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Lesson Plan Form - LBS 400

Revised 09/09/14 JC

Candidate: Subject: Grade level(s): Date:

Tanayshua Sterling Language Arts 4th 4-24-17
R.1.4.2 Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the

I. DESCRIPTION OF CONTENT & CONTENT TYPE (Fact, Procedure, Concept, or Principle):

What are students learning? Concept


Given ________a short text The Football game________________, students will _be able to
____understand (level of cognition) ________the main idea___________________ (content) by
_____________using main idea chart ___________________ (proving behavior or activity)

DOK/Cognitive Rigor Level: Understanding

Language Demands (What demands in terms of language does this lesson require of students,
Particularly English Learners?):

Students should be able to read English

III. CURRICULUM CONNECTION (How lesson fits into the larger unit sequence): What lesson
comes before this lesson? The teacher will do a read aloud introducing the Main idea detail chart, and
show students how to pull out the main idea.
What lesson comes after this lesson? (Independent practice) Students will read a short text on The
Football Game and complete Main idea detail chart.

A. ENGAGEMENT (Motivational Activity): Teacher will lead a brief discussion with students on
why it is important to read and comprehend informational text. Tell students that it is not only
important to read informational text from textbooks, but also from their peers. Tell students they
will be reading and analyzing an essay about The Football Game written by, a middle grade

Student friendly objective: By the end of our lesson you should _understand_______________ (level
of cognition) _the main idea (content) by completing a Main idea detail worksheet (proving behavior or

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to teach students how to determine what the author is
B. INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE (Teaching Methodology with Student Activities):

Step #1: ____Main Idea of a text___________________________________________

a. T input: Teacher will activate prior knowledge by asking students what is the definition of the main
idea. (Use popsicle sticks to call on students)
b. Student response: Wait for students response (give think time).

Step #2: _Main Idea (re-explain) _____________________________________________

a. T input: Teacher will re-explain what the main idea is. The main idea of a text is the most important
point the author is making about the topic.
b. Student response: Students will re-explain the main idea to their elbow partner and again in choral

Step #3: Scaffolding ______________________________________________

a. T input: Teacher will model and explain how to find the main idea by reading over a text and
underlining the supporting details.
b. Student response: Students will discuss with elbow partner how the main idea was found.

Step #4: Main Idea worksheet

a. T input: Teacher will pass out main idea worksheets and model how to find the main idea.
b. Student response: students will participate by completing the main idea worksheet.

Step #5: Guided Practice

a. T input: Teacher will pass out a copy of the text, The Football Game to students and read the text
aloud to the class.
b. Student response: Students will work with a partner to find the main idea.

C. APPLICATION ACTIVITY (Practice and/or Reflection): Tell students when they are done
reading, they need to raise their hands then go on to complete question 1 and 2. While students are
partner reading and completing numbers 1 and 2 walk around the room to make sure students are on
task. Help students when needed. Once the student has competed questions 1 and 2 they are ready to
move on to question 3, give them a copy of the main idea worksheet to complete assignment.

D. MATERIALS & RESOURCES: The Football Game (text), Main idea sheet, and highlighters.

V. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES (Methods for Obtaining Evidence of Learning):

Formative: Teacher will walk around classroom to check for understanding.

Summative (at the end of the lesson): Students will complete The Football Game worksheet for a ticket
out the door.


Instruction, Practice): Pair a student who needs support with a student who understands the lesson content.
Challenge above level students to research an interesting subject and work on an essay outline for it
between activities.

VII. HOMEWORK (if appropriate):

Students will receive a text, The Pet show, using their main idea worksheet they will find the main idea of
the text.

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