Cummings Curriculummap Final

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CBUP | Curriculum Map | Claire Cummings

Objectives, Texts, and Assessments Summary of Activities
O: 1. Opening
Growth mindset means your readiness is on a 2. Ice breaker (snowball fight) and introductions
flexible continuum. (A.1) 3. This is your classroom. This is your life.
Create positive class communities built on 4. Set up writers notebooks
A respect and trust. (P.1) 5. Expectations and norms discussions
Listen and engage with one another in 6. Learning styles and interest inventory
meaningful and respectful ways. (P.2) 7. Closure
T: N/A
A: Learning Styles and Interests inventory
O: 1. Opening
Create positive class communities built on 2. Ice breaker (speed friending) and name
respect and trust. (P.1) refresher
Your identity is shaped by the people, 3. TEDx Talk by Lizzie Velasquez
experiences, and media you encounter. (C.2) 4. Small group discussion and share out
Vulnerability in writing can strengthen ones 5. Review norms and comfortability
identity. (A.4) 6. Closure
T: How do you define yourself? | Lizzie
Velasquez TEDx Talk
A: Norm creation and solidification
O: 1. Opening
Your identity is fluid and ever-changing (C.1) 2. Ice breaker (community bingo) and name
Growth mindset means your readiness is on a refresher
flexible continuum. (A.1) 3. Classroom tour and procedural explanations
One should show respect for the different 4. Reading log set up and pick first book
identities you encounter. (A.3) 5. Revisit norms
T: Chosen by each student 6. Learning styles inventory results discuss
A: Reading Log 7. Closure
O: 1. Opening
Identity is fluid and ever-evolving (C.1) 2. You-niverse reflection
Your identity is shaped by the people, 3. Share out with elbow partner
experiences, and media you encounter. (C.2) 4. Pick one you are most proud to call yours
Vulnerability in writing can strengthen ones and write why
identity. (A.4) 5. Read [i carry your heart with me(i carry it
1 Reflect on their own identity, culture, and in]
biases. (P.5) 6. Writers notebook response
T: [i carry your heart with me(i carry it in] 7. Class share out
FL by e.e. cummings 8. Closure
P A:
Bell Ringer are authors brave for sharing
their personal stories? Why or why not?
You-niverse graphic organizer
What are you most proud to call yours and
What do you carry in your heart?
2 O: 1. Opening and bell ringer
Your identity is shaped by the people, 2. Graffiti in base groups
SL experiences, and media you encounter. (C.2) 3. Class share out
P One should show respect for the different 4. Gingerbread Person
identities you encounter. (A.3) 5. HONY mentor text study
Describe your identity and how it has been 6. Self-guided HONY exploration
shaped. (P.6) 7. Share Out
Listen and engage with one another in 8. Closure
meaningful and respectful ways (P.2)
T: Humans of New York by Brandon Stanton
CBUP | Curriculum Map | Claire Cummings
Are bad experiences ever a good thing?
Free Write: Why should you get to know your
neighbor better? How should we treat our
neighbors? What do you think people think
about you?
O: 1. Opening and share out
Active listening allows for deeper 2. Introduce Story Vocabulary
understanding (C.3) 3. Word Associations
The identities and experiences of their 4. Share out games
neighbors are unique. (C.4) 5. Transition and discuss active listening
You have the chance to know and learn from strategies
your neighbors (A.5) 6. Story: Jimmys Introduction: A Journey to be
Create purposeful questions for a target Loved from Adolescents on the Edge by Jimmy
3 audience (P.3) Santiago Baca
Actively listen to learn about someone elses 7. Asking questions for your neighbor
FL identity. (P.8) 8. Closure
P T: Jimmys Introduction: A Journey to be
Loved from Adolescents on the Edge by
Jimmy Santiago Baca
What do you think we can get out of reading
a story of someone elses life? Does it even
matter? How might it help you grow and
learn more?
Asking questions for your neighbor
O: 1. Opening
Reflect on their identity, culture, and biases 2. Bell Ringer Quotation google form
(P.5) 3. Turn and talk
Quotation marks are used in various settings. 4. Quotation celebration
(C.5) 5. I am Malala Excerpt
Writing about ones identity is a vulnerable 6. Humans of New York captions and share out
4 and courageous way to strengthen it. (A.4) 7. Processing in Writers notebook
Direct quotations are powerful writing tools. 8. Closure
FL (A.6)
P T: Excerpt from I Am Malala by Malala
Bell ringer on quotes
Free Write: What might someone say in a
caption about you? What would a book about
you say?
5 O: 1. Opening
Active listening allows for deeper 2. Active listening
FL understanding (C.3) 3. Homeboy Industries
P Your identity is shaped by the people, 4. Write questions
experiences, and media you encounter (C.2) 5. Ask your neighbor
Growth mindset means your readiness is on a 6. Processing in Writers Notebook
flexible continuum (A.1) 7. Closure
Writing about ones identity is a vulnerable
and courageous way to strengthen it. (A.4)
You have the chance to know and learn from
your neighbors. (A.5)
Describe someone elses identity and how it
has been shaped (P.7)
Listen actively to learn about someone elses
CBUP | Curriculum Map | Claire Cummings
identity (P.8)
T: Homeboy Industries article
Brainstorm: Distraction vs. Attention
What does active listening look like?
Respond to listening vs. judging someones
Generating questions and practicing
O: 1. Opening
Quotation marks are used in various settings. 2. Bell Ringer quotation review
(C.5) 3. Review of quotations
Writing is a process that enjoys multiple 4. Model writing captions
revisions. (C.6) 5. HONY study
6 Growth mindset means your readiness is on a
flexible continuum. (A.1) 6. Caption practice
Direct quotations are powerful writing tools 7. Write project reflection and common
SL (A.6) question summary
P Describe someone elses identity and how it
has been shaped. (P.7)
T: Humans of New York by Brandon Stanton
Bell ringer: quotation review
Project reflection submission
O: 1. Opening
Active listening allows for deeper 2. Expectation Review
understanding. (C.3) 3. Workshop on Captions and Interview
Reviewing and presenting work yields Materials
7 constructive feedback. (A.7) 4. Present portfolio to small group
Strive to bring forth positive change by 5. Evaluate group on quality of material and
SL inspiring others (P.4) discussion
P Present your interview findings for review of 6. Notice Trends
theme and quality. (P.9) 7. Closure
Expectations Review
Group evaluation
O: 1. Opening
Writing is a process that enjoys multiple 2. Growth Mindset Bell Ringer
revisions. (C.6) Creativity and activism can 3. Workshop on writing captions
8 bring forth change (A.2) 4. Digitally upload materials to portfolio
Revise your work for the best display of your 5. Book of strangers
SL efforts. (P.10) 6. Reflection
P T: Book of Strangers 7. Closure
A: Growth mindset bell ringer
Autobiographical caption revision and
individual evaluation on power of writing.
9 O: 1. Opening
Your identity is fluid and ever-evolving. (C.1) 2. Bell Ringer
SL One should show respect for the different 3. Reflect on process or complete submission
P identities you encounter. (A.3) 4. Write original quote
Strive to bring forth positive change by 5. Presentation in Base Groups
inspiring others. (P.4) 6. Rostro de Cristo Journal
Describe your identity and how it has been 7. Closure
shaped. (P.6)
T: Rostro de Cristo Journal
CBUP | Curriculum Map | Claire Cummings
Bell Ringer: How can your writing inspire
change in others?
Original quote submission

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