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Flor Perez


1. Label MENTAL MAP #1 - Use outline map that is provided

2. Create GOOGLE DOC for the Mapping Lab of the United States and
Canada with the following categories: (1) HEADING - Name, Date, Period,
and Title; (2) WHAT I KNOW ALREADY - reflection on first mental map in
paragraph form; (3) WHAT I WANT TO LEARN - bullet list of 25 physical or
human characteristics (you need to have a combination of both - physical
and human. You cannot just do states and provinces.); (4) LEARNING LOG
- HOW I LEARNED - list of everything that you do to learn this information;
(5) FINAL REFLECTION - complete after your second map
3. Take PICTURE of each map and attach to Google Doc
4. Grade yourself - meet standard = 80%

What I already know

I know is that where some of the locations are located. The Regional Map for
South America. I would like to learn some of the countries name also some of the
southern states.
1. California
2. Utah
3. Colorado
4. Kansas
5. Arizona
6. New Mexico
7. Alabama
8. Mississipi river
9. Southern States
10. Nevada
11. Santa Fe
12. Climates for united states
13. mexico
14. Brazil
15. Venezuela
16. Colombia
17. Peru
18. Bolivia
19. Paraguay
20. Argentina
21. chile

My final mental Map My first mental map

ON my Final I got a 27 more on my map I am really proud of myself because i

know That I can show big improvement on everything. I also have showed that I
did try harder
I believe that I should get A 85% because I have made a big improvement from my
mental map than I did before I also think that grade is best because i really work
hard to had made a change or improvement to my mental map for united states
and canada map.Also because I did study for my Mental map Quiz.
Next time we have another mental map I will keep on studying for my Quiz so
then I can make more improvement towards my map.

There are many obstacles in life whether or not there are many things in life.
There will be people that will Matain so many other things in order to stop your

My personal narrative

My name is Flor Perez,

what I have learned from this game that Mrs. Hatch had on her page

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