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Direct Stafford
Jose Orozco
Jacob Wise
John Pham
Eligibility requirements
Recipients must be at least half time students,
attempting a degree, and have finished and submitted
a FAFSA form. Then you need to enroll in entrance
counseling if it is your first direct loan from the bank,
sign a master promissory note, and agree to the terms
of the loan.
Amount given to students
For first year undergraduates: the amount you are allowed to take out is $5,500 for
dependent students (No more than $3,500 may be in subsidized loans)

Independant students can take out around $9,500

The amount of money being given to students rises more when you are in college
for longer time. Due to need

Example: A college freshmen can take out less than what a college junior can.
Repayment Specifics
You should pay interest while in school to minimize loan dept.
If you do not pay the interest, it will increase and be added to
your total repayment amount.
You pay less in interest if you are able to pay the loan back
while still in school, though most students cannot.
You generally have 10 to 25 years to repay the loan.
Additional information
You dont need to have a financial need to receive this loan.

The interest rate is 3.76% for undergraduates and 5.31% for graduates

Amounts of money, you are allowed to take out, are dependent and can change throughout
what year you are on. (2nd year undergraduates can take more money out than a first year

The difference between subsidized and unsubsidized loans is that unsub loans start
acquiring interest as soon as the money is taken out.

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