 10 in
order to understand how to regroup in addition.
ii. Language Objective (transfer this from "Incorporating Academic Language"):
The students will explain how they solved an addition problem with regrouping using the syntax,
I regrouped by taking ___ ones from the ___ and adding it to the ___ to make a multiple of 10.
Then I ended up with ___ tens and ___ ones to make a total of ___.
C. Assessments:
i. Informal assessment strategies you will use during class (What informal assessment
strategies will you use, what specific evidence will you see and/or hear and how will
you note it?)
Assessment Strategy Evidence of Student Learning
Students are appropriately filling in their
Walk around when students are worksheet with a quick draw, clear
completing the worksheet and having regrouping, correct amount of tens and
partner discussions to monitor their ones, and correct total. Students are using
progress. the sentence frame to explain how they
solved the problem.
Students are correctly answering my
questions such as which addend do they
Ask the students questions as I guide
want to make into a multiple of 10, how
them through the sample problem and
many ones need to be borrowed to make
some of the problems on their worksheet.
a multiple of ten, how many tens and
ones there are, and what is the total.
ii. Written assessment you will use to determine, for each individual student, to what
extent they have met your learning objectives. (What evidence will you collect?)
The students will complete the Addition with Regrouping handout that requires them to solve
addition problems by regrouping. The students must do a quick draw to represent each addend in
the addition problem and then regroup the ones to make a multiple of 10. They must also record
the total number of tens and ones as well as the total for each addition problem The students will
have met the learning objective when they have appropriately completed this handout with a
quick draw, clear regrouping, correct amount of tens and ones, and correct total.
D. Lesson Resources/Materials (e.g., student handouts, manipulatives, PPTs, text pages,
special supplies) Attach copies of any student handouts or worksheets:
Addition with Regrouping (Worksheet at the end of this document)
Part 2: Instructional Sequence - Engaging Students in the Learning Process
Optional: Starter and/or Homework Discussion (___ min.)
Introduction (3 min.): Describe how you will 1) make connections to prior knowledge, tap into
their experiences and interests or use a hook, AND 2) let students know what the objective of
the lesson is.
Remind the students that they have been working on adding two-digit numbers by regrouping
(ELL support - Write regroup on the board to provide a visual.)
Tell the students the lesson objective, which is that they are going to solve addition problems
by regrouping.
Body of the Lesson (___40___ minutes): Describe step-by-step what the teacher and the
students will be doing during the lesson.
Make sure that you include the specific academic language strategies you will use to support
your students in using academic language to talk/write about the math they are learning.
Make sure you identify the specific assessment you are using in the Body of the Lesson.

Launch (5 min.)
Direct students to the sample problem on the white board: 57 + 28
Ask the students to help you do a quick draw of the two addends.
Ask the students which addend they would like to make into a multiple of 10.
Prompt a think-pair-share. (ELL support - Use wait time for processing question.)
Select a student to share out the answer, 28.
Ask the students how many ones do they need to borrow from the 7 to make a multiple
of 10. (ELL support - Use wait time for processing question.)
Select a student to share out the answer, 2.
Model how to regroup to make a multiple of 10.
Ask the students how many tens and ones are left. (ELL support - Use wait time for
processing question.)
Ask the students what the total is, which is 85.
Remind the students that what they just did in this problem was regrouping.
Direct the students to the sentence frame: I regrouped by taking ___ ones from the 7
and adding it to the 8 to make a multiple of 10. Then I ended up with ___ tens and ___
ones to make a total of ___. (Answer: 2, 8, 5, 85) (ELL support - Provide sentence
Read the sentence frame aloud and guide the students to fill in the blanks. (Struggling
Reader support - Read directions aloud.)
Explore (25 min.)
Pass out the Addition with Regrouping handout.
Do the first two problems from the handout with the students on the board.
Gauge whether or not the students need more guided support. If they do, consider doing
another problem with them.
Let the students work independently or with a partner to finish the rest of the handout.
Walk around and monitor students as they complete the worksheet.
Summarize (10 min.)
Prompt the students to share how they solved number 5 and number 6 on their handout
with a partner.
Remind students to use the sentence frame provided on the handout to help them
communicate their thinking to their partner.
Walk around and listen in on student discussions to monitor their understanding.
Select a student to show their work on the document camera to explain their work and
thinking when solving the addition problem.
Homework (if you are assigning homework, what will it be?):
Closure (___2___minutes): Describe how you will prompt the students to summarize the lesson
and restate the learning objective.
Ask the students what they learned today. (ELL support - Use wait time for processing
Part 3: Incorporating Academic Language
(to be completed after you have planned the content part of your lesson plan)
1. Describe the rich learning task(s) related to the content learning objective.
The students will complete the Addition with Regrouping handout that requires them to solve
addition problems by regrouping. The students must do a quick draw to represent each addend in
the addition problem and then regroup the ones to make a multiple of 10. They must also record
the total number of tens and ones as well as the total for each addition problem. The students will
also engage in a partner discussion where they will explain how they solved a problem using the
sentence frame provided on their worksheet to assist them.
2. Language Function: How will students be communicating in relation to the content in the
learning task(s)? Identify the specific function (purpose or genre) you want to
systematically address in your lesson plan that will scaffold students to stronger disciplinary
discourse. The language function will always be a verb. Some examples are: describe,
identify, explain, justify, analyze, construct, compare, or argue.
3. Language Demands: Looking at the specific function (purpose or genre) your students will
be using, what are the language demands that you will systematically address in this lesson?
Vocabulary: regroup, addend, addition, tens, ones, addition sentence, total
Key to this lesson: +, =
Syntax1: I regrouped by taking ___ ones from the ___ and adding it to the ___ to make a
multiple of 10. Then I ended up with ___ tens and ___ ones to make a total of ___.

1 Use of a variety of sentence types to clarify a message, condense information, and combine ideas, phrases, and clauses.
Discourse2: oral discussion

4. Language Objective: What is/are the language objective(s) for your lesson? (The students
For example: The students will compare different types of parallelograms using transition
words such as similarly, different from or by contrast. Note: be sure to copy and paste this
into the top of the lesson planner.
The students will explain how they solved an addition problem with regrouping using the syntax,
I regrouped by taking ___ ones from the ___ and adding it to the ___ to make a multiple of 10.
Then I ended up with ___ tens and ___ ones to make a total of ___.
5. What does your language objective sound like/look like for different levels of language
learners? Ask yourself, What would the students say/write when using the language
function. Remember to consider the language demands while creating sample language that
the students might use.
Emerging Expanding Bridging
I solved this problem by I solved this problem by I regrouped by taking ___
regrouping. regrouping. My total was ones from the ___ and
! ___. adding it to the ___ to
make a multiple of 10.
Then I ended up with ___
tens and ___ ones to make
a total of ___.
6. Language Support: What instructional strategies will you use during your lesson to teach
the specific language skill and provide support and opportunities for guided and independent

Instruction Guided Practice Independent Practice

Model how to explain how Filling in the sentence frame Share explanations with
they solved a problem when as a whole class. partner. (Pair-share)

2Discourse includes the structures of written and oral language, as well as how member of the discipline talk, write,
and participate in knowledge construction.
7. Be sure to incorporate your ideas in #6 above into your actual lesson plan!

Assessment Notes:
* Be sure to incorporate assessment items of your targeted academic language into your
* Be sure to review any assessments you are going to use, and consider what modifications you
may need to make for your language learners.
Name: ____________________________!
Addition with Regrouping!
1. 37 + 25 = 2. 48 + 35!
Tens_______ Ones_______ Tens_______ Ones_______!
Total________ Total________!
3. 39 + 14 = 4. 23 + 58!
Tens_______ Ones_______ Tens_______ Ones_______!
Total________ Total________!
5. 17 + 59 = 6. 44 + 38!
Tens_______ Ones_______ Tens_______ Ones_______!
Total________ Total________!
7. 66 + 34 = 8. 27 + 65!
Tens_______ Ones_______ Tens_______ Ones_______!
Total________ Total________!
Sentence Frame: I regrouped by taking ___ ones from the ___ and adding it
to the ___ to make a multiple of 10. Then I ended up with ___ tens and ___
ones to make a total of ___.

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