Cummings Summativeassessment Final

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Name ______________________________________________________ Date


Humans of Cville
Identity Exploration through Word and Image
Identity cannot be
found or fabricated
but emerges from within
when one has the courage to let go.

- Doug Cooper

We are beginning with a project that will challenge you to grow and explore your
notions of identity.
At the end of this unit, you will have tackled these objectives:

You will KNOW that (Cognitive)

1. Your identity is fluid and ever-evolving. (C.1) [Lesson C, 1, 9]
2. Your identity is shaped by the people, experiences, and media they
encounter. (C.2) [Lesson B, 1, 2, 5, 6]
3. Active listening allows for deeper understanding. (C.3) [Lesson 3, 5, 7]
4. The identities and experiences of your neighbors are unique. (C.4) [Lesson 3]
5. Quotation marks are used in various settings. (C.5) [Lesson 4, 6]
6. Writing is a process that enjoys multiple revisions. (C.6) [Lesson 6, 8]

You will VALUE that (Affective/Non-Cognitive)

1. Growth mindset means your readiness is on a flexible continuum. (A.1)
[Lesson A, C, 5, 6]
2. Creativity and activism can bring forth change. (A.2) [Lesson 8]
3. One should show respect for the different identities you encounter. (A.3)
[Lesson C, 2, 9]
4. Vulnerability in writing can strengthen ones identity. (A.4) [Lesson B, 1, 4, 5]
5. You have the chance to know and learn from your neighbors. (A.5) [Lesson 3,
6. Direct quotations are powerful writing tools. (A.6) [Lesson 4, 6]
7. Reviewing and presenting work yields constructive feedback. (A.7) [Lesson 7]

You will ATTEMPT to (Performative)

1. Create positive class communities built on respect and trust. (P.1) [Lesson A,

Humans of Cville Project | Page 2

2. Listen and engage with one another in meaningful and respectful ways. (P.2)
[Lesson A, 2, 4]
3. Create purposeful questions for a target audience. (P.3) [Lesson 3]
4. Strive to bring forth positive change by inspiring others. (P.4) [Lesson 7, 9]
5. Reflect on your own identity, culture, and biases. (P.5) [Lesson 1, 4]
6. Describe your identity and how it has been shaped. (P.6) [Lesson 2]
7. Describe someone elses identity and how it has been shaped. (P.7) [Lesson
5, 6, 9]
8. Listen actively to learn about someone elses identity. (P.8) [Lesson 3, 5]
9. Present your interview findings for review of theme and quality. (P.9) [Lesson
10.Revise your work for the best display of your efforts. (P.10) [Lesson 8]

Unit Concept: Identity

21st Century Focus: Digital Storytelling

Enduring Understandings:
1. Honesty and respect yield strong communities.
2. Uniqueness is to be celebrated.
3. Empathy is a vehicle of compassion.

Essential Questions:
1. Who Am I?
2. Who is my neighbor? Why should I care?
3. What is my identity? Is it okay that we are all different?


Jimmy's Introduction A Journey to be Loved by Jimmy Santiago Baca

Homeboy Industries supplementary article
Excerpt from I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai
Book study of Humans of New York by Brandon Stanton
[i carry your heart with me(i carry it in] by e.e. cummings

Relevant media (audio/video/film clips, ads, etc.):

How do you define yourself? | Lizzie Velasquez TEDx Talk

Humans of Cville Project | Page 3

HONY Models

Models (Texts, graphic organizers, etc.):

Personal journal from from Ecuador, Rostro de Cristo
Book of Strrangers
Supporting handouts (informational, graphic organizers, etc.)
- Writers Notebook
- Reading logs
- Graphic organizers
- Reading guides
- ELL / vocabulary supplements
- Exit slips

Brief Overview of Humans of Cville

You will create a portfolio of work featuring photographs or drawings of people in
your community. You will interview community members and engage in meaningful
conversations. You will then create one to two paragraph captions for each portrait
or picture, providing a background on the people you got to know. Your final
portfolio should feature five people.

Humans of Cville Project | Page 4

Components of the Project

STAGE ONE: Explore and Brainstorm

Componen Type of
Description Grading

Personal Complete personal reflection to explore your own Completio

Reflection identities and biases. n

Use your reflection to create an autobiographical

Autobiograph Completio
caption of your own life, setting a baseline format and
ical Caption n
tone for how your project will proceed.

Brainstorm and create a list of five questions that are

appropriate, thought-provoking, open-ended, and Completio
interesting so you have a bank of questions from which n
to pull during your dialogue and interview with
community members.

Select one of the following questions that you will ask

all of your community members:

1. What is one hope or wish for your community? Completio

2. What part of your identity do you cherish the n
3. How has your identity changed throughout your

Brainstorm and create a list of at least eight people and

four places where you can meet and interview
People and members of your community. You may ultimately
Places interview no more than two family members, and
please be prepared to engage in meaningful and
focused dialogue with them!

Humans of Cville Project | Page 5

STAGE TWO: Dialogue and Assemble
Componen Type of
Description Grading

Interview your five participants, and give them the

consent form to use their name, words, and picture if
they are comfortable. Should participants wish to
Interview and
remain anonymous, you can consider alternative ways Completio
to photograph or draw their interviewees, and you n
will write Anonymous as participants name. Be sure
to check out our examples from Humans of New York
that highlight creative portraits of hands or objects so
as to preserve the privacy of the participant!
See rubric
Write one to two paragraph captions for each for
Captions captions

Create a portfolio that will be shared with our class. See rubric
This portfolio can either be completed online using a for
Portfolio portfolio
publishing platform, through software to create a PDF,
or done by hand.

Write a brief reflection on your takeaways from this

project, including any themes you noticed about your
Reflection n
participants and a summary of your common question

STAGE THREE: Share and Evaluate

Componen Type of
Description Grading

Present your portfolios to a small group of

approximately four students each. Your presentation
Presentation will include reflective findings, highlights of one favorite Completio
and interview or moment, and any lingering questions or n
Discussion comments you may have. Each small group will listen
actively, taking notes and engaging in meaningful
Complete group evaluations on the quality of n and
Evaluation Quality
presentations and discussion in your small group.

Humans of Cville Project | Page 6

Revise your autobiographical caption to include or See rubric
make space for changes you may want to include for
Autobiograph revision
having had the chance to explore your identity through
ical Caption
your growth in community with others.

Write and submit one original quote about identity or

Original empathy to serve as your big learning takeaway. These
Quote quotes will be compiled, displayed in our room, and
shared with our class.

Humans of Cville Project | Page 7

Rubrics for the Project

Rubric for CAPTIONS

Compon Poin
Description Feedback
ent ts
You should have
interviewed and
written captions for a
total of five people, __/10
with the option of
including up to two
family members.
Your captions should
be one to two
paragraphs in length,
showcasing well-
written and respectful
Captions __/25
descriptions of your
participants. Each
caption should
include at least one
direct quote.
Your caption is
capitalized, and
formatted properly. __/15
Dont forget quotation
marks around your
direct quote!
This is the portion of
your rubric that
allows for some
individualized growth
Make it and feedback. Youll
shine! review your work and
see where you can
continue practicing
your skills in the
Total and

Humans of Cville Project | Page 8

Humans of Cville Project | Page 9
Rubric for PORTFOLIO
Compon Poin
Description Feedback
ent ts
Your five interviews
should include one
image each to
represent your
participants. Your
Images image can be: a facial __/10
portrait; an
photograph of their
hands, shoes, etc.; a
drawing; a logo; etc.
Your headings and
captions should be
Headings __/10
neatly hand-written or
Your portfolio can be
neatly hand-written or
created digitally on
Word/Google Docs,
Display PowerPoint/Google __/50
Slides, a website, or
another software of
your choice, so long
as you can share it
with our class.
This is the portion of
your rubric that
allows for some
individualized growth
Make it and feedback. Youll
shine! review your work and
see where you can
continue practicing
your skills in the
Total and

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Rubric for REVISION
Compon Poin
Description Feedback
ent ts
After doing this
project, you will go
back to your original
caption and reread it.
How did interviewing __/20
community members
and learning about
their identities
influence the way you
view your identity?
Reread your original
caption. Are there
new parts you want to
include or take out?
Revise __/15
You should make at
least one revision to
your caption and
explain why you
chose to do so.
Your autobiographical
Mechanic caption is punctuated,
s capitalized, and
formatted properly.
This is the portion of
your rubric that
allows for some
individualized growth
Make it and feedback. Youll
shine! review your work and
see where you can
continue practicing
your skills in the

Total and __/50


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