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Diane Gayley

Heather Pate

Intro to Education

11th, April 2017

My Philosophy of Education

I believe that a welcoming, safe, positive, and flexible classroom is key to learning. All

children are different, and all have different needs, wants, and interests. Some will come into my

art classroom and already be passionate artists, while others might not feel artistically inclined

at all. Either way, all students within my classroom will be treated with equal respect, attention,

and value.

A good teacher should strive to be aware of their students emotional, social, physical,

and learning-based needs at all times. A students personal development and wellbeing should

always be the number one priority: ahead of assignments or curriculum.

I plan to teach art, and my class will be taught in a very hands-on way, with basic

instruction for materials, technique, and project boundaries, but mostly through learning-by-

doing. I believe visual arts especially should be taught in a student-centered, progressive way,

to let students practice and gain skill/comfort with materials and ideas at their own pace. Basic

structure of units and grade requirements are important, as they help guide students through the

goals of the class, but ultimately my goal as a teacher is to let kids learn and create in their own

individual way.

I plan to teach with a humanist approach, and I want my students to find inclusion

through class discussion and self-actualization through creative decision-making. We will

discuss and embrace cultural differences throughout the classroom, and find connections

through the art we enjoy and create as a class.

A classroom should always be a positive environment, and that begins with a positive-

thinking teacher. My classroom will be an optimistic, creative, and comfortable space for all

students. A place to experiment, learn, discover, and occasionallymake mistakes! No artist is


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