Theguatemalanreport Romanbautista

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The Guatemalan Report


Guatemala City, GuatemalaMonday, June 28, 1954

America Needs to Stop Being Hypocritical!!!

The democratically elected million on the operation monetary compensation
President of Guatemala which included creating a for the land to the UFC,
Jacobo Arbenz Guzman radio station and planting which was rejected.
stories in the US press. Although the United States
Now he is currently being was given a deal for the
overthrown by another land, they refused and
leader. thought that the
Guatemalan Government
Know your Values was under Communist
America! influence from the Soviets.
During the Cold War, the The President of
United States claimed that Guatemala later address in
its goal was to contain his speech made
communism. However, yesterday, The truth is
United States actions in elsewhere--in financial
Guatemala demonstrate interests of the United Fruit
_____________________________ that the United States Company and other US
__________ intervened only when its firms that have invested
Historical economic and ideological much in Guatemala. It is
Background interests were supported. clear that the United
In 1951, colonel Jacobo Consequently, American States is doing this more
Arbenz Guzman assumed actions during the Cold for their financial gain.
presidency of Guatemala War created instability in _____________________________
from Dr. Juan Jose Arevalo. Guatemala and __________Logo for the
His plan was to increase undermined the nations United Fruit Company
education, health care and values of democracy and
wages for workers which capitalism.
Arbenz promised to Near the start of the Cold
continue. The next year, War, democratically
President Truman elected president of
authorized the CIA to Guatemala, Jacobo Arbenz,
overthrow Arbenz. wanted to make changes
Guatemala proposes the for the people of _____________________________
Agrarian Reform which Guatemala. One of his __________
would give back 71% of reforms was called the
land from the United Fruit Agrarian Reform which After a few months since
Company. He plans to give ordered for the distribution the deal, the United States
them $16 million for of the land of about 71% President Eisenhower order
compensation. The US from the United Fruit the CIA to arm Carlos
rejected the offer. Company back to their Castillo Armas, a
Eisenhower orders the CIA people. Guatemalan living in
to arm Carlos Castillo and This was considered as Nicaragua, to start up a
the CIA acceptable because the rebellion against Arbenz.
begins preparations for a president of Guatemala Meanwhile the CIA
coup offered continue
detat. They spent over $2 their values because they
have shown to go against citizen for his thoughts
preparations for a coup their word.It is about time on the
detat that the United States Agrarian reform and he
for the same reason. This learn their values. stated,
was all done for the Id be glad to have some
purpose of trying to A map showing the United land from the United Fruit
overthrow the current States, While Guatemala is Company. This why I
Guatemalan President directly south of Mexico. elected him for presidency,
even though he to make changes. After
democratically elected by A Word From Our the conversation, Lopez
the country. The United People questioned the United
States are being We have shared our own States consistency and he
hypocrites. They claim to opinion and explained our responded, I think that we
protect the Third World and reasons as to why the United should be able to keep our
provide democracy where States werent consistent current leader and not
there isnt, but in with their values. So we had have a stranger who we
Guatemala we are trying to some of our reporters go out didnt elect, run our
do the same and cant to ask a few of our citizens country and tell us what to
because the US is about our country. do.
attempting to ruin it for One of our reporters, Anthony Another one of our
their own interests of the Lopez, asked an reporters, Maria Garcia,
UFC. We elected for our anonymous found a mother of two and
president and we deserve she was gladly open to
to have someone running telling us how she felt over
this country from our the whole situation with
decision without having the United States. She
anyone interrupting or started with the following,
meddling with our My country and our
democratic society. leader, Jacobo Arbenz,
In conclusion, the United plans to improve our
States is violating our education and our health
democratic and capitalistic care. As a mother and to
society for their own all the moms, why would
economic interests for the you get rid of a president
growth of the United Fruit that we elected when he
Company. It is clear that is trying to help us grow.
the United States did
not match

Below is a chart showing the difference in both the economic and social environments between the
United States and Guatemala.
Statistical Analysis Year: United States Guatemala

GDP per Capita $15,137.06 N/A

Infant Mortality Rate 29.35 per 1000 live births 138.73 per 1000 live births

Population 167,800,050 3,518,608

Population Growth Rate 1.77% N/A

The chart above explains how Guatemala doesnt want to share their information on their Gross Domestic
Product per capita (population) or even Population Growth Rate. The reader can also take from it is that in
Guatemala, there are more deaths of infants by roughly 110 per 1000 live births compared to the United
States. The United States also has more than 50 times more people at around 167,800,050 whereas
Guatemala has about 3,518,608. It is obvious that these two countries are very different according to the

Work Cited

Resignation Speech of President Jacobo Arbenz Guzman:

Arbenz Guzman, Jacobo. Resignation Speech of President Jacobo Arbenz. 27 June 1954,

Photo of Jacobo Arbenz:

Jacobo Arbenz Guzmn 25 Presidente de Guatemala (1951-1954)., 15 Sept. 2013,

The United Fruit Company Logo:

Kurtz-Phelan, Daniel. The United Fruit Company Logo., 2 March 2008,

Guatemala and United States Map:

North America.,

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