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Jose Orozco, Moira Orr, Hannah Quach, Mary Ashley Rivera

Mrs. Lawler
Per. 2 APUSH
1 December 2016

Civil War Metaphor Maps

Your group is responsible for creating ONE giant metaphor to explain the events leading up to the Civil War.
Your metaphor needs to be original, creative, and colorful. Your academic task is to include all 11 events from
the list below into your ONE metaphor. Your representations do not need to be people or characters. They may
be objects, events, and places as long as they all come from the same story/movie/book/cartoon etc.. You will
be presenting your metaphor to the class, remember to use your HISTORICAL THINKING SKILLS to explain
the key events in the road to war. It will not be enough to just mention them. You must make the
CONNECTIONS between your representation and the specific events.

1 person in your group should make a copy of this document and share it with all others. You are all
responsible for completing this together. You may NOT begin the poster until this is complete.
Be sure to know the details about each event (when, who was involved, what happened, etc.) and of
course, the SIGNIFICANCE of each event. You should consider whether the event/key term moved the
nation closer to war or further from war and how.
Event Description & SIGNIFICANCE Representation in the Metaphor

Compromise of Attempt to Balance between North (non slave Bing bong: like the compromise,
1820 states) and a South (slave states) to make voting he attempted fix the problem of the
balanced. Worried southerners and northerners cores but his solution of using the
for rest of Louisiana Territory. Was unable to wagon is not good enough and he
keep the peace and was replaced ends up being forgotten,

Compromise of The Compromise of 1850 was presented by The Console: how all the emotions
1850 Henry Clay and had 5 total effects: have to share the panel with each
1) Admit California into Union as a free other and possibly compromise on
state actions, just like the north and
2) Divide New Mexico Territory into Utah south compromising on laws and
and New Mexico, introduce Popular decisions. No one gets exactly
Sovereignty and allow people residing in what they want but at least they
territory to vote if slavery is allowed aren't outright hostile.
3) Separate Texas and New Mexico territory
into two different states and give Texas
$10 million for debt
4) Abolish the Slavery Trade in DC
5) New fugitive slave law that will become
heavily enforced in North

Wilmot Proviso (did An attempt to make slavery illegal in any new Fear: scared of everything, like
not pass) land gained from the mexican-american war. how southerners scared of
Including california, Arizona new mexico and northerners gaining all the power
colorado utah and nevada. Passed the house and abolishing slavery
twice but did not pass the senate. One of the first
conflict between non slavery and slavery states.

Uncle Toms Cabin A novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe that Joy: thinks that sadness is not good
portrayed the story of a slave with a very abusive for the girl, similar to how
Moira owner named Simon Legree. This caused many northerners know slavery should
northerners and europeans to view the not be legal as it is morally wrong.
southerners as horrible and monstrously abusive
people. The southerners took it as if the
northerners as just usual proof that they were
against the southern way of life.

Ostend Manifesto President Polk attempts to buy Cuba for $100 Dad: moves as job was relocated
million from Spain, who rejects the proposal. In and has intentions for it to benefit
Moira 1852 President Pierce sends 3 diplomats to family, but just ended up angering
Ostend, Belgium to secretly negotiate for Cuba Riley. Relates to how the president
once more. However, it was leaked to the US wanted to buy cuba but angered
press which angered the anti slavery members in people.
congress and led to pierce stop.

Kansas-Nebraska In 1854, Senator Douglas planned on building a The forgetters: decide which
Act transcontinental railroad and promote western memories are important and
settlement, but in order to do so he needed unimportant, which relates to
souther approval which he did through a bill that citizens decide if slavery is
states that Nebraska Territory be split into the important in the state or not
Kansas and Nebraska Territory and that the
settlers can decide if it will have slavery. The bill
repealed the compromise of 1820 and created a
new political party that opposes the spread of
slavery: the republican party.

Bleeding Kansas Bleeding Kansas is the land that held most of the Disgust: she always wants things
fighting in Kansas between the proslavery and her way, like how each side wants
Hannah antislavery groups. This was the show of resort slavery to go their own way.
so violence, and helped bring the civil war

Dred Scott v. A black slave (Dred Scott) whose suit for Sadness: she tries to help but
Sanford freedom was denied by the U.S. Supreme Court always messes up, similar to Dred
because a slave was not a citizen and therefore Scott wanted to change his life but
could not sue in a federal court. it got messed up
Lincoln-Douglas Between Lincoln and Stephen Douglas, Main Riley: has issues with moving, and
Debates issue was how slavery should be handled. Was finally confronts her parents about
published all around the union. Many of the same the issue of her being sad about the
issues came up when Lincoln ran for president move. This can be linked to the
debates, as Lincoln confronts
Douglas numerous times about his
issues on slavery.

John Browns Raid John Brown wanted abolition of slavery and Anger: he believe that the best way
believed in armed slave revolts to achieve it. to make Riley happy is running
Ashley Killed pro-slavery supporters. Lead raid on away and does just that, similar to
Harpers fairy armoury to secure weapons but was how John Brown believed that
unsuccessful and executed for treason. having slave uprisings would help
improve the Union.

Election of Lincoln The democratic party fell out as the northerners Jangles: He was not favourited by
and southerners wanted two different candidates, the people at all thought he had
Ashley leaving the republicans with them expecting an good intentions, like how Lincoln
easy win and elected Lincoln. A fourth party was not the popular vote among
came forward from a combination and was called people.
the constitutional party, who elected John Bell.
The overall election gave Lincoln the win with
electoral votes, however he was not the majority
of popular vote.

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